Custom Query (9 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#16 Complete Rollcall file loading task major Rollcall plugin 0.2 WarFoundry-Plugin-Rollcall
#17 Complete Rollcall unit type core loading ibboard task major Rollcall plugin 0.1 WarFoundry-Plugin-Rollcall
#18 Complete Rollcall equipment loading task major Rollcall plugin 0.1 WarFoundry-Plugin-Rollcall
#26 Add error handling to Rollcall file loading task major Rollcall plugin 0.1 WarFoundry-Plugin-Rollcall
#29 Complete Rollcall unit requirement loading task major Rollcall plugin 0.2 WarFoundry-Plugin-Rollcall
#56 Add support for Allies to Rollcall task major Rollcall plugin 0.2 WarFoundry-Plugin-Rollcall
#74 Load stats of equipment with stat lines task major Rollcall plugin 0.2 WarFoundry-Plugin-Rollcall
#93 Make Rollcall plugin be a Mono.Addins enhancement major Rollcall plugin 0.2 WarFoundry-Plugin-Rollcall
#227 Colelction of system and race files for Warfoundry task major General/Unknown
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.