view api/Factories/Xml/WarFoundryXmlRaceFactory.cs @ 222:2f9ad5385707

Re #228: Crash with missing abilityID * Fix build failure because of duplicate variable name - not sure why didn't complain before first commit
author IBBoard <>
date Sun, 13 Dec 2009 19:49:50 +0000
parents 78f7456f6419
children f097888efcfe
line wrap: on
line source

//  This file (WarFoundryXmlRaceFactory.cs) is a part of the IBBoard.WarFoundry.API project and is copyright 2009 IBBoard
// The file and the library/program it is in are licensed and distributed, without warranty, under the GNU Affero GPL license, either version 3 of the License or (at your option) any later version. Please see COPYING for more information and the full license.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using IBBoard.Xml;
using IBBoard.IO;
using IBBoard.Limits;
using IBBoard.CustomMath;
using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip;
using IBBoard.WarFoundry.API.Objects;

namespace IBBoard.WarFoundry.API.Factories.Xml
	/// <summary>
	/// A sub-factory for loading WarFoundry Race XML files
	/// </summary>
	public class WarFoundryXmlRaceFactory : AbstractStagedLoadedSubFactory
		private Dictionary<Race, XmlDocument> extraData = new Dictionary<Race, XmlDocument>();
		public WarFoundryXmlRaceFactory(WarFoundryXmlFactory factory) : base (factory)
			//Do nothing special
		private void StoreExtraData(Race wfObject, XmlElement elem)
			extraData[wfObject] = elem.OwnerDocument;
		private XmlDocument GetExtraData(Race obj)
			XmlDocument extra = null;
			extraData.TryGetValue(obj, out extra);			
			return extra;
		public Race CreateRaceFromElement(ZipFile file, XmlElement elem)
			string id = elem.GetAttribute("id");
			string subid = elem.GetAttribute("subid");
			string systemID = elem.GetAttribute("system");
			string name = elem.GetAttribute("name");
			Race race = new Race(id, subid, name, WarFoundryLoader.GetDefault().GetGameSystem(systemID), mainFactory);
			StoreExtraData(race, elem);
			return race;
		public void CompleteLoading(Race race)
			if (!WarFoundryXmlFactoryUtils.CanCompleteLoading(race))
			XmlDocument extraData = GetExtraData(race);
			foreach (XmlElement node in WarFoundryXmlFactoryUtils.SelectNodes(extraData, "/race:race/race:categories/cat:cat"))
				CreateCategoryFromElement(node, race);
			foreach (XmlElement node  in WarFoundryXmlFactoryUtils.SelectNodes(extraData, "/race:race/race:equipment/race:equipmentItem"))
				CreateEquipmentItemFromElement(node, race);
			foreach (XmlElement node  in WarFoundryXmlFactoryUtils.SelectNodes(extraData, "/race:race/race:abilities/race:ability"))
				CreateAbilityFromElement(node, race);
			foreach (XmlElement node in WarFoundryXmlFactoryUtils.SelectNodes(extraData, "/race:race/race:units/race:unit"))
				GetUnitTypeForElement(node, race);

		private Category CreateCategoryFromElement(XmlElement elem, Race parentRace)
			Category cat = CreateCategoryFromElement(elem);
			return cat;

		private UnitType GetUnitTypeFromDocument(XmlDocument doc, string id, Race parentRace)
			XmlElement unitWithId = WarFoundryXmlFactoryUtils.SelectSingleElement (doc, "/race:race/race:units/race:unit[@id='" + id + "']");
			if (unitWithId == null)
				throw new InvalidFileException("Could not find unit with ID "+id);
			return GetUnitTypeForElement(unitWithId, parentRace);
		private UnitType GetUnitTypeForElement(XmlElement elem, Race parentRace)
			string id = elem.GetAttribute("id");
			UnitType type = parentRace.GetUnitType(id);

			if (type==null)
				type = CreateUnitTypeFromElement(elem, id, parentRace);
			return type;

		private UnitType CreateUnitTypeFromElement(XmlElement elem, string id, Race parentRace)
			string name = elem.GetAttribute("typeName");
			UnitType type = new UnitType(id, name, parentRace);
			LoadCoreValuesForUnitType(elem, type);
			LoadEquipmentSlotsForUnitType(elem, type);
			LoadEquipmentForUnitType(elem, type);
			LoadAbilitiesForUnitType(elem, type);
			LoadContainedUnitsForUnitType(elem, type);
			LoadRequirementsForUnitType(elem, type);
			LoadExtraDataForUnitType(elem, type);
			LoadNotesForUnitType(elem, type);
			return type;

