comparison API/AbstractWarFoundryLoader.cs @ 337:3c4a6403a88c

* Fix capitalisation so that new files are in the namespace no-open-ticket
author IBBoard <>
date Sun, 03 Apr 2011 18:50:32 +0000
children 71fceea2725b
equal deleted inserted replaced
336:3631c1493c7f 337:3c4a6403a88c
1 // This file (AbstractWarFoundryLoader.cs) is a part of the IBBoard.WarFoundry.API project and is copyright 2009 IBBoard
2 //
3 // The file and the library/program it is in are licensed and distributed, without warranty, under the GNU Affero GPL license, either version 3 of the License or (at your option) any later version. Please see COPYING for more information and the full license.
5 using System;
6 using System.Collections.Generic;
7 using System.IO;
8 using IBBoard.Collections;
9 using IBBoard.IO;
10 using IBBoard.Logging;
11 using IBBoard.WarFoundry.API.Factories;
12 using IBBoard.WarFoundry.API.Objects;
14 namespace IBBoard.WarFoundry.API
15 {
16 /// <summary>
17 /// The base abstract implementation of a WarFoundry file loader
18 /// </summary>
19 public abstract class AbstractWarFoundryLoader
20 {
21 private ICollection<DirectoryInfo> directories;
22 private ICollection<INativeWarFoundryFactory> factories;
23 private ICollection<INonNativeWarFoundryFactory> nonNativeFactories;
24 private Dictionary<IWarFoundryFactory, SimpleSet<IWarFoundryObject>> loadedObjects;
26 public delegate void FileLoadingCompleteDelegate(List<FileLoadFailure> failures);
28 public event MethodInvoker FileLoadingStarted;
30 public event FileLoadingCompleteDelegate FileLoadingFinished;
32 protected AbstractWarFoundryLoader()
33 {
34 directories = new List<DirectoryInfo>();
35 factories = new List<INativeWarFoundryFactory>();
36 nonNativeFactories = new List<INonNativeWarFoundryFactory>();
37 loadedObjects = new Dictionary<IWarFoundryFactory,SimpleSet<IWarFoundryObject>>();
38 }
40 /// <summary>
41 /// Adds a directory to the collection of directories that will be searched for WarFoundry data files.
42 /// </summary>
43 /// <param name="directory">
44 /// The <see cref="DirectoryInfo"/> to add to the list for searching for data files
45 /// </param>
46 public void AddLoadDirectory(DirectoryInfo directory)
47 {
48 if (!directories.Contains(directory))
49 {
50 directories.Add(directory);
51 }
52 }
54 /// <summary>
55 /// Removes a directory from the collection of directories that will be searched for WarFoundry data files.
56 /// </summary>
57 /// <param name="directory">
58 /// A <see cref="DirectoryInfo"/>
59 /// </param>
60 public void RemoveLoadDirectory(DirectoryInfo directory)
61 {
62 if (directories.Contains(directory))
63 {
64 directories.Remove(directory);
65 }
66 }
68 /// <summary>
69 /// Registers a <see cref="INativeWarFoundryFactory"/> as a factory that can parse native data files.
70 /// </summary>
71 /// <param name="factory">
72 /// The <see cref="INativeWarFoundryFactory"/> to register to parse native data files.
73 /// </param>
74 public virtual void RegisterFactory(INativeWarFoundryFactory factory)
75 {
76 if (!factories.Contains(factory))
77 {
78 factories.Add(factory);
79 }
80 }
82 /// <summary>
83 /// Unregisters a <see cref="INativeWarFoundryFactory"/> so that it will no longer be used to try to parse native data files.
84 /// </summary>
85 /// <param name="factory">
86 /// The <see cref="INativeWarFoundryFactory"/> to remove from the collection of factories that are used to try to parse native data files.
