diff api/Factories/Xml/WarFoundryXmlGameSystemSaver.cs @ 297:349e521785c1

Re #338: WarFoundry.API - Save System Data Created IWarFoundryGameSystemSaver Created WarFoundryXmlGameSystemSaver Updated WarFoundrySaver Created GetGameSystemSaver Created SetGameSystemSaver
author Tsudico
date Fri, 07 Jan 2011 03:35:50 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/api/Factories/Xml/WarFoundryXmlGameSystemSaver.cs	Fri Jan 07 03:35:50 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+// This file (WarFoundryXmlGameSystemSaver.cs) is a part of the IBBoard.WarFoundry.API project and is copyright 2008, 2009 IBBoard.
+// The file and the library/program it is in are licensed and distributed, without warranty, under the GNU Affero GPL license, either version 3 of the License or (at your option) any later version. Please see COPYING for more information and the full license.
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Xml;
+using System.Xml.Schema;
+using IBBoard.Lang;
+using IBBoard.Xml;
+using IBBoard.WarFoundry.API.Factories.Xml.Zip;
+using IBBoard.WarFoundry.API.Objects;
+using IBBoard.WarFoundry.API.Savers;
+using IBBoard.WarFoundry.API.Util;
+using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip;
+namespace IBBoard.WarFoundry.API.Factories.Xml
+	public class WarFoundryXmlGameSystemSaver : IWarFoundryGameSystemSaver
+	{
+		public const string GAMESYSTEM_FILE_EXTENSION = ".system";
+		public bool Save(GameSystem toSave, string savePath)
+		{
+			bool success = false;
+			ZipFile file = null;
+			if (!savePath.EndsWith(GAMESYSTEM_FILE_EXTENSION))
+			{
+				savePath = savePath + GAMESYSTEM_FILE_EXTENSION;
+			}
+			try
+			{
+				file = ZipFile.Create(savePath);
+				file.BeginUpdate();
+				file.Add(new StringZipEntrySource(CreateXmlString(toSave)), "data.systemx");
+				file.CommitUpdate();
+				success = true;
+			}
+			finally
+			{
+				if (file != null)
+				{
+					file.Close();
+				}
+			}
+			return success;
+		}
+		private string CreateXmlString(WarFoundryObject toSave)
+		{
+			string xmlString = "";
+			if (toSave is GameSystem)
+			{
+				xmlString = CreateGameSystemXmlString((GameSystem)toSave);
+			}
+			return xmlString;
+		}
+		private string CreateGameSystemXmlString(GameSystem toSave)
+		{
+			XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
+			XmlDeclaration declaration = doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", null, null);
+			doc.AppendChild(declaration);
+			XmlSchema schema = new XmlSchema();
+			schema.Namespaces.Add("", "http://ibboard.co.uk/warfoundry/system");
+			schema.Namespaces.Add("cats", "http://ibboard.co.uk/warfoundry/cats");
+			doc.Schemas.Add(schema);
+			XmlElement root = doc.CreateElement("system");
+			root.SetAttribute("xmlns", "http://ibboard.co.uk/warfoundry/system");
+			root.SetAttribute("xmlns:cats", "http://ibboard.co.uk/warfoundry/cats");
+			doc.AppendChild(root);
+			root.SetAttribute("id", XmlTools.GetAsciiXmlIdForString(toSave.ID));
+			root.SetAttribute("name", toSave.Name);
+			root.SetAttribute("defaultArmySize", toSave.SystemArmyDefaultSize.ToString());
+			root.SetAttribute("warn", toSave.WarnOnError.ToString().ToLowerInvariant());
+			root.SetAttribute("allowAllies", toSave.AllowAllies.ToString().ToLowerInvariant());
+			XmlElement cats = doc.CreateElement("categories");
+			root.AppendChild(cats);
+			foreach (Category cat in toSave.Categories)
+			{
+				cats.AppendChild(CreateCategoryElement(cat, doc));
+			}
+			XmlElement sysStatsList = doc.CreateElement("sysStatsList");
+			sysStatsList.SetAttribute("defaultStats", XmlTools.GetAsciiXmlIdForString(toSave.StandardSystemStatsID));
+			root.AppendChild(sysStatsList);
+			foreach(SystemStats stats in toSave.SystemStats)
+			{
+				sysStatsList.AppendChild(CreateSystemStatsElement(stats, doc));
+			}
+			return doc.OuterXml;
+		}
+		private XmlElement CreateCategoryElement(Category cat, XmlDocument doc)
+		{
+			XmlElement catElem = doc.CreateElement("cats:cat");
+			catElem.SetAttribute("id", XmlTools.GetAsciiXmlIdForString(cat.ID));
+			catElem.SetAttribute("name", (cat.HasDefaultName() ? "" : cat.Name));
+			if (cat.MinimumPoints > 0)
+			{
+				catElem.SetAttribute("minPoints", cat.MaximumPercentage.ToString());
+			}
+			if (cat.MaximumPoints < 100)
+			{
+				catElem.SetAttribute("maxPoints", cat.MaximumPercentage.ToString());
+			}
+			if(cat.MinimumPercentage > 0)
+			{
+				catElem.SetAttribute("minPercentage", cat.MaximumPercentage.ToString());
+			}
+			if(cat.MaximumPercentage < 100)
+			{
+				catElem.SetAttribute("maxPercentage", cat.MaximumPercentage.ToString());
+			}
+			return catElem;
+		}
+		private XmlElement CreateSystemStatsElement(SystemStats stats, XmlDocument doc)
+		{
+			XmlElement statsElem = doc.CreateElement("sysStats");
+			statsElem.SetAttribute("id", XmlTools.GetAsciiXmlIdForString(stats.ID));
+			foreach(StatSlot stat in stats.StatSlots)
+			{
+				statsElem.AppendChild(CreateSystemStatElement(stat, doc));
+			}
+			return statsElem;
+		}
+		private XmlElement CreateSystemStatElement(StatSlot stat, XmlDocument doc)
+		{
+			XmlElement statElem = doc.CreateElement("sysStat");
+			statElem.SetAttribute("name", stat.Name);
+			return statElem;
+		}
+	}