{5} Accepted, Active Tickets by Owner (Full Description) (19 matches)

List tickets accepted, group by ticket owner. This report demonstrates the use of full-row display.

Ticket Summary Component Milestone Type Created
#298 Separating default and required equipment WarFoundry-API enhancement 07/13/10

As discussed briefly on the forum I feel it would be a good idea to separate "default" and "required" items. Required for me as datafile creator means things that has to be taken and cannot be changed.

It makes sense from the user's perspective as most armylists contain the idea of "stuff you can upgrade" and "stuff you can't" and also present things in such a way. E.g. as in "you can swap pistol for better pistol, armour for better armour".

#213 Add abilities to units WarFoundry-API enhancement 11/09/09

Unit types already have abilities, which can be required or not, but we currently don't have a way of defining which abilities a unit has. This means that we have to assume that a unit only has its required abilities, making it impossible to add the optional abilities.

The API needs Units to have all of the required abilities for its unit type, plus a method for adding optional abilities from the unit type.

#330 Add grouping of equipment to UI WarFoundry-GUI-GTK# WarFoundry GTK 0.2 enhancement 12/29/10

Similar to Frostlee's initial design, it would be useful if the Equipment dialog could have the available options grouped by categories but with a GTK twist. This requires the categories to exist (#150) but would help reduce long lists and make the available equipment types more obvious.

#212 Add per-unit notes WarFoundry-API enhancement 11/09/09

ticket:196 is adding the notes and abilities to the unit form, but we've currently got to get the notes from the unit type. Since the notes are being displayed per-unit it would be useful if we could make notes on a per-unit basis with the unit type's notes being the default value.

#324 Add saving of Race and System data to files WarFoundry-API WarFoundry API 0.2 enhancement 12/29/10

WarFoundry Forge needs to be able to save the data it creates into a file. This should be a zip file with XML ("native" format) and other formats for other apps should be ignored and put under an "export" heading.

The new methods should extend the existing saver interface/class and (if necessary) break up classes for readability as per the existing XML Loader classes.

More discussion in the forum.

#332 Add tag searching UI WarFoundry-GUI-GTK# WarFoundry GTK 0.2 enhancement 12/29/10

Once units can be tagged we need a UI to allow users to search for specifically tagged units

#303 Allow deletion of units from army tree WarFoundry-GUI-Qt# WarFoundry Qt 0.1 task 08/07/10

As well as adding units, we need to be able to delete them. This should be done through the army tree. We will also need to remove the unit tab from the list, if it is open.

#304 Change tab text on unit name change WarFoundry-GUI-Qt# WarFoundry Qt 0.1 task 08/07/10

The unit tab should show the name of the unit. When the unit's name changes then the tab text needs to be changed as well.

#302 Handle units being added to army WarFoundry-GUI-Qt# WarFoundry Qt 0.1 task 08/07/10

The work was started under #244, but should be separated out. When a unit is added, we need to display it in the army tree and display its unit form.

#292 Investigate alternative FrmUnit designs WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms enhancement 06/19/10

Blackhawk has commented that the FrmUnit dialog should have an OK/Close button. Dialogs can already be closed with the standard "close" button, but this may not be sensible to all users as they may be concerned about losing changes.

All changes are made straight away and so using the "close" window button won't lose anything, but we could investigate alternatives, such as changing the window border type and adding a "close" button at the bottom of each form.

#282 Make sure that "select all" works in all text boxes WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms enhancement 05/26/10

Despite the fact that it is fairly standard behaviour, the default text box in .Net doesn't implement "select all" behaviour. All instances of editable text boxes should implement this behaviour, preferably by extending a different base class that has it built in where possible.

#328 Points systems should be translatable WarFoundry-API enhancement 12/29/10

As discussed on the forums the ideal (but not essential) would be to have the points systems translatable. This would probably require some kind of translation file within the zip as an override to the default values created by #99.

#215 Save unit's abilities WarFoundry-API enhancement 11/09/09

Once ticket:213 is complete and we can define abilities, we should also save the selected ones in the .army files.

ibboard (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Milestone Type Created
#150 Add grouping of equipment WarFoundry-API WarFoundry API 0.2 enhancement 09/14/09

As well as MutEx groups it would be useful to have "type" groups, such as "armour", "weapons", "magical", etc. This would need to go in to the file format and the API.

Groups should probably be defined at the Game System level and used at the Race level, although "on the fly" grouping based on whatever is typed should be a first step.

#354 Add new single-button "add unit" UI WarFoundry-GUI-WinForms WarFoundry WinForms 0.2 enhancement 08/08/11

In the "Is Our UI Good or Bad?" thread, Clutch suggested that a single "add" button with a tree view may be simpler and easier for users to understand. As a trial, we should add a UI like this with an option to switch between the two to let users choose.

#418 Build WarFoundry for Android PoC General/Unknown task 06/25/12

The guys at Xamarin have given me (IBBoard) a free Mono for Android license to use on WarFoundry, as we're a FOSS project. We now need a Proof of Concept to experiment with how a WarFoundry app might work on Android (particularly tablets, which could be useful during games).

All of the code should be re-used as much as possible, with just a new UI on the front.

#242 Complete initial Qt# UI for WarFoundry WarFoundry-GUI-Qt# WarFoundry Qt 0.1 task 01/23/10

The GTK# code is horrendous to work with for anyone who is used to Object Orientation (it uses a C-like API). Qyoto is now sufficiently mature and although QyotoDevelop is broken it can be replaced by built-in file associations and the "uics" .ui compiler.

#245 Create unit tab implementation WarFoundry-GUI-Qt# WarFoundry Qt 0.1 task 01/23/10

The Qt# version of WarFoundry needs a unit tabs, similar to the GTK# app, containing the information about the unit (stats etc)

#11 Document classes and methods WarFoundry-API task 01/04/09

Public methods should be documented so that people know what they do. Documentation should need to be minimal on classes as the method name should be descriptive and small enough to work out what it does, but contracts can sometimes still be best described in documentation.

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