87 /// </param>
88 public virtual void UnregisterFactory(INativeWarFoundryFactory factory)
89 {
90 if (factories.Contains(factory))
91 {
92 factories.Remove(factory);
93 }
94 }
96 /// <summary>
97 /// Registers a <see cref="INonNativeWarFoundryFactory"/> so that it will be used to try to parse non-native data files from other applications.
98 /// </summary>
99 /// <param name="factory">
100 /// The <see cref="INonNativeWarFoundryFactory"/> to register to parse non-native data files.
101 /// </param>
102 public virtual void RegisterNonNativeFactory(INonNativeWarFoundryFactory factory)
103 {
104 if (!nonNativeFactories.Contains(factory))
105 {
106 nonNativeFactories.Add(factory);
107 }
108 }
110 /// <summary>
111 /// Unregisters a <see cref="INonNativeWarFoundryFactory"/> so that it will no longer be used to try to parse non-native data files from other applications.
112 /// </summary>
113 /// <param name="factory">
114 /// The <see cref="INonNativeWarFoundryFactory"/> to remove from the collection of factories that are used to try to parse non-native data files.
115 /// </param>
116 public virtual void UnregisterNonNativeFactory(INonNativeWarFoundryFactory factory)
117 {
118 if (nonNativeFactories.Contains(factory))
119 {
120 nonNativeFactories.Remove(factory);
121 }
122 }
124 /// <summary>
125 /// Loads all of the data files in the registered directories.
126 /// </summary>
127 /// <returns>
128 /// A <see cref="List"/> of <see cref="FileLoadFailure"/> for files that failed to load
129 /// </returns>
130 public List<FileLoadFailure> LoadFiles()
131 {
132 PrepareForFileLoad();
133 Dictionary<FileInfo, IWarFoundryFactory> loadableRaces = new Dictionary<FileInfo, IWarFoundryFactory>();
134 Dictionary<FileInfo, IWarFoundryFactory> loadableGameSystems = new Dictionary<FileInfo, IWarFoundryFactory>();
135 List<FileLoadFailure> failedLoads = FillLoadableFiles(loadableRaces, loadableGameSystems);
136 failedLoads.AddRange(LoadGameSystems(loadableGameSystems));
137 failedLoads.AddRange(LoadRaces(loadableRaces));
138 OnFileLoadingFinished(failedLoads);
139 FinishFileLoad();
140 return failedLoads;
141 }
143 private void OnFileLoadingFinished(List<FileLoadFailure> failures)
144 {
145 if (FileLoadingFinished != null)
146 {
147 FileLoadingFinished(failures);
148 }
149 }
151 protected virtual void PrepareForFileLoad()
152 {
153 //Do nothing special
154 }
156 protected virtual void FinishFileLoad()
157 {
158 //Do nothing special
159 }
161 private List<FileLoadFailure> FillLoadableFiles(Dictionary<FileInfo, IWarFoundryFactory> loadableRaces, Dictionary<FileInfo, IWarFoundryFactory> loadableGameSystems)
162 {
163 List<FileLoadFailure> fails = new List<FileLoadFailure>();
165 foreach (DirectoryInfo directory in directories)
166 {
167 directory.Refresh();
169 if (directory.Exists)
170 {
171 List<FileLoadFailure> directoryFails = FillLoadableFilesForDirectory(loadableRaces, loadableGameSystems, directory);
172 fails.AddRange(directoryFails);
173 }
174 else
175 {
176 LogNotifier.WarnFormat(GetType(), "Load for {0} failed because directory didn't exist", directory.FullName);
177 }
178 }
180 return fails;
181 }
183 private List<FileLoadFailure> FillLoadableFilesForDirectory(Dictionary<FileInfo, IWarFoundryFactory> loadableRaces, Dictionary<FileInfo, IWarFoundryFactory> loadableGameSystems, DirectoryInfo directory)
184 {
185 List<FileLoadFailure> fails = new List<FileLoadFailure>();
186 LogNotifier.Debug(GetType(), "Load from " + directory.FullName);
188 foreach (FileInfo file in directory.GetFiles())
189 {
190 IWarFoundryFactory factory = GetGameSystemLoadingFactoryForFile(file);
192 if (factory != null)
193 {
194 loadableGameSystems.Add(file, factory);
