view api/Factories/Xml/WarFoundryXmlFactory.cs @ 39:05c6745cc660

Re #47: Remove magic numbers * Replace "-1" magic number with WarFoundryCore.INFINITY * Use INFINITY instead of -1 in code * Handle and parse INF as a special value in XML Factory
author IBBoard <>
date Thu, 19 Mar 2009 20:12:29 +0000
parents 465a215a21a2
children 3664eee50390
line wrap: on
line source

// This file (WarFoundryXmlFactory.cs) is a part of the IBBoard.WarFoundry.API project and is copyright 2009 IBBoard.
// The file and the library/program it is in are licensed under the GNU LGPL license, either version 3 of the License or (at your option) any later version. Please see COPYING.LGPL for more information and the full license.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Schema;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using IBBoard;
using IBBoard.IO;
using IBBoard.Lang;
using IBBoard.Logging;
using IBBoard.Xml;
using IBBoard.WarFoundry.API.Requirements;
using IBBoard.WarFoundry.API.Objects;
using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip;

namespace IBBoard.WarFoundry.API.Factories.Xml
	/// <summary>
	/// The WarFoundryXmlFactory loads WarFoundry classes from the native "XML in a zip" file format. Files are validated using the schema for the file type, so structurally invalid files should be identified at initial load.
	/// </summary>
	public class WarFoundryXmlFactory : AbstractNativeWarFoundryFactory
		private static WarFoundryXmlFactory factory;
		private XmlReaderSettings settings;
		private Dictionary<IWarFoundryObject, XmlDocument> extraData = new Dictionary<IWarFoundryObject, XmlDocument>();

		public static AbstractNativeWarFoundryFactory GetFactory()
			if (factory == null)
				factory = new WarFoundryXmlFactory();
			return factory;
		protected WarFoundryXmlFactory() : base()
			//Hide constructor
		protected override bool CheckCanFindArmyFileContent(ZipFile file)
			return file.FindEntry("data.armyx", true) > -1;
		protected override bool CheckCanFindSystemFileContent(ZipFile file)
			return file.FindEntry("data.systemx", true) > -1;
		protected override bool CheckCanFindRaceFileContent(ZipFile file)
			return file.FindEntry("data.racex", true) > -1;
		protected XmlElement GetRootElementFromStream(Stream stream, WarFoundryXmlElementName elementName)
			XmlDocument doc = CreateXmlDocumentFromStream(stream);			
			XmlElement elem = (XmlElement)doc.LastChild;
			if (!elem.Name.Equals(elementName.Value))
				throw new InvalidFileException(String.Format("Root element of XML was not valid. Expected {0} but got {1}", elementName.Value, elem.Name));
			return elem;
		protected override Stream GetArmyDataStream(ZipFile file)
			return file.GetInputStream(file.FindEntry("data.armyx", true));
		protected override Army CreateArmyFromStream (ZipFile file, Stream dataStream)
			XmlElement elem = GetRootElementFromStream(dataStream, WarFoundryXmlElementName.ARMY_ELEMENT);
			return CreateArmyFromElement(file, elem);
		private Army CreateArmyFromElement(ZipFile file, XmlElement elem)
			string name = elem.GetAttribute("name");
			string systemID = elem.GetAttribute("gameSystem");
			GameSystem system = WarFoundryLoader.GetDefault().GetGameSystem(systemID);
			string raceID = elem.GetAttribute("race");
			Race race = WarFoundryLoader.GetDefault().GetRace(system, raceID);
			string pointsString = elem.GetAttribute("maxPoints");
			int points = 0;
				points = int.Parse(pointsString);
				throw new FormatException("Attribute 'maxPoints' of army '"+name+"' was not a valid number");
			Army army = new Army(race, name, points, file);
			extraData[army] = elem.OwnerDocument;
			return army;

