Version 1 (modified by ibboard, 11 years ago) (diff)


Get Involved

Below are details of how to get involved in the WarFoundry project. There are a number of different groups of people who can get involved, but contributions across the board are welcome.

Users/Bug Reporters

No software is ever perfect, and no software ever has as many users as it could have. Users are an important part of the project as without them there would be no end-users. Developers are normally users, but users aren't necessarily developers.

The most useful things that users can do are:

If you want to contribute bug report/feature tickets then you'll need to register an account on this site.


Instructions on how to get set up with the required tools and source code are in our Getting Started section, but to contribute changes back to the project you need a Subversion account and additional developer permissions on Trac.

To get a developer account, sign up on Trac and then contact IBBoard (either through the forums or his website) to get the account promoted to a "developer" account and a Subversion account created. Once you set up your Subversion repositories with a username and password you will be able to commit to both the WarFoundry and IBBoard utils repositories.