195 }
196 else
197 {
198 factory = GetRaceLoadingFactoryForFile(file);
200 if (factory != null)
201 {
202 loadableRaces.Add(file, factory);
203 }
204 else
205 {
206 FileLoadFailure failure = new FileLoadFailure(file, "File not handled as a Race or Game System definition: {0}", "FileNotHandled");
207 fails.Add(failure);
208 LogNotifier.Info(GetType(), failure.Message);
209 }
210 }
211 }
213 foreach (DirectoryInfo subdir in directory.GetDirectories())
214 {
215 fails.AddRange(FillLoadableFilesForDirectory(loadableRaces, loadableGameSystems, subdir));
216 }
218 return fails;
219 }
221 private IWarFoundryFactory GetGameSystemLoadingFactoryForFile(FileInfo file)
222 {
223 IWarFoundryFactory loadingFactory = null;
225 foreach (INonNativeWarFoundryFactory factory in nonNativeFactories)
226 {
227 if (factory.CanHandleFileAsGameSystem(file))
228 {
229 loadingFactory = factory;
230 break;
231 }
232 }
234 if (loadingFactory == null)
235 {
236 foreach (INativeWarFoundryFactory factory in factories)
237 {
238 if (factory.CanHandleFileAsGameSystem(file))
239 {
240 loadingFactory = factory;
241 break;
242 }
243 }
244 }
246 return loadingFactory;
247 }
249 private IWarFoundryFactory GetRaceLoadingFactoryForFile(FileInfo file)
250 {
251 IWarFoundryFactory loadingFactory = null;
253 foreach (INonNativeWarFoundryFactory factory in nonNativeFactories)
254 {
255 if (factory.CanHandleFileAsRace(file))
256 {
257 loadingFactory = factory;
258 break;
259 }
260 }
262 if (loadingFactory == null)
263 {
264 foreach (INativeWarFoundryFactory factory in factories)
265 {
266 if (factory.CanHandleFileAsRace(file))
267 {
268 loadingFactory = factory;
269 break;
270 }
271 }
272 }
274 return loadingFactory;
275 }
277 private List<FileLoadFailure> LoadGameSystems(Dictionary<FileInfo, IWarFoundryFactory> gameSystemFiles)
278 {
279 List<FileLoadFailure> fails = new List<FileLoadFailure>();
282 foreach (FileInfo file in gameSystemFiles.Keys)
283 {
284 FileLoadFailure failure = null;
286 try
287 {
288 bool loaded = LoadObject(file, gameSystemFiles[file]);
290 if (!loaded)
291 {
292 failure = new FileLoadFailure(file, "FileLoadFailed", "Failed to load {0} as GameSystem using {1}");
293 }
294 }
295 catch (Exception ex)
296 {
297 failure = new FileLoadFailure(file, null, ex.Message, null, ex);
298 }
300 if (failure != null)
301 {
302 fails.Add(failure);
303 LogNotifier.Warn(GetType(), failure.Message, failure.Exception);
304 }
305 }
307 return fails;
308 }
310 private List<FileLoadFailure> LoadRaces(Dictionary<FileInfo, IWarFoundryFactory> raceFiles)
311 {
312 List<FileLoadFailure> fails = new List<FileLoadFailure>();
314 foreach (FileInfo file in raceFiles.Keys)
315 {
316 FileLoadFailure failure = null;
318 try
319 {
320 bool loaded = LoadObject(file, raceFiles[file]);
322 if (!loaded)
323 {
324 failure = new FileLoadFailure(file, "FileLoadFailed", "Failed to load {0} as Race using {1}");
325 }
326 }
327 catch (Exception ex)
328 {
329 failure = new FileLoadFailure(file, null, ex.Message, null, ex);
330 }
332 if (failure != null)
333 {
334 fails.Add(failure);
335 LogNotifier.Warn(GetType(), failure.Message, failure.Exception);
336 }
337 }
339 return fails;
340 }
342 private bool LoadObject(FileInfo file, IWarFoundryFactory factory)
343 {
344 LogNotifier.DebugFormat(GetType(), "Loading {0} using {1}", file.FullName, factory.GetType().Name);
345 factory.RaceLoaded+= StoreRace;
346 factory.GameSystemLoaded+= StoreGameSystem;
347 ICollection<IWarFoundryObject> objects = factory.CreateObjectsFromFile(file);
348 return objects.Count > 0;
349 }
352 /// <summary>
353 /// Loads a single file through the registered WarFoundryFactories, if a factory exists that supports the file format.
