Version 3 (modified by ibboard, 10 years ago) (diff)


File Formats Explained

The following page will contain details of the WarFoundry XML file structure in plain English. If you just want to view the schemas then please look at the source code viewer. Details of the rest of the file format (e.g. the Zip file that contains the XML) are in the main file format page.

Game Systems

The Game System schema defines the basics for a game system.

Game System Basics

Each game system must have an ID that race definitions for a system reference, as well as a name. Game systems may or may not support allies (a future feature) and may or may not warn users about validation errors (a Games Workshop imposed requirement for army builder).


Each game system defines a set of categories that units must be in, with each category having a limit on either the maximum and minimum number of points or the maximum and minimum percentage of an army's total that must be taken in that category. Armies may optionally override the categories in their own definition, for example where an army has a non-standard organisation compared to the rest of the game system.


The game system defines one or more stat lines in terms of the columns the stat line contains. One stat line must be declared as the default, although multiple stat line formats can be declared.




Army files should generally be created by saving an army from the applications, but can be viewed in the same way as other data files. Armies basically define the size and name of the army that was saved, which units were in it (with name, size and reference to their unit type) as well as what equipment they had. Further details will be added later.