		protected override Stream GetGameSystemDataStream (ZipFile file)
			return file.GetInputStream(file.FindEntry("data.systemx", true));
		protected override GameSystem CreateGameSystemFromStream (ZipFile file, Stream dataStream)
			XmlElement elem = GetRootElementFromStream(dataStream, WarFoundryXmlElementName.SYSTEM_ELEMENT);
			LogNotifier.Debug(GetType(), "Create GameSystem");
			return CreateSystemFromElement(file, elem);
		private GameSystem CreateSystemFromElement(ZipFile file, XmlElement elem)
			string id = elem.GetAttribute("id");
			string name = elem.GetAttribute("name");
			GameSystem system = new GameSystem(id, name, this);
			extraData[system] = elem.OwnerDocument;
			return system;
		protected override Stream GetRaceDataStream (ZipFile file)
			return file.GetInputStream(file.FindEntry("data.racex", true));
		protected override Race CreateRaceFromStream (ZipFile file, Stream dataStream)
			XmlElement elem = GetRootElementFromStream(dataStream, WarFoundryXmlElementName.RACE_ELEMENT);
			LogNotifier.Debug(GetType(), "Create Race");
			return CreateRaceFromElement(file, elem);
		private Race CreateRaceFromElement(ZipFile file, XmlElement elem)
			string id = elem.GetAttribute("id");
			string subid = elem.GetAttribute("subid");
			string systemID = elem.GetAttribute("system");
			string name = elem.GetAttribute("name");
			Race race = new Race(id, subid, name, systemID, this);
			extraData[race] = elem.OwnerDocument;
			return race;

		public override void CompleteLoading(IWarFoundryStagedLoadObject obj)
			LogNotifier.DebugFormat(GetType(), "Complete loading of {0} with ID {1}", obj.GetType().Name, obj.ID);
			if (obj is GameSystem)
			else if (obj is Race)
		public XmlNode GetExtraData(IWarFoundryObject obj)
			XmlDocument extra = null;
			extraData.TryGetValue(obj, out extra);
			XmlNode node = null;
			if (extra !=null)
				node = extra.LastChild;
			return node;
		public void CompleteLoading(GameSystem system)
			if (system.IsFullyLoaded)
				LogNotifier.DebugFormat(GetType(), "Object of type GameSystem with ID {0} is already fully loaded", system.ID);
			if (system.IsLoading)
				LogNotifier.WarnFormat(GetType(), "Object of type GameSystem with ID {0} is already being loaded", system.ID);
			XmlNode elem = GetExtraData(system);			
			XmlNode catsElem = elem.FirstChild;
			LoadCategoriesForSystem(system, elem);
			XmlElement statsElem = (XmlElement)catsElem.NextSibling;					
			LoadSystemStatsFromElement(statsElem, system);
			string defaultStatsID = statsElem.GetAttribute("defaultStats");
			LogNotifier.DebugFormat(GetType(), "Completed loading of GameSystem with ID {0}", system.Name);
			system.StandardSystemStatsID = defaultStatsID;
		private void LoadCategoriesForSystem(GameSystem system, XmlNode elem)
			WarFoundryObject tempObj;
			foreach (XmlElement cat in elem.SelectNodes("//"+WarFoundryXmlElementName.CATEGORY_ELEMENT.Value))
				tempObj = CreateObjectFromElement(cat);
				if (tempObj is Category)
					LogNotifier.WarnFormat(GetType(), "Object for string {0} was not of type Category", cat.OuterXml);
		public void CompleteLoading(Race race)
			if (race.IsFullyLoaded)
				LogNotifier.DebugFormat(GetType(), "Object of type Race with ID {0} is already fully loaded", race.ID);
			if (race.IsLoading)
				LogNotifier.WarnFormat(GetType(), "Object of type Race with ID {0} is already being loaded", race.ID);
			XmlNode elem = GetExtraData(race);
			XmlNode colNode = elem.FirstChild;
			foreach (XmlElement node in colNode.ChildNodes)
				UnitType type = CreateUnitTypeFromElement(node, race, race.GameSystem);
			colNode = colNode.NextSibling;
			if (colNode!=null && colNode.Name == WarFoundryXmlElementName.CATEGORIES_ELEMENT.Value)
				foreach (XmlElement node in colNode.ChildNodes)
				colNode = colNode.NextSibling;
			if (colNode!=null && colNode.Name == WarFoundryXmlElementName.RACE_EQUIPMENT_ITEMS_ELEMENT.Value)
				foreach (XmlElement node in colNode.ChildNodes)
					EquipmentItem item = CreateEquipmentItemFromElement(node, race);
			Dictionary<string, Ability> raceAbilities = new Dictionary<string, Ability>();
			//TODO: Load abilities
			LogNotifier.DebugFormat(GetType(), "Completed loading of Race with ID {0}", race.Name);
		protected XmlDocument CreateXmlDocumentFromStream(Stream stream)
			XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
			XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(stream, GetReaderSettings());
			//Don't catch XMLSchemaExceptions - let them get thrown out

