view gtk-4.4/_drawing.scss @ 110:aad862dc7583 v1.1.0

Add screenshots and notes for 1.1 release
author IBBoard <>
date Tue, 26 Apr 2022 20:23:00 +0100
parents 9da64f7bb19c
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// Drawing mixins

// generic drawing of more complex things

// Helper mixin for drawing visible focus rings
// If $target is specified, the focus ring is applied to the specified child element.
// If $outer is true, the focus ring extends outward. Otherwise, it extends inward.
// If $within is true, use focus-within instead of focus:focus-visible
@mixin focus-ring($target: null, $width: 2px, $offset: -$width, $outer: false, $focus-state: 'focus:focus-visible', $fc: $focus_border_color) {
  transition-property: outline, outline-width, outline-offset, outline-color;
  transition-duration: 300ms;
  animation-timing-function: ease-in-out;
  & #{$target} {
    outline: 0 solid transparent;
    outline-offset: if($outer, $offset + 4px, $offset + $width + 4px);

  &:#{$focus-state} #{$target} {
    outline-color: $fc;
    outline-width: $width;
    outline-offset: $offset;

@mixin _shadows($list...) {
// Helper mixin to stack up to box-shadows;
  $shadows: null;

  @each $shadow in $list {
    @if $shadow!=none { $shadows: $shadows, $shadow; }

  box-shadow: $shadows;

// entries

@mixin entry($t, $fc:$focus_border_color) {
// Entries drawing function
// $t: entry type
// $fc: focus color
// possible $t values:
// normal, focus, insensitive, backdrop, backdrop-insensitive, osd, osd-focus, osd-backdrop, block_cursor;

  @if $t==normal {
    color: $text_color;
    border-color: $borders_color;
    background-color: $base_color;
    // for the transition to work the number of shadows in different states needs to match, hence the transparent shadow here.
  @if $t==insensitive {
    color: $insensitive_fg_color;
    border-color: $borders_color;
    background-color: $insensitive_bg_color;
  @if $t==backdrop {
    color: $backdrop_text_color;
    border-color: $backdrop_borders_color;
    background-color: $backdrop_base_color;
  @if $t==backdrop-insensitive {
    color: $backdrop_insensitive_color;
    border-color: $backdrop_borders_color;
    background-color: $insensitive_bg_color;
  @if $t==osd {
    color: $osd_text_color;
    border-color: $osd_borders_color;
    background-color: transparentize(opacify($osd_borders_color, 1), 0.5);
    background-clip: padding-box;
    box-shadow: none;
    -gtk-icon-shadow: 0 1px black;
  @if $t==osd-focus {
    color: $osd_text_color;
    border-color: $selected_bg_color;
    background-color: transparentize(opacify($osd_borders_color, 1), 0.5);
    background-clip: padding-box;
  @if $t==osd-insensitive {
    color: $osd_insensitive_fg_color;
    border-color: $osd_borders_color;
    background-color: $osd_insensitive_bg_color;
    background-clip: padding-box;
  @if $t==osd-backdrop {
    color: $osd_text_color;
    border-color: $osd_borders_color;
    background-color: transparentize(opacify($osd_borders_color, 1), 0.5);
    background-clip: padding-box;
  @if $t==block_cursor {
    color: $base_color;
    background-color: $text_color;

// buttons

@function _border_color($c, $darker: false) {
  @if $darker == true { @return darken($c, 20%); }
  @else { @return darken($c, 15%); }

$_default_button_c: lighten($bg_color,2%);
@mixin button($t, $c:$_default_button_c, $tc:$fg_color) {
// Button drawing function
// $t:    button type,
// $c:    base button color for colored* types
// $tc:   optional text color for colored* types
// possible $t values:
// normal, hover, active, checked-hover, checked-active, insensitive, insensitive-active,
// backdrop, backdrop-active, backdrop-insensitive, backdrop-insensitive-active,
// osd, osd-hover, osd-active, osd-insensitive, osd-backdrop, undecorated
  $_button_shadow: 0 1px 2px transparentize($shadow_color, 0.03);

  @if $t==normal {
  // normal button
    color: $tc;
    outline-color: if($c != $_default_button_c, $alt_focus_border_color, $focus_border_color);
    border-color: if($c!=$_default_button_c, _border_color($c, true), $borders_color); //tint if not default button color
    background-image: if($variant == 'light', linear-gradient(to top, darken($c, 2%) 2px, $c),
                                              linear-gradient(to top, darken($c,1%) 2px, $c));
    @include _shadows($_button_shadow);

  @else if $t==hover {
  // hovered button
    color: $tc;
    border-color: if($c != $_default_button_c, _border_color($c), $borders_color);
    @if $variant == 'light' {
      background-image: linear-gradient(to top, darken($c,16%), darken($c,8%) 1px);
      @include _shadows($_button_shadow);
    @else {
      background-image: linear-gradient(to top, darken($c,4%) 20%, darken($c, 3%) 90%);
      @include _shadows($_button_shadow);