354 /// </summary>
355 /// <param name="file">
356 /// A <see cref="FileInfo"/> for the file to attempt to load
357 /// </param>
358 /// <returns>
359 /// An ICollection of IWarFoundryObjects loaded from <code>file</code>
360 /// </returns>
361 public ICollection<IWarFoundryObject> LoadFile(FileInfo file)
362 {
363 ICollection<IWarFoundryObject> objs = null;
364 IWarFoundryFactory loadFactory = null;
366 try
367 {
368 objs = LoadFileWithNonNativeFactories(file, out loadFactory);
370 if (objs == null)
371 {
372 objs = LoadFileWithNativeFactories(file, out loadFactory);
373 }
374 }
375 catch (InvalidFileException ex)
376 {
377 LogNotifier.Error(GetType(), file.FullName + " failed to load", ex);
378 }
380 if (objs != null)
381 {
382 AddLoadedObjects(objs, loadFactory);
383 }
384 else
385 {
386 objs = new List<IWarFoundryObject>();
387 }
389 return objs;
390 }
392 private ICollection<IWarFoundryObject> LoadFileWithNonNativeFactories(FileInfo file, out IWarFoundryFactory loadFactory)
393 {
394 ICollection<IWarFoundryObject> objs = null;
395 loadFactory = null;
397 if (nonNativeFactories.Count > 0)
398 {
399 LogNotifier.Debug(GetType(), "Attempting to load " + file.FullName + " as a non-native file");
401 foreach (INonNativeWarFoundryFactory factory in nonNativeFactories)
402 {
403 bool canLoad = factory.CanHandleFileFormat(file);
404 LogNotifier.Debug(GetType(), "Load using " + factory.GetType().FullName + "? " + (canLoad ? "yes" : "no"));
406 if (canLoad)
407 {
408 objs = factory.CreateObjectsFromFile(file);
410 if (objs != null)
411 {
412 loadFactory = factory;
413 break;
414 }
415 }
416 }
417 }
419 return objs;
420 }
422 private ICollection<IWarFoundryObject> LoadFileWithNativeFactories(FileInfo file, out IWarFoundryFactory loadFactory)
423 {
424 ICollection<IWarFoundryObject> objs = null;
425 loadFactory = null;
427 if (factories.Count > 0)
428 {
429 LogNotifier.Debug(GetType(), "Attempting to load " + file.FullName + " as native file");
431 foreach (INativeWarFoundryFactory factory in factories)
432 {
433 if (factory.CanHandleFileFormat(file))
434 {
435 objs = factory.CreateObjectsFromFile(file);
437 if (objs != null)
438 {
439 loadFactory = factory;
440 break;
441 }
442 }
443 }
444 }
446 return objs;
447 }
449 private void AddLoadedObjects(ICollection<IWarFoundryObject> loadedObjs, IWarFoundryFactory factory)
450 {
451 SimpleSet<IWarFoundryObject> objs;
452 loadedObjects.TryGetValue(factory, out objs);
454 if (objs == null)
455 {
456 objs = new SimpleSet<IWarFoundryObject>();
457 loadedObjects.Add(factory, objs);
458 }
460 objs.AddRange(loadedObjs);
461 StoreObjects(loadedObjs);
462 }
464 private void StoreObjects(ICollection<IWarFoundryObject> loadedObjects)
465 {
466 foreach (IWarFoundryObject loadedObject in loadedObjects)
467 {
468 if (loadedObject is GameSystem)
469 {
470 StoreGameSystem((GameSystem)loadedObject);
471 }
472 else if (loadedObject is Race)
473 {
474 StoreRace((Race)loadedObject);
475 }
476 }
477 }
479 protected void StoreGameSystem(GameSystem system)
480 {
481 GameSystem existingSystem = GetExistingSystemForSystem(system);
483 if (existingSystem != null)