			return doc;
				/// <summary>
		/// Lazy-getter for XML reader settings. May throw a <see cref="InvalidDataException"/> if there is a problem with the translation schema.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>
		/// A <see cref="XmlReaderSettings"/> with the default values for validating the translation document against the translation schema
		/// </returns>
		private XmlReaderSettings GetReaderSettings()
			if (settings == null)
					settings = new XmlReaderSettings();
					settings.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema;
					settings.ValidationFlags = XmlSchemaValidationFlags.ReportValidationWarnings;
					settings.ValidationEventHandler+= new ValidationEventHandler(ValidationEventMethod);
					XmlSchemaSet cache = new XmlSchemaSet();
					cache.Add("", IBBoard.Constants.ExecutablePath + "/dtds/warfoundry-core.xsd");
					cache.Add("", IBBoard.Constants.ExecutablePath + "/dtds/warfoundry-cats.xsd");
					cache.Add("", IBBoard.Constants.ExecutablePath + "/dtds/race.xsd");
					cache.Add("", IBBoard.Constants.ExecutablePath + "/dtds/system.xsd");
				catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex)
					throw new InvalidDataException("Problem validating schema for WarFoundry data: " + ex.Message, ex);
				catch (XmlSchemaException ex)
					throw new InvalidDataException("Problem validating schema for WarFoundry data: " + ex.Message, ex);
				catch (XmlException ex)
					throw new InvalidDataException("Problem reading data for schema: " + ex.Message, ex);
			return settings;
		private void ValidationEventMethod(object sender, ValidationEventArgs e)
			throw new InvalidDataException("Problem validating against schema for WarFoundry data: " + e.Exception.Message, e.Exception);
		private WarFoundryObject CreateObjectFromElement(XmlElement elem)
			WarFoundryObject obj = null;
			LogNotifier.DebugFormat(GetType(), "Create object for <{0}>", elem.Name);
			if (elem.Name.Equals(WarFoundryXmlElementName.CATEGORY_ELEMENT.Value))
				LogNotifier.Debug(GetType(), "Create Category");
				obj = CreateCategoryFromElement(elem);
				LogNotifier.Debug(GetType(), "No match");
			return obj;
		private Category CreateCategoryFromElement(XmlElement elem)
			string id = elem.GetAttribute("id");
			string name = elem.GetAttribute("name");
			int minPc, maxPc, minPts, maxPts, minChoices, maxChoices, baseValue, incValue, incAmount;
			minPc = GetIntValueFromAttribute(elem, "minPercentage");
			maxPc = GetIntValueFromAttribute(elem, "maxPercentage");
			minPts = GetIntValueFromAttribute(elem, "minPoints");
			maxPts = GetIntValueFromAttribute(elem, "maxPoints");
			minChoices = GetIntValueFromAttribute(elem, "minChoices");
			maxChoices = GetIntValueFromAttribute(elem, "maxChoices");
			baseValue = GetIntValueFromAttribute(elem, "baseValue");
			incValue = GetIntValueFromAttribute(elem, "incValue");
			incAmount = GetIntValueFromAttribute(elem, "incAmount");
			return new Category(id, name, minPts, maxPts, minPc, maxPc, minChoices, maxChoices, baseValue, incValue, incAmount);
		private int GetIntValueFromAttribute(XmlElement elem, string attributeName)
			string attribValue = elem.GetAttribute(attributeName);
			int intValue = int.MaxValue;
			if ("INF".Equals(attribValue))
				intValue = WarFoundryCore.INFINITY;
					intValue = int.Parse(attribValue);
