view ChunkyDataPTBD.cs @ 0:82db9430c2e4 default tip

Initial commit under GPLv3
author IBBoard <>
date Sat, 06 Oct 2018 19:49:25 +0100
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// This file is a part of the Relic Tools and is copyright 2006-2018 IBBoard.
// The file and the library/program it is in are licensed under the GNU GPL license, either version 3 of the License or (at your option) any later version. Please see COPYING for more information and the full license.
using System;
using System.IO;
using IBBoard.Graphics;
using IBBoard.Relic.RelicTools.Exceptions;

namespace IBBoard.Relic.RelicTools
	/// <summary>
	/// Summary description for ChunkyDataPTBD.
	/// </summary>
	public class ChunkyDataPTBD : ChunkyDataLayer
		const float size_x = 64;
		const float size_y = 64;
		float x;
		float y;

		public ChunkyDataPTBD(int version_in, string name_in, byte[] innerData):base("PTBD", version_in, name_in)
			x = BitConverter.ToSingle(innerData,0);
			y = BitConverter.ToSingle(innerData,4);

		public float Pos_x
			get{ return x; }

		public float Pos_y
			get{ return y; }

		public float Height
			get{ return size_y; }

		public float Width
			get{ return size_x; }

		public override void Save(DirectoryInfo dir, string fileBaseName)
			int width = Info.Width;
			int height = Info.Height;

			float right = x+size_x;
			float top = y+size_y;

			if (((int)right)>width || ((int)top)>height)
				throw new InvalidChunkException("Badge layer contains an invalid badge position");

			//create the TGA
			int fileLength = width*height;
			byte [] file = new byte[fileLength];

			int pos = 0;

			for (int i = 0; i<height; i++)
				for (int j = 0; j<width; j++)
					if (x<=j && j<right && y<=i && i<top)
						file[pos] = byte.MaxValue;
						file[pos] = byte.MinValue;


			//save the TGA
			FileStream str = new FileStream(dir.FullName.TrimEnd(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)+Path.DirectorySeparatorChar+fileBaseName+"_Badge.tga", FileMode.Create);
			BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(str);

		public static ChunkyDataPTBD CreateFromTGA(int version, string name, byte[] tgaData)
			//check image type code
			if (tgaData[2]!=0x03)
				bool worked = false;

				if (tgaData[1] == 0x01 && tgaData[2] == 0x01)
					tgaData = ImageConverter.ColourMapToGreyscale(tgaData);
					worked = true;

				if (!worked)
					ImageConverter.MapEncStruct format = ImageConverter.getMapEncStruct(tgaData[2]);
					throw new InvalidFileException("_badge.tga must be an unencoded unmapped monochrome Targa image.\r\n"+
						"  Image type: "+format.formatType+"\r\n"+
						"  Image encoded: "+((format.isEncoded)?"yes":"no")+"\r\n"+
						"  Colour mapped: "+((format.isMapped)?"yes":"no"));

			//check colour depth
			if (tgaData[16]!=0x08)
				throw new InvalidFileException("_badge.tga must be an 8-bit Targa image. Image was "+tgaData[16]+"-bit.");

			float pos_x = float.MinValue;
			float pos_y = float.MinValue;
			int width = (int)tgaData[12]+(((int)tgaData[13])<<8);
			int height = (int)tgaData[14]+(((int)tgaData[15])<<8);
			int currPos = 0;
			int size_x_int = (int)size_x;

			for (currPos = 18; currPos<tgaData.Length; currPos+=size_x_int)
				//try to find our badge;
				if (tgaData[currPos]==byte.MaxValue)
					pos_y = (float)((currPos-18)/width);
					pos_x = (float)(currPos-18-(pos_y*width));

			if (pos_y!=float.MinValue)
				int maxPossibleEnd = currPos+width;
				int extra = 0;

				while (currPos<maxPossibleEnd && tgaData[currPos]==byte.MaxValue)

				//check where the left hand side should start
				if (pos_x>0 && (tgaData[currPos-size_x_int]!=byte.MaxValue || tgaData[currPos-size_x_int-1]!=byte.MinValue))
					throw new InvalidFileException("Badge is is not the correct width or is not a solid white square");
					pos_x = pos_x+extra-size_x;

				//and check for the top - not all of the block, just assume a left and bottom side are OK
				int aboveTop = currPos-size_x_int+(width*(int)size_y);
				for (int i = currPos-size_x_int; i<=aboveTop && i<tgaData.Length; i+= width)
					if (tgaData[i]!=byte.MaxValue && i!=aboveTop)
						throw new InvalidFileException("Badge area is too small. Badge must be 64px by 64px");

				//if we got here, it's all OK

				byte[] data = new byte[16];
				BitConverter.GetBytes(pos_x).CopyTo(data, 0);
				BitConverter.GetBytes(pos_y).CopyTo(data, 4);
				BitConverter.GetBytes(size_x).CopyTo(data, 8);
				BitConverter.GetBytes(size_y).CopyTo(data, 12);
				return new ChunkyDataPTBD(version, name, data);
				return null;

		public override bool Savable
				return true;

		public override int DataLength
				return 16;

		public override byte[] GetDataBytes()
			byte[] data = new byte[16];
			BitConverter.GetBytes(x).CopyTo(data, 0);
			BitConverter.GetBytes(y).CopyTo(data, 4);
			BitConverter.GetBytes(size_x).CopyTo(data, 8);
			BitConverter.GetBytes(size_y).CopyTo(data, 12);
			return data;

		public override string GetDisplayDetails()
			return base.GetBaseDisplayDetails()+Environment.NewLine+