diff gtk-gui/IBBoard.WarFoundry.GUI.GTK.FrmExportXml.cs @ 122:2479414b16f6

Re #361: Add XML output to GTK GUI * Add initial form and load XSLT file list
author IBBoard <dev@ibboard.co.uk>
date Tue, 27 Sep 2011 21:01:49 +0100
children f58f69ea2435
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gtk-gui/IBBoard.WarFoundry.GUI.GTK.FrmExportXml.cs	Tue Sep 27 21:01:49 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+// This file has been generated by the GUI designer. Do not modify.
+namespace IBBoard.WarFoundry.GUI.GTK
+	public partial class FrmExportXml
+	{
+		private global::Gtk.Table table;
+		private global::Gtk.CheckButton doTransformWidget;
+		private global::IBBoard.GtkSharp.Translatable.TranslatableLabel lblOutputFile;
+		private global::IBBoard.GtkSharp.Translatable.TranslatableLabel lblTransform;
+		private global::Gtk.FileChooserButton saveAsPath;
+		private global::Gtk.ComboBox transformList;
+		private global::Gtk.Button buttonCancel;
+		private global::Gtk.Button buttonOk;
+		protected virtual void Build ()
+		{
+			global::Stetic.Gui.Initialize (this);
+			// Widget IBBoard.WarFoundry.GUI.GTK.FrmExportXml
+			this.Name = "IBBoard.WarFoundry.GUI.GTK.FrmExportXml";
+			this.WindowPosition = ((global::Gtk.WindowPosition)(4));
+			// Internal child IBBoard.WarFoundry.GUI.GTK.FrmExportXml.VBox
+			global::Gtk.VBox w1 = this.VBox;
+			w1.Name = "dialog1_VBox";
+			w1.BorderWidth = ((uint)(2));
+			// Container child dialog1_VBox.Gtk.Box+BoxChild
+			this.table = new global::Gtk.Table (((uint)(3)), ((uint)(2)), false);
+			this.table.Name = "table";
+			this.table.RowSpacing = ((uint)(6));
+			this.table.ColumnSpacing = ((uint)(6));
+			// Container child table.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+			this.doTransformWidget = new global::Gtk.CheckButton ();
+			this.doTransformWidget.CanFocus = true;
+			this.doTransformWidget.Name = "doTransformWidget";
+			this.doTransformWidget.Label = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("Transform output?");
+			this.doTransformWidget.DrawIndicator = true;
+			this.doTransformWidget.UseUnderline = true;
+			this.table.Add (this.doTransformWidget);
+			global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w2 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table [this.doTransformWidget]));
+			w2.TopAttach = ((uint)(1));
+			w2.BottomAttach = ((uint)(2));
+			w2.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
+			w2.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
+			w2.XOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+			w2.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+			// Container child table.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+			this.lblOutputFile = new global::IBBoard.GtkSharp.Translatable.TranslatableLabel ();
+			this.lblOutputFile.Name = "lblOutputFile";
+			this.lblOutputFile.Xalign = 1F;
+			this.lblOutputFile.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("Save as:");
+			this.table.Add (this.lblOutputFile);
+			global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w3 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table [this.lblOutputFile]));
+			w3.XOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+			w3.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+			// Container child table.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+			this.lblTransform = new global::IBBoard.GtkSharp.Translatable.TranslatableLabel ();
+			this.lblTransform.Sensitive = false;
+			this.lblTransform.Name = "lblTransform";
+			this.lblTransform.LabelProp = global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("Transform:");
+			this.table.Add (this.lblTransform);
+			global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w4 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table [this.lblTransform]));
+			w4.TopAttach = ((uint)(2));
+			w4.BottomAttach = ((uint)(3));
+			w4.XOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+			w4.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+			// Container child table.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+			this.saveAsPath = new global::Gtk.FileChooserButton (global::Mono.Unix.Catalog.GetString ("Select A File"), ((global::Gtk.FileChooserAction)(0)));
+			this.saveAsPath.Name = "saveAsPath";
+			this.table.Add (this.saveAsPath);
+			global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w5 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table [this.saveAsPath]));
+			w5.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
+			w5.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
+			w5.XOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+			w5.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+			// Container child table.Gtk.Table+TableChild
+			this.transformList = global::Gtk.ComboBox.NewText ();
+			this.transformList.Sensitive = false;
+			this.transformList.Name = "transformList";
+			this.table.Add (this.transformList);
+			global::Gtk.Table.TableChild w6 = ((global::Gtk.Table.TableChild)(this.table [this.transformList]));
+			w6.TopAttach = ((uint)(2));
+			w6.BottomAttach = ((uint)(3));
+			w6.LeftAttach = ((uint)(1));
+			w6.RightAttach = ((uint)(2));
+			w6.XOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+			w6.YOptions = ((global::Gtk.AttachOptions)(4));
+			w1.Add (this.table);
+			global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild w7 = ((global::Gtk.Box.BoxChild)(w1 [this.table]));
+			w7.Position = 0;
+			w7.Expand = false;
+			w7.Fill = false;
+			// Internal child IBBoard.WarFoundry.GUI.GTK.FrmExportXml.ActionArea
+			global::Gtk.HButtonBox w8 = this.ActionArea;
+			w8.Name = "dialog1_ActionArea";
+			w8.Spacing = 10;
+			w8.BorderWidth = ((uint)(5));
+			w8.LayoutStyle = ((global::Gtk.ButtonBoxStyle)(4));
+			// Container child dialog1_ActionArea.Gtk.ButtonBox+ButtonBoxChild
+			this.buttonCancel = new global::Gtk.Button ();
+			this.buttonCancel.CanDefault = true;
+			this.buttonCancel.CanFocus = true;
+			this.buttonCancel.Name = "buttonCancel";
+			this.buttonCancel.UseStock = true;
+			this.buttonCancel.UseUnderline = true;
+			this.buttonCancel.Label = "gtk-cancel";
+			this.AddActionWidget (this.buttonCancel, -6);
+			global::Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild w9 = ((global::Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild)(w8 [this.buttonCancel]));
+			w9.Expand = false;
+			w9.Fill = false;
+			// Container child dialog1_ActionArea.Gtk.ButtonBox+ButtonBoxChild
+			this.buttonOk = new global::Gtk.Button ();
+			this.buttonOk.CanDefault = true;
+			this.buttonOk.CanFocus = true;
+			this.buttonOk.Name = "buttonOk";
+			this.buttonOk.UseStock = true;
+			this.buttonOk.UseUnderline = true;
+			this.buttonOk.Label = "gtk-ok";
+			this.AddActionWidget (this.buttonOk, -5);
+			global::Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild w10 = ((global::Gtk.ButtonBox.ButtonBoxChild)(w8 [this.buttonOk]));
+			w10.Position = 1;
+			w10.Expand = false;
+			w10.Fill = false;
+			if ((this.Child != null)) {
+				this.Child.ShowAll ();
+			}
+			this.DefaultWidth = 400;
+			this.DefaultHeight = 300;
+			this.Show ();
+			this.doTransformWidget.Toggled += new global::System.EventHandler (this.OnDoTransformWidgetToggled);
+		}
+	}