Version 3 (modified by ibboard, 10 years ago) (diff)



The following are a selection of questions and answers that may or may not be frequently asked by developers. Developers and documenters can add their own questions and answers, or post in the forums to get answers to questions that will then be added here.

General Development

How do I get WarFoundry?

That depends on whether you want to get the source or the binary version.

How do I get the source code for WarFoundry?

If you just want to read it then the source code is in the Trac source code browser. Instructions and locations for checking the code out from Subversion are in our Getting Started guide.

How do I get the binary build of WarFoundry?

At the time of writing v0.1 of WarFoundry is still a milestone and hasn't been released. Binary builds will eventually be on the downloads page, or you can build it yourself.

What tools do I need to write code for WarFoundry?

At its simplest you need an editor, a compiler and a tool to check out the source code from version control and commit your changes. In practice most people use an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) like Visual Studio or MonoDevelop, which integrates the compiler. MonoDevelop also integrates version control tools for Subversion as well.

For more details see our Getting Started guide.

How do I commit my changes?

Committers need write access to the repository, but anyone can ask to be given write access. To get a developer account, sign up on this site and then contact IBBoard (either through the forums or his website) to get the account promoted to a "developer" account and a Subversion account created. Once you set up your Subversion repositories with a username and password you will be able to commit to both the WarFoundry and IBBoard utils repositories.

Additionally, we have a set of hooks to connect the dev site with the source control. This means that there are some commit message conventions that must be followed.

WarFoundry and Ohloh

What is Ohloh?

Ohloh is a directory of open source projects with a lot of extra features. It also tracks commits to source control and associates them with user accounts, as well as providing metrics on projects.

How do I claim my commits?

All commits to the WarFoundry code are done under a given username, claiming those commits as yours in the Subversion repository. To claim those commits on Ohloh (so that they're associated with your username and avatar) sign up for an account, go to the Ohloh WarFoundry project page and claim your Subversion username.