view Lang/Translation.cs @ 35:2b5e73cb83a3

Re #21 - Reduce specificity of translations file * Add minOccurs="0" to XSD * Remove check for zero translations returned
author IBBoard <>
date Tue, 19 May 2009 19:35:34 +0000
parents fb4fdab841db
children c949727ec0e0
line wrap: on
line source

// This file (Translation.cs) is a part of the IBBoard library and is copyright 2009 IBBoard.
// The file and the library/program it is in are licensed under the GNU LGPL license, either version 3 of the License or (at your option) any later version. Please see COPYING.LGPL for more information and the full license.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.ComponentModel;
using IBBoard.IO;
using IBBoard.Logging;
using IBBoard.Xml;

namespace IBBoard.Lang
	/// <summary>
	/// A basic string translator that loads a default language and a specified language and returns translated strings that correspond to translation IDs. 
	/// If the string doesn't exist in the specified language then the translator falls back to the default language. If the translation doesn't exist in the default language
	/// then either a supplied value or a "no validation available" message is returned.
	/// </summary>
	public class Translation
		private static readonly string DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = "en";
		private static readonly string DIVIDER_STRING = "-";
		private static string lang = "";
		private static DirectoryInfo translationDir;
		private static Dictionary<string, string> translationsLocal;
		private static Dictionary<string, string> translationsDefault;
		private static XmlReaderSettings settings;

		/// <summary>
		/// Initialises the translations for the language specified and the default translations so that the Translation class can be used.
		/// Throws a TranslationLoadException if a problem occurred while loading translations. If this occurs then the translation methods can
		/// still be called but no translation will be performed.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="appPath">
		/// The full path that the application is running from. Must contain the "translations" folder.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="language">
		/// The language to use as the load language
		/// </param>
		public static void InitialiseTranslations(string appPath, string language)
			FileInfo file = GetTranslationFile(DEFAULT_LANGUAGE);
			XmlDocument doc = LoadTranslationDocument(file);
			LoadTranslationsFromDocument(doc, translationsDefault);
		private static void InitialiseDefaults(string appPath)
			string translationPath = appPath.TrimEnd(Constants.DirectoryChar) + Constants.DirectoryString + "translations";

			if (Directory.Exists(translationPath))
				translationsDefault = new Dictionary<string,string>();
				translationsLocal = new Dictionary<string,string>();
				translationDir = new DirectoryInfo(translationPath);
				throw new TranslationLoadException("Translation path not found ("+translationPath+")");
		private static XmlDocument LoadTranslationDocument(FileInfo file)
			XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();			
			XmlReader valReader = XmlReader.Create(file.FullName, GetReaderSettings());
			catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex)
				throw new TranslationLoadException("Problem validating schema for translation: " + ex.Message, ex);
			catch (XmlSchemaException ex)
				throw new TranslationLoadException("Problem validating schema for translation: " + ex.Message, ex);
			catch (XmlException ex)
				throw new TranslationLoadException("Problem reading data for translation: " + ex.Message, ex);
			return doc;
		/// <summary>
		/// Lazy-getter for XML reader settings. May throw a <see cref="TranslationLoadException"/> if there is a problem with the translation schema.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>
		/// A <see cref="XmlReaderSettings"/> with the default values for validating the translation document against the translation schema
		/// </returns>
		private static XmlReaderSettings GetReaderSettings()
			if (settings == null)
					settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
					settings.XmlResolver = new IBBXmlResolver(translationDir.Parent.FullName);
					settings.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;
					settings.ValidationFlags = XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ReportValidationWarnings;
					settings.ValidationEventHandler+= new ValidationEventHandler(ValidationEventMethod);
					XmlSchemaSet cache = new XmlSchemaSet();
					cache.Add("", translationDir.Parent.FullName + "/dtds/translation.xsd");
				catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex)
					throw new TranslationLoadException("Problem validating schema for translation: " + ex.Message, ex);
				catch (XmlSchemaException ex)
					throw new TranslationLoadException("Problem validating schema for translation: " + ex.Message, ex);
				catch (XmlException ex)
					throw new TranslationLoadException("Problem reading data for schema: " + ex.Message, ex);
			return settings;
		private static FileInfo GetTranslationFile(string language)
			FileInfo file = new FileInfo(translationDir.FullName + Constants.DirectoryString + language + ".translation");

			if (!file.Exists)
				throw new TranslationLoadException(language + ".translation could not be found in "+translationDir.FullName);
			return file;
		private static void LoadTranslationsFromDocument(XmlDocument doc, Dictionary<string, string> translationTable)
				XmlNodeList translations = doc.GetElementsByTagName("translation");				
				Dictionary<string, string> tempTranslationTable = new Dictionary<string,string>();

				foreach (XmlNode node in translations)
					tempTranslationTable.Add(node.Attributes["id"].Value, node.InnerText);
				foreach (string key in tempTranslationTable.Keys)
					string translation;
					tempTranslationTable.TryGetValue(key, out translation);
					translationTable.Add(key, translation);
			catch(Exception ex)
				throw new TranslationLoadException("Error while parsing " + GetLanguageOfDocument(doc)+" translation: "+ex.Message, ex);
		private static string GetLanguageOfDocument(XmlDocument doc)
			return doc != null ? doc.DocumentElement.GetAttribute("lang") : "";
		private static void ValidationEventMethod(object sender, ValidationEventArgs e)
			throw new TranslationLoadException("Problem validating schema for translation: " + e.Exception.Message, e.Exception);