					throw new FormatException(String.Format("Attribute '{0}' of {1} with ID {2} was not a valid number", attributeName, elem.Name, elem.GetAttribute("id")));
			return intValue;
		private UnitType CreateUnitTypeFromElement(XmlElement elem, Race parentRace, GameSystem system)
			string id = elem.GetAttribute("id");
			string name = elem.GetAttribute("typeName");
			UnitType type = new UnitType(id, name, parentRace);
			type.MinNumber = GetIntValueFromAttribute(elem, "minNum");
			type.MaxNumber = GetIntValueFromAttribute(elem, "maxNum");
			type.MinSize = GetIntValueFromAttribute(elem, "minSize");
			type.MaxSize = GetIntValueFromAttribute(elem, "maxSize");
			//TODO: Add base size
			type.CostPerTrooper = GetIntValueFromAttribute(elem, "points");
			type.BaseUnitCost = GetIntValueFromAttribute(elem, "unitPoints");
			string mainCatID = elem.GetAttribute("cat");
			type.MainCategory = parentRace.GetCategory(mainCatID);						
			XmlNodeList nodes = elem.SelectNodes("stats");
			XmlNode node = nodes.Item(0);
			type.UnitStats = ParseUnitStats((XmlElement)node, system);
			//TODO: Add unit requirements
			LogNotifier.Debug(GetType(), "Loaded "+type.Name);
			return type;
		private Stats ParseUnitStats(XmlElement elem, GameSystem system)
			List<Stat> statsList = new List<Stat>();
			String statsID = elem.GetAttribute("statSet");
			SystemStats statsSet;
			if (statsID == "")
				statsSet = system.StandardSystemStats;
				statsSet = system.GetSystemStatsForID(statsID);
			Stats stats = new Stats(statsSet);
			foreach (XmlElement stat in elem.ChildNodes)
				String statID = stat.GetAttribute("name");
				StatSlot slot = statsSet[statID];
				if (slot!=null)
					statsList.Add(new Stat(slot, stat.InnerText));
					throw new InvalidFileException("The stat "+statID+" was not found in stats set "+statsID);
			return stats;
		private void LoadSystemStatsFromElement(XmlElement elem, GameSystem system)
			foreach (XmlElement stats in elem.ChildNodes)
				SystemStats sysStats = CreateSystemStatsFromElement(stats);
		private SystemStats CreateSystemStatsFromElement(XmlElement elem)
			List<StatSlot> slots = new List<StatSlot>();
			string id = elem.GetAttribute("id");	
			foreach (XmlElement slot in elem.ChildNodes)
				StatSlot statSlot = new StatSlot(slot.GetAttribute("name"));
			return new SystemStats(id, slots.ToArray());
		private EquipmentItem CreateEquipmentItemFromElement(XmlElement elem, Race race)
			string id = elem.GetAttribute("id");
			string name = elem.GetAttribute("name");
			float cost = 0, min = 0, max = 0;
			ArmourType armourType;
				cost = float.Parse(elem.GetAttribute("cost"));
				throw new FormatException("Attribute 'cost' of equipment item "+id+" was not a valid number");
				min = float.Parse(elem.GetAttribute("min"));
				throw new FormatException("Attribute 'min' of equipment item "+id+" was not a valid number");
				max = float.Parse(elem.GetAttribute("max"));
				throw new FormatException("Attribute 'max' of equipment item "+id+" was not a valid number");
				armourType = (ArmourType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ArmourType), elem.GetAttribute("armourType"));
				throw new InvalidFileException("Attribute 'armourType' of equipment "+id+" was not a valid value from the enumeration");
			if (elem.ChildNodes.Count>0)
				//It has stats!
				//TODO: Parse equipment stats
			return new EquipmentItem(id, name, cost, min, max, armourType, race);