view ChunkyDataATTR.cs @ 0:82db9430c2e4 default tip

Initial commit under GPLv3
author IBBoard <>
date Sat, 06 Oct 2018 19:49:25 +0100
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// This file is a part of the Relic Tools and is copyright 2006-2018 IBBoard.
// The file and the library/program it is in are licensed under the GNU GPL license, either version 3 of the License or (at your option) any later version. Please see COPYING for more information and the full license.
using System;
using System.IO;
using IBBoard.Relic.RelicTools.Exceptions;

namespace IBBoard.Relic.RelicTools
	/// <summary>
	/// Summary description for ChunkyDataDATA.
	/// </summary>
	public class ChunkyDataATTR : ChunkyData

		int width = 0;
		int height = 0;
		int mipmaps = 0;
		int imagetype = 0;

		public ChunkyDataATTR(int version_in, string name_in, byte[] innerData_in):base("ATTR", version_in, name_in)
			imagetype = innerData_in[0]+(innerData_in[1]<<8)+(innerData_in[2]<<16)+(innerData_in[3]<<24);
			width = innerData_in[4]+(innerData_in[5]<<8)+(innerData_in[6]<<16)+(innerData_in[7]<<24);
			height = innerData_in[8]+(innerData_in[9]<<8)+(innerData_in[10]<<16)+(innerData_in[11]<<24);

			if (innerData_in.Length>12)
				mipmaps = innerData_in[12]+(innerData_in[13]<<8)+(innerData_in[14]<<16)+(innerData_in[15]<<24);
				mipmaps = 0;

		public int Width
				return width;

		public int Height
				return height;

		public int MipMaps
				return mipmaps;

		public int ImageType
				return imagetype;

		public string ImageTypeString
					case 0: return "TGA";
					case 8: return "DXT1 DDS";
					case 10: return "DXT3 DDS";
					case 11: return "DXT5 DDS";
					default: return "Unknown";

		public override string GetDisplayDetails()
			return base.GetBaseDisplayDetails()+Environment.NewLine+
				"Image Type:\t"+ImageTypeString+Environment.NewLine+
				(ImageType!=0?"Mip Maps:\t"+mipmaps:"Unknown:\t"+mipmaps);

		public override int DataLength
				return (imagetype == 0 && mipmaps==0)?12:16;

		public override byte[] GetDataBytes()
			byte[] data = new byte[DataLength];
			int pos = 0;

			data[pos++] = (byte)imagetype;
			data[pos++] = (byte)(imagetype>>8);
			data[pos++] = (byte)(imagetype>>16);
			data[pos++] = (byte)(imagetype>>24);
			data[pos++] = (byte)width;
			data[pos++] = (byte)(width>>8);
			data[pos++] = (byte)(width>>16);
			data[pos++] = (byte)(width>>24);
			data[pos++] = (byte)width;
			data[pos++] = (byte)(width>>8);
			data[pos++] = (byte)(width>>16);
			data[pos++] = (byte)(width>>24);

			if (DataLength>12)
				data[pos++] = (byte)imagetype;
				data[pos++] = (byte)(imagetype>>8);
				data[pos++] = (byte)(imagetype>>16);
				data[pos++] = (byte)(imagetype>>24);

			return data;