  @else if $t==active {
  // pushed button
    color: $tc;
    border-color: if($c != $_default_button_c, _border_color($c), $borders_color);
    background-image: if($variant == 'light', image(darken($c, 14%)), image(darken($c, 9%)));
    box-shadow: none;

  @else if $t==checked-hover {
  // pushed togglebutton hover
    color: $tc;
    border-color: if($c != $_default_button_c, _border_color($c), $borders_color);
    background-image: if($variant == 'light', image(darken($c, 18%)), image(darken($c, 12%)));
    box-shadow: none;

  @else if $t==checked-active {
  // pushed togglebutton pushed further :)
    color: $tc;
    border-color: if($c != $_default_button_c, _border_color($c), $borders_color);
    background-image: if($variant == 'light', image(darken($c, 22%)), image(darken($c, 14%)));
    box-shadow: none;

  @else if $t==insensitive {
  // insensitive button
    $_bg: if($c != $_default_button_c, mix($c, $base_color, 85%), $insensitive_bg_color);

    color: if($tc != $fg_color, mix($tc, $_bg, 50%), $insensitive_fg_color);
    border-color: if($c != $_default_button_c, _border_color($c), $insensitive_borders_color);
    background-image: image($_bg);

  @else if $t==insensitive-active {
  // insensitive pushed button
    $_bg: if($variant == 'light', darken(mix($c, $base_color, 85%), 8%), darken(mix($c, $base_color, 85%), 6%));
    $_bc: if($c != $_default_button_c, _border_color($c), $insensitive_borders_color);

    color: if($c != $_default_button_c, mix($tc, $_bg, 60%), $insensitive_fg_color);
    border-color: $_bc;
    background-image: image($_bg);
    box-shadow: none;

  @else if $t==backdrop {
  // backdrop button
    $_bg: if($c != $_default_button_c, $c, $backdrop_bg_color);
    $_bc: if($variant == 'light', $c, _border_color($c));

    color: if($tc != $fg_color, mix($tc, $_bg, 80%), $backdrop_fg_color);
    border-color: if($c != $_default_button_c, $_bc, $backdrop_borders_color);
    background-image: image($_bg);
    box-shadow: none;

  @else if $t==backdrop-active {
  // backdrop pushed button
    $_bg: if($variant == 'light', darken(mix($c, $base_color, 85%), 8%), darken(mix($c, $base_color, 85%), 4%));
    $_bc: if($variant == 'light', $_bg ,_border_color($c));

    color: if($tc != $fg_color, mix($tc, $_bg, 80%), $backdrop_fg_color);
    border-color: if($c != $_default_button_c, $_bc, $backdrop_borders_color);
    background-image: image($_bg);
    box-shadow: none;

  @else if $t==backdrop-insensitive {
  // backdrop insensitive button

    $_bg: if($c != $_default_button_c, mix($c, $base_color, 85%), $insensitive_bg_color);
    $_bc: if($variant == 'light', $_bg,_border_color($c));

    color: if($c != $_default_button_c, mix($tc, $_bg, 35%), $backdrop_insensitive_color);
    border-color: if($c != $_default_button_c, $_bc, $backdrop_borders_color);
    background-image: image($_bg);
    box-shadow: none;

  @else if $t==backdrop-insensitive-active {
  // backdrop insensitive pushed button

    $_bg: if($variant == 'light', darken(mix($c, $base_color, 85%), 8%), darken(mix($c, $base_color, 85%), 4%));
    $_bc: if($variant == 'light', $_bg, _border_color($c));

    color: if($c != $_default_button_c, mix($tc, $_bg, 35%), $backdrop_insensitive_color);
    border-color: if($c != $_default_button_c, $_bc, $backdrop_borders_color);
    background-image: image($_bg);
    box-shadow: none;

  @else if $t==osd {
  // normal osd button
    $_bg: if($c != $_default_button_c, transparentize($c, 0.5), $osd_bg_color);

    color: $osd_fg_color;
    outline-color: if($c != $_default_button_c, $alt_focus_border_color, $focus_border_color);
    border-color: $osd_borders_color;
    background-color: transparent;
    background-image: image($_bg);
    background-clip: padding-box;

  @else if $t==osd-hover {
  // active osd button
    $_bg: if($c != $_default_button_c, transparentize($c, 0.3), darken($osd_bg_color, 10%));

    color: white;
    border-color: $osd_borders_color;
    background-color: transparent;
    background-image: image($_bg);
    background-clip: padding-box;

  @else if $t==osd-active {
  // active osd button
    $_bg: if($c != $_default_button_c, $c, darken($osd_bg_color, 20%));

    color: white;
    border-color: $osd_borders_color;
    background-color: transparent;
    background-image: image($_bg);
    background-clip: padding-box;
    box-shadow: none;

  @else if $t==osd-insensitive {
  // insensitive osd button
    color: $osd_insensitive_fg_color;
    border-color: $osd_borders_color;
    background-color: transparent;
    background-image: image($osd_insensitive_bg_color);
    background-clip: padding-box;