		private void LoadCoreValuesForUnitType(XmlElement elem, UnitType type)
				type.MaxNumber = XmlTools.GetIntValueFromAttribute(elem, "maxNum");
				type.MinNumber = XmlTools.GetIntValueFromAttribute(elem, "minNum");
				type.MaxSize = XmlTools.GetIntValueFromAttribute(elem, "maxSize");
				type.MinSize = XmlTools.GetIntValueFromAttribute(elem, "minSize");
				type.BaseSize = XmlTools.GetIntValueFromAttribute(elem, "baseSize");
				type.CostPerTrooper = XmlTools.GetDoubleValueFromAttribute(elem, "points");
				type.BaseUnitCost = XmlTools.GetDoubleValueFromAttribute(elem, "unitPoints");
			catch (FormatException ex)
				throw new InvalidFileException(ex.Message, ex);

			string mainCatID = elem.GetAttribute("cat");
			Category cat = type.Race.GetCategory(mainCatID);
			if (cat == null)
				throw new InvalidFileException(String.Format("Category with ID '{1}' did not exist for UnitType '{0}'", type.Name, mainCatID));
			type.MainCategory = cat;
			XmlElement statsElement = WarFoundryXmlFactoryUtils.SelectSingleElement(elem, "race:stats");
			Stats unitStats = ParseUnitStats(statsElement, type.GameSystem);

		private void LoadEquipmentSlotsForUnitType(XmlElement elem, UnitType type)
			foreach (XmlElement equipSlot in WarFoundryXmlFactoryUtils.SelectNodes(elem, "race:equipmentSlots/race:equipmentSlot"))
				LoadEquipmentSlotForUnitType (type, equipSlot);

		private static void LoadEquipmentSlotForUnitType (UnitType type, XmlElement equipSlot)
			string slotName = equipSlot.GetAttribute ("name");
			AbstractLimit limit = GetMaxLimit (equipSlot);
			if (limit!=null)
				type.AddEquipmentSlot (slotName, limit);

		private static AbstractLimit GetMaxLimit (XmlElement equipSlot)
			XmlElement limitElem = WarFoundryXmlFactoryUtils.SelectSingleElement(equipSlot, "race:maxLimit/*[1]");
			return GetLimitFromElement(limitElem);
		private static AbstractLimit GetLimitFromElement(XmlElement limitElem)
			AbstractLimit limit = null;

			if (limitElem != null)
				switch (limitElem.LocalName)
					case "percentageLimit":
						double limitPercent = XmlTools.GetDoubleValueFromAttribute(limitElem, "limit");
						bool roundUp = limitElem.GetAttribute("round").Equals("up");
						limit = new SimpleRoundedPercentageLimit(limitPercent, roundUp);
					case "sizeConstrainedLimit":
						limit = new NumericSizeConstrainedLimit(XmlTools.GetIntValueFromAttribute(limitElem, "limit"));
					case "absoluteLimit":
						limit = new AbsoluteNumericLimit(XmlTools.GetIntValueFromAttribute(limitElem, "limit"));
					case "unitSizeLimit":
						limit = new SimpleRoundedPercentageLimit(100);
						//TODO: Warn of missing handler for when we've extended the limit list
			return limit;

		private void LoadEquipmentForUnitType(XmlElement elem, UnitType type)
			foreach (XmlElement equip in WarFoundryXmlFactoryUtils.SelectNodes(elem, "race:unitEquipment/race:unitEquipmentItem"))
				string id = equip.GetAttribute("id");
				EquipmentItem equipItem = type.Race.GetEquipmentItem(id);
				if (equipItem!=null)
					string mutexGroupString = equip.GetAttribute("exclusivityGroups");
					string[] mutexGroups;

					if (mutexGroupString == "")
						mutexGroupString = equip.GetAttribute("exclusivityGroup");

					if (mutexGroupString != "")
						string[] groups = mutexGroupString.Split(',');
						int groupCount = groups.Length;

						for (int i = 0; i < groupCount; i++)
							groups[i] = groups[i].Trim();

						mutexGroups = groups;
						mutexGroups = new string[0];

					UnitEquipmentItem unitEquipItem = new UnitEquipmentItem(equipItem, type, mutexGroups);

					string equipSlot = equip.GetAttribute("equipmentSlot");

					if (equipSlot != "")
						if (type.HasEquipmentSlot(equipSlot))
							unitEquipItem.SlotName = equipSlot;
							throw new InvalidFileException("Attribute 'equipmentSlot' of unit equipment item " + id + " for " + type.Name + " was not a valid slot name");