		/// <summary>
		/// Loads translations for a given language and sets them as the local language.
		/// hrows a TranslationLoadException if a problem occurred while loading translations. If this occurs then the translation methods can
		/// still be called but all translations will fall back to the default translation.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="translationLang">
		/// The new local language to load
		/// </param>
		public static void LoadTranslation(string translationLanguage)
			if (translationLanguage == "" || translationLanguage == null)
				throw new ArgumentException("Translation language cannot be null or empty");

		private static void LoadTranslationForLanguage(string translationLanguage)
			if (translationLanguage != DEFAULT_LANGUAGE && translationLanguage != "" && translationLanguage != null)
				FileInfo file = GetTranslationFile(translationLanguage);
				XmlDocument doc = LoadTranslationDocument(file);
				LoadTranslationsFromDocument(doc, translationsLocal);	
			lang = translationLanguage;

		/// <summary>
		/// Gets a translation for a given ID, falling back to a "missing translation" message if none can be found. Also optionally replaces any placeholders with the supplied values.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="translationID">
		/// The ID to look up the translation for
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="replacements">
		/// A collection of <see cref="System.Object"/>s to replace placeholders with
		/// </param>
		/// <returns>
		/// The translation with the placeholders replaced or a "missing translation" message
		/// </returns>
		public static string GetTranslation(string translationID, params object[] replacements)
			return GetTranslation(translationID, false, replacements);

		/// <summary>
		/// Gets a translation for a given ID, falling back to null or a warning message if a translation cannot be found. Also optionally replaces any placeholders with the supplied values.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="translationID">
		/// The ID to look up the translation for
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="returnNullOnFail">
		/// TRUE if null should be returned when no translation can be found, or FALSE if a "missing translation" message should be returned
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="replacements">
		/// A collection of <see cref="System.Object"/>s to replace placeholders with
		/// </param>
		/// <returns>
		/// The translation with the placeholders replaced, or a "missing translation" message or null depending on <param name="returnNullOnFail">
		/// </returns>
		public static string GetTranslation(string translationID, bool returnNullOnFail, params object[] replacements)
			return GetTranslation(translationID, returnNullOnFail ? null : "", replacements);

		/// <summary>
		/// Gets a translation for a given ID, falling back to a supplied default if a translation cannot be found. Also optionally replaces any placeholders with the supplied values.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="translationID">
		/// The ID to look up the translation for
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="defaultTranslation">
		/// The string to return if no translation can be found. Can be null or any string.
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="replacements">
		/// A collection of <see cref="System.Object"/>s to replace placeholders with
		/// </param>
		/// <returns>
		/// The translation, if one exists, or the supplied default with the placeholders replaced
		/// </returns>
		public static string GetTranslation(string translationID, string defaultTranslation, params object[] replacements)
			string trans = GetTranslationFromTables(translationID);
			if (trans == null)
				trans = GetDefaultTranslation(translationID, defaultTranslation);

			trans = AddVariablesToTranslation(trans, replacements);

			return trans;
		private static string GetTranslationFromTables(string translationID)
			string translation = null;
			if (translationsLocal!=null)
				translationsLocal.TryGetValue(translationID, out translation);
			if (translation == null)
				translationsDefault.TryGetValue(translationID, out translation);
			return translation;
		private static string GetDefaultTranslation(string translationID, string defaultTranslation)
			return (defaultTranslation != "" && defaultTranslation != null) ? defaultTranslation : GetMissingTranslationMessage(translationID);

		private static string GetMissingTranslationMessage(string translationID)
			return  "++ Missing Translation "+translationID+" ++";
		private static string AddVariablesToTranslation(string translation, object[] replacements)
			if (translation != null && replacements != null && replacements.Length > 0)
				translation = String.Format(translation, replacements);
			return translation;
		private static void CheckInitialisation()
			if (translationDir==null)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("Translation class has not been initialised");

		/// <summary>
		/// Translate an <see cref="ITranslatable"/> item, with optional string replacement
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="item">
		/// A <see cref="ITranslatable"/> to set the text for
		/// </param>
		/// <param name="replacements">
		/// A collection of <see cref="System.Object"/>s that will be used to fill place-holders
		/// </param>
		public static void Translate(ITranslatable item, params object[] replacements)
			if (item.Text == "" || item.Text == DIVIDER_STRING)
				//it doesn't need translating - either there is no text from the developer or it's a hyphen for a divider
			item.Text = GetTranslation(item.Name, replacements);
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the current local translation language. This is an arbitrary string used in the translation file's name and will not necessarily match the ISO language code.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>
		/// The string used in the file name of the current local translation
		/// </returns>
		public static string GetTranslationLanguage()
			return lang;