Version 34 (modified by ibboard, 8 years ago) (diff)


WarFoundry Development

WarFoundry is the cross-platform, multi-system, open-source army creation application from IBBoard. The idea started in 2006 to replace Rollcall and provide a freer (in terms of beer and speech) alternative to Army Builder from Lone Wolf Development. By the end of 2008 this area was eventually set up to allow contributions from other people and to make the application public.

WarFoundry also depends on IBBoard's utils, which have been open-sourced. A separate Trac install is available for the utils and issues relating to them.

What is here

This section of the site (the Trac install at contains:

Some useful reference pages are:

What we need and how to help

The WarFoundry team is small and needs help in several areas, all of which help the development of WarFoundry but not all of which need you to code. As an open source application it's easy to Get Involved. The main areas that we currently need help with are:

  • Developers - anyone can freely check out the source code from - set-up instructions are available in our Getting Started guide.
  • Gamers and Users - an application isn't very useful without users. The current design direction works along the lines of what seems to be needed with a basis in Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000, but with flexibility to cover a generic system. The more users we get from different game systems the better we can support them.
  • Documentation - by the time the tool reaches its 1.0 release we'll need documentation on how to use it and how to create files for it. Although the Developers know the program, they're not always the best ones to describe its use to the general public, so specific documenters are always helpful.
  • Graphics/UI - a lot of open source applications can be functionally great but have a poor user interface. The split between a back-end API library and front-end UIs makes creating new interfaces easier, but any graphical input would be appreciated.
  • Translation - WarFoundry (currently just the UI) is designed to be translatable, so please help translate it to your local language

Please note that, because of threats of legal action over a trademark, WarFoundry's ability to help users create army rosters makes it an "army creator". The name "Army Builder" is a US registered trademark of Lone Wolf Development, who also claim coverage of any phrase using a combination of derivatives of those two words or their base words in relation to army list creation software. The only situation in which the phrase "Army Builder" may be used is as a direct reference to Lone Wolf Development's application.