  @else if $t==osd-backdrop {
  // backdrop osd button
    $_bg: if($c != $_default_button_c, transparentize($c, 0.5), $osd_bg_color);

    color: $osd_fg_color;
    border-color: $osd_borders_color;
    background-color: transparent;
    background-image: image($_bg);
    background-clip: padding-box;

  @else if $t==undecorated {
  // reset
    border-color: transparent;
    background-color: transparent;
    background-image: none;
    box-shadow: none;
  @else if $t==undecorated-hover {
    border-color: transparent;
    background-image: none;
    box-shadow: none;
    @if $variant == 'light' {
      background-color: darken($c,14%);
    } @else {
      background-color: darken($c,1%);
  @else if $t==undecorated-active {
    border-color: transparent;
    background-image: none;
    box-shadow: none;
    @if $variant == 'light' {
      background-color: darken($c,20%);
    @else {
      background-color: darken($c,5%);

@mixin headerbar_fill($c:$headerbar_bg_color, $ov: none) {
// headerbar fill
// $c:  base color
// $ov: a background layer for background shorthand (hence no commas!)
  $gradient: linear-gradient(to top, darken($c, 2%), lighten($c, 1%));

  @if $variant == 'dark' { $gradient: linear-gradient(to top, lighten($c, 4%), lighten($c, 6%)); }

  @if $ov != none { background: $c $ov, $gradient; }
  @else { background: $c $gradient; }


@mixin overshoot($p, $t:normal, $c:$fg_color) {
// overshoot
// $p: position
// $t: type
// $c: base color
// possible $p values:
// top, bottom, right, left
// possible $t values:
// normal, backdrop

  $_small_gradient_length: 3%;
  $_big_gradient_length: 50%;

  $_small_gradient_size: 100% $_small_gradient_length;
  $_big_gradient_size: 100% $_big_gradient_length;

  @if $p==right or $p==left {
    $_small_gradient_size: $_small_gradient_length 100%;
    $_big_gradient_size: $_big_gradient_length 100%;

  $_small_gradient_color: $c;
  $_big_gradient_color: transparentize($c, 0.93);

  @if $c==$fg_color {
    $_small_gradient_color: darken($borders_color, 10%);
    $_big_gradient_color: transparentize($fg_color, 0.93);

    @if $t==backdrop { $_small_gradient_color: $backdrop_borders_color; }

  $_small_gradient: radial-gradient(farthest-side at $p,
                                    $_small_gradient_color 85%,
                                    transparentize($_small_gradient_color, 1));

  $_big_gradient: radial-gradient(farthest-side at $p,
                                  transparentize($_big_gradient_color, 1));

  @if $t==normal {
    background-image: $_small_gradient, $_big_gradient;
    background-size: $_small_gradient_size, $_big_gradient_size;

  @else if $t==backdrop {
    background-image: $_small_gradient;
    background-size: $_small_gradient_size;

  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position: $p;

  background-color: transparent; // reset some properties to be sure to not inherit them somehow
  border: none;                  //
  box-shadow: none;              //

 * Check and Radio buttons *

 @mixin check($t, $c:$checkradio_bg_color, $tc:$checkradio_fg_color, $checked: false) {
  // Check/Radio drawing function
  // $t:        check/radio type,
  // $c:        base button color for colored* types
  // $tc:       optional text color for colored* types
  // $checked:  bool to chose between checked/unchecked
  // possible $t values:
  // normal, hover, active, insensitive, backdrop, backdrop-insensitive, menu

  $_border_color: if($c==$checkradio_bg_color, $checkradio_borders_color, $alt_borders_color);
  $_dim_border_color: transparentize($_border_color, if($variant == 'light', 0.3, 0.7));

  @if $t==normal  {
    background-clip: if($checked, border-box, padding-box);
    background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($c, 5%) 20%, $c 90%);
    border-color: $_border_color;
    box-shadow: 0 1px transparentize(black, 0.95);
    color: $tc;

  @if $t==hover {
    background-image: if($c == white, image(darken($c, 5%)), linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($c, 9%) 10%, lighten($c, 4%) 90%));

  @if $t==active {
    box-shadow: inset 0 1px if($variant == 'light', rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), black);
    background-image: if($c == white, image(darken($c, 15%)), image(darken($c, 5%)));

  @if $t==insensitive {
    box-shadow: none;
    color: transparentize($tc, 0.3);

  @if $t==backdrop {
    background-image: image($c);
    box-shadow: none;
    color: $tc;

  @if $t==backdrop-insensitive {
    box-shadow: none;
    color: transparentize($tc, 0.3);

  @if $t==menu {
   transform: scale(0.8);
   border-width: 1.2px;
   border-color: transparent;
   box-shadow: none;
   background-image: image(transparent);
   color: $tc;

  @if $t==menu-active {
   transform: scale(0.8);
   border-width: 1.2px;
   color: $tc;
   box-shadow: none;
   background-image: image(transparent);