Custom Query (27 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#363 Enhance XML Export UI in WinForms confirmed Dan Kulinski enhancement minor
#249 show points when adding unit needinfo_new terry enhancement minor WarFoundry WinForms 0.2
#242 Complete initial Qt# UI for WarFoundry accepted ibboard task major WarFoundry Qt 0.1
#245 Create unit tab implementation accepted ibboard task major WarFoundry Qt 0.1
#354 Add new single-button "add unit" UI accepted ibboard enhancement major WarFoundry WinForms 0.2
#255 Armytree navigation confirmed enhancement minor
#316 unitEquipmentItem to fill variable number of equipmentSlot(s) confirmed enhancement minor
#212 Add per-unit notes accepted enhancement major
#224 Replace multi-purpose "set equipment amount" command with add/remove/set confirmed enhancement trivial WarFoundry API 0.2
#247 Implement menu options in Qt# app confirmed task major WarFoundry Qt 0.1
#251 Warn if a loader can't be found for armies confirmed defect major
#266 Category names shouldn't be editable confirmed defect major WarFoundry Qt 0.1
#267 Equipment strings aren't correctly pluralised confirmed enhancement major
#280 Add prep method to factories confirmed enhancement minor
#282 Make sure that "select all" works in all text boxes accepted enhancement trivial
#286 Equipment buttons should be disabled when options aren't available confirmed enhancement major WarFoundry WinForms 0.2
#302 Handle units being added to army accepted task major WarFoundry Qt 0.1
#303 Allow deletion of units from army tree accepted task major WarFoundry Qt 0.1
#304 Change tab text on unit name change accepted task major WarFoundry Qt 0.1
#324 Add saving of Race and System data to files accepted enhancement major WarFoundry API 0.2
#328 Points systems should be translatable accepted enhancement minor
#342 Game system has no stats by default confirmed defect minor WarFoundry API 0.2
#357 Add option to not show unit window when unit is added confirmed enhancement trivial WarFoundry WinForms 0.2
#364 Enhance XML Export UI in GTK# confirmed enhancement minor
#368 Validate equipment amounts on units confirmed task major WarFoundry API 0.2
#390 Examine and fix Windows not handling multiplication character in Linux builds confirmed defect minor WarFoundry WinForms 0.2
#424 Basic HTML export is broken on Windows confirmed defect major WarFoundry WinForms 0.2
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.