					AbstractLimit limit = GetMaxLimit(equip);

					if (limit != null)
						unitEquipItem.MaxLimit = limit;

					limit = GetMinLimit(equip);

					if (limit != null)
						unitEquipItem.MinLimit = limit;
					unitEquipItem.RoundNumberUp = equip.GetAttribute("roundDirection").Equals("up");
						unitEquipItem.IsRequired = XmlTools.GetBoolValueFromAttribute(equip, "required");
					catch(FormatException e)
						throw new InvalidFileException("Attribute 'required' of unit equipment item " + id + " for " + type.Name + " was not a valid boolean", e);
						unitEquipItem.CostMultiplier = XmlTools.GetDoubleValueFromAttribute(equip, "costMultiplier");
					catch (FormatException e)
						throw new InvalidFileException("Attribute 'costMultiplier' of unit equipment item " + id + " for " + type.Name + " was not a valid decimal number", e);
						unitEquipItem.CostRoundType = (RoundType) Enum.Parse(typeof(RoundType), equip.GetAttribute("costRounding"));
					catch (ArgumentException e)
						throw new InvalidFileException("Attribute 'costRounding' of unit equipment item " + id + " for " + type.Name + " was not a valid rounding type", e);
					throw new InvalidFileException("Equipment item with ID '" + id + "' was required by " + type.Name + " but was not found");

		private static AbstractLimit GetMinLimit(XmlElement elem)
			XmlElement limitElem = WarFoundryXmlFactoryUtils.SelectSingleElement(elem, "race:minLimit/*[1]");
			return GetLimitFromElement(limitElem);
		private void LoadAbilitiesForUnitType(XmlElement elem, UnitType type)
			foreach (XmlElement abilityElem in WarFoundryXmlFactoryUtils.SelectNodes(elem, "race:unitAbilities/race:unitAbility"))
				string id = abilityElem.GetAttribute("abilityID");
				Ability ability = type.Race.GetAbility(id);
				if (ability == null)
					throw new InvalidFileException("Ability for "+type.Name+ " with ID "+id+ " did not exist in race definition");

				bool required = XmlTools.GetBoolValueFromAttribute(abilityElem, "required");
				type.AddAbility(ability, required);
		private void LoadContainedUnitsForUnitType(XmlElement elem, UnitType type)
			foreach (XmlElement containedUnitType in WarFoundryXmlFactoryUtils.SelectNodes(elem, "race:contains/race:containedUnit"))
				string id = containedUnitType.GetAttribute("containedID");
				UnitType containedType = GetUnitTypeFromDocument(elem.OwnerDocument, id, type.Race);

				if (containedType!=null)
					throw new InvalidFileException("Unit type " + type.Name + " tried to contain undefined unit with ID "+id);

		private void LoadRequirementsForUnitType(XmlElement elem, UnitType type)
			//TODO: Load requirements
		private void LoadExtraDataForUnitType(XmlElement elem, UnitType type)
		private void LoadNotesForUnitType(XmlElement elem, UnitType type)
			XmlNode node = WarFoundryXmlFactoryUtils.SelectSingleNode(elem, "race:notes");

			if (node!=null)
				type.Notes = node.InnerText;
		private Stats ParseUnitStats(XmlElement elem, GameSystem system)
			String statsID = elem.GetAttribute("statSet");
			SystemStats statsSet;
			if (statsID == "")
				statsSet = system.StandardSystemStats;
				statsSet = system.GetSystemStatsForID(statsID);
			Stats stats = new Stats(statsSet);
			foreach (XmlElement stat in WarFoundryXmlFactoryUtils.SelectNodes(elem, "race:stat"))
				String statName = stat.GetAttribute("name");
				stats.SetStatValue(statName, stat.InnerText);
			return stats;
		private EquipmentItem CreateEquipmentItemFromElement(XmlElement elem, Race race)
			string id = elem.GetAttribute("id");
			EquipmentItem item = race.GetEquipmentItem(id);

			if (item == null)
				item = CreateEquipmentItemFromElement(elem, id, race);
			return item;

		private EquipmentItem CreateEquipmentItemFromElement(XmlElement elem, string id, Race race)
			string name = elem.GetAttribute("name");
			EquipmentItem item = new EquipmentItem(id, name, race);
			double cost = 0;
			ArmourType armourType;
				cost = XmlTools.GetDoubleValueFromAttribute(elem, "cost");
			catch(FormatException ex)
				throw new InvalidFileException("Attribute 'cost' of equipment item "+id+" was not a valid number", ex);
				armourType = (ArmourType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ArmourType), elem.GetAttribute("armourType"));
			catch(ArgumentException ex)
				throw new InvalidFileException("Attribute 'armourType' of equipment "+id+" was not a valid value from the enumeration", ex);
			//TODO: Parse equipment stats if there are any
			item.Cost = cost;
			item.ItemArmourType = armourType;
			return item;
		private Ability CreateAbilityFromElement(XmlElement elem, Race race)
			string id = elem.GetAttribute("id");
			string name = elem.GetAttribute("name");
			Ability ability = new Ability(id, name);
			XmlNode node = elem.SelectSingleNode("description", WarFoundryXmlFactoryUtils.GetNamespaceManager());
			ability.Description = (node == null) ? "" : node.InnerText;
			return ability;