484 {
485 if (!system.Equals(existingSystem))
486 {
487 //TODO: Raise an event to say we got a different duplicate
488 //We can't just fail, because failing is for completely unhandled files, not for objects in a file
489 }
490 }
491 else
492 {
493 DoStoreGameSystem(system);
494 }
495 }
497 /// <summary>
498 /// Gets a game system that has already been loaded that duplicates the supplied game system's ID, if one exists.
499 /// </summary>
500 /// <param name="system">
501 /// The <see cref="GameSystem"/> to find pre-existing duplicates of
502 /// </param>
503 /// <returns>
504 /// <code>null</code> if no existing duplicate exists, else the duplicate <see cref="GameSystem"/>
505 /// </returns>
506 protected abstract GameSystem GetExistingSystemForSystem(GameSystem system);
508 /// <summary>
509 /// Stores a GameSystem in the loader's relevant storage structure
510 /// </summary>
511 /// <param name="system">
512 /// The loaded <see cref="GameSystem"/> to store
513 /// </param>
514 protected abstract void DoStoreGameSystem(GameSystem system);
516 protected void StoreRace(Race race)
517 {
518 if (race.GameSystem == null)
519 {
520 throw new InvalidOperationException("Race cannot have null game system. Game system should be loaded before race.");
521 }
523 DoStoreRace(race);
524 }
526 /// <summary>
527 /// Performs the implementation specific storage of a race
528 /// </summary>
529 /// <param name="race">
530 /// The <see cref="Race"/> to store
531 /// </param>
532 protected abstract void DoStoreRace(Race race);
534 /// <summary>
535 /// Gets all <see cref="GameSystem"/>s that are currently available, determined by those that can be loaded with the current <see cref="IWarFoundryFactory"/>s.
536 /// </summary>
537 /// <returns>
538 /// An array of <see cref="GameSystem"/>s that are currently available.
539 /// </returns>
540 public abstract GameSystem[] GetGameSystems();
542 /// <summary>
543 /// Gets a single <see cref="GameSystem"/> with a given ID.
544 /// </summary>
545 /// <param name="systemID">
546 /// The ID of the <see cref="GameSystem"/> to get, as a <see cref="System.String"/>.
547 /// </param>
548 /// <returns>
549 /// The <see cref="GameSystem"/> with the given ID, or <code>null</code> if one doesn't exist.
550 /// </returns>
551 public abstract GameSystem GetGameSystem(string systemID);
553 /// <summary>
554 /// Removes a loaded <see cref="GameSystem"/>. Used when a GameSystem fails to complete loading
555 /// </summary>
556 /// <param name="system">The GameSystem to remove</param>
557 protected internal abstract void RemoveGameSystem(GameSystem system);
559 /// <summary>
560 /// Gets an array of the races for the specified <see cref="GameSystem"/>.
561 /// </summary>
562 /// <param name="system">
563 /// The <see cref="GameSystem"/> to get the available races for.
564 /// </param>
565 /// <returns>
566 /// An array of <see cref="Race"/>s for the <see cref="GameSystem"/>
567 /// </returns>
568 public abstract Race[] GetRaces(GameSystem system);
570 /// <summary>
571 /// Gets a single race for a given <see cref="GameSystem"/> by ID of the race.
