Custom Query (14 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#400 WarFoundry on ubuntu 12.04(x64) needinfo_new critical WarFoundry GTK 0.2 General/Unknown
#59 Add tests for API confirmed major WarFoundry-API
#154 Customisable file save locations confirmed major WarFoundry-GUIs
#186 Add more useful information to exceptions confirmed major WarFoundry-API
#251 Warn if a loader can't be found for armies confirmed major WarFoundry-API
#266 Category names shouldn't be editable confirmed major WarFoundry Qt 0.1 WarFoundry-GUI-Qt#
#424 Basic HTML export is broken on Windows confirmed major WarFoundry WinForms 0.2 General/Unknown
#428 Awesome service new major General/Unknown
#19 Test unit stats match an allowed type confirmed minor WarFoundry API 0.2 WarFoundry-API
#48 Make XML files require schema to validate assigned minor WarFoundry API 0.2 WarFoundry-API
#313 Crash caused by requirement conflicts in datafile confirmed minor WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms
#342 Game system has no stats by default confirmed minor WarFoundry API 0.2 WarFoundry-API
#367 Make error more useful with invalid XML in multi-file zip confirmed minor WarFoundry API 0.2 WarFoundry-API
#390 Examine and fix Windows not handling multiplication character in Linux builds confirmed minor WarFoundry WinForms 0.2 WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.