572 /// </summary>
573 /// <param name="system">
574 /// The <see cref="GameSystem"/> that the race is part of.
575 /// </param>
576 /// <param name="raceID">
577 /// A <see cref="System.String"/> ID for the race to load.
578 /// </param>
579 /// <returns>
580 /// A <see cref="Race"/> with the specified ID from the <see cref="GameSystem"/>, or <code>null</code> if one doesn't exist.
581 /// </returns>
582 public abstract Race GetRace(GameSystem system, string raceID);
584 /// <summary>
585 /// Gets a single race for a given <see cref="GameSystem"/> by the race's ID and sub-race ID.
586 /// </summary>
587 /// <param name="system">
588 /// The <see cref="GameSystem"/> that the race is part of.
589 /// </param>
590 /// <param name="raceID">
591 /// The <see cref="System.String"/> ID for the race to load.
592 /// </param>
593 /// <param name="raceSubID">
594 /// A <see cref="System.String"/>
595 /// </param>
596 /// <returns>
597 /// A <see cref="Race"/>
598 /// </returns>
599 public abstract Race GetRace(GameSystem system, string raceID, string raceSubID);
601 protected internal abstract void RemoveRace(Race race);
603 /// <summary>
604 /// Gets the IDs of all of the game systems currently available.
605 /// </summary>
606 /// <returns>
607 /// An array of <see cref="System.String"/>s representing the IDs of the game systems.
608 /// </returns>
609 public virtual string[] GetGameSystemIDs()
610 {
611 GameSystem[] systems = GetGameSystems();
612 return GetWarFoundryObjectIDs(systems);
613 }
615 protected string[] GetWarFoundryObjectIDs(WarFoundryObject[] objs)
616 {
617 int objCount = objs.Length;
618 string[] keys = new string[objCount];
620 for (int i = 0; i < objCount; i++)
621 {
622 keys[i] = objs[i].ID;
623 }
625 return keys;
626 }
628 /// <summary>
629 /// Gets the IDs of all of the races of a specified game system.
630 /// </summary>
631 /// <param name="system">
632 /// The <see cref="GameSystem"/> to get the available races for.
633 /// </param>
634 /// <returns>
635 /// An array of <see cref="System.String"/>s representing the IDs of the races of the specified game system.
636 /// </returns>
637 public virtual string[] GetSystemRaceIDs(GameSystem system)
638 {
639 Race[] races = GetRaces(system);
640 return GetWarFoundryObjectIDs(races);
641 }
643 public Army LoadArmy(FileInfo file)
644 {
645 IWarFoundryFactory factory = GetArmyLoadingFactoryForFile(file);
646 Army loadedArmy = null;
648 if (factory != null)
649 {
650 ICollection<IWarFoundryObject> objs = factory.CreateObjectsFromFile(file);
652 if (objs.Count == 1)
653 {
654 foreach (IWarFoundryObject systemCount in objs)
655 {
656 if (systemCount is Army)
657 {
658 loadedArmy = (Army)systemCount;
659 }
660 }
661 }
662 }
664 return loadedArmy;
665 }
667 private IWarFoundryFactory GetArmyLoadingFactoryForFile(FileInfo file)
668 {
669 IWarFoundryFactory loadingFactory = null;
671 foreach (INonNativeWarFoundryFactory factory in nonNativeFactories)
672 {
673 if (factory.CanHandleFileAsArmy(file))
674 {
675 loadingFactory = factory;
676 break;
677 }
678 }
680 if (loadingFactory == null)
681 {
682 foreach (INativeWarFoundryFactory factory in factories)
683 {
684 if (factory.CanHandleFileAsArmy(file))
685 {
686 loadingFactory = factory;
687 break;
688 }
689 }
690 }
692 return loadingFactory;
693 }
694 }
695 }