diff modules/fail2ban/manifests/init.pp @ 292:3e04f35dd0af

Turn Fail2ban setup into a module We now: * Don't have a large class outside a module * Build "bad SSH users" config from a list (easier to understand/see diffs in than a long line) * Use modern EPP files
author IBBoard <dev@ibboard.co.uk>
date Sat, 18 Jan 2020 15:17:03 +0000
children 55762b436f89
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/modules/fail2ban/manifests/init.pp	Sat Jan 18 15:17:03 2020 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+class fail2ban (
+	$firewall_cmd,
+	) {
+	package { 'fail2ban':
+		ensure => installed,
+	}
+	service { 'fail2ban':
+		ensure => running,
+		enable => true
+	}
+	File<| tag == 'fail2ban' |> {
+		ensure => present,
+		require => Package['fail2ban'],
+		notify => Service['fail2ban'],
+	}
+	file { '/etc/fail2ban/fail2ban.local':
+		source => 'puppet:///modules/fail2ban/fail2ban.local',
+	}
+	file { '/etc/fail2ban/jail.local':
+		source => 'puppet:///modules/fail2ban/jail.local',
+	}
+	file { '/etc/fail2ban/action.d/apf.conf':
+		source => 'puppet:///modules/fail2ban/apf.conf',
+	}
+	if $firewall_cmd == 'iptables' {
+		$firewall_ban_cmd = 'iptables-multiport'
+	} else {
+		$firewall_ban_cmd = $firewall_cmd
+	}
+	file { '/etc/fail2ban/action.d/firewall-ban.conf':
+		ensure => link,
+		target => "/etc/fail2ban/action.d/${firewall_ban_cmd}.conf",
+	}
+	file { '/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ibb-apache-exploits-instaban.conf':
+		source => 'puppet:///modules/fail2ban/ibb-apache-exploits-instaban.conf',
+	}
+	file { '/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ibb-apache-shellshock.conf':
+		source => 'puppet:///modules/fail2ban/ibb-apache-shellshock.conf',
+	}
+	file { '/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ibb-repeat-offender.conf':
+		source => 'puppet:///modules/fail2ban/ibb-repeat-offender.conf',
+	}
+	file { '/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ibb-repeat-offender-ssh.conf':
+		source => 'puppet:///modules/fail2ban/ibb-repeat-offender-ssh.conf',
+	}
+	file { '/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ibb-postfix-spammers.conf':
+		source => 'puppet:///modules/fail2ban/ibb-postfix-spammers.conf',
+	}
+	file { '/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ibb-postfix-malicious.conf':
+		source => 'puppet:///modules/fail2ban/ibb-postfix-malicious.conf',
+	}
+	file { '/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ibb-postfix.conf':
+		source => 'puppet:///modules/fail2ban/ibb-postfix.conf',
+	}
+	file { '/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ibb-sshd.conf':
+		source => 'puppet:///modules/fail2ban/ibb-sshd.conf',
+	}
+	$bad_users = [
+		'[0-9]+',
+		'[0-9a-z][0-9a-z]?',
+		'([0-9a-z])\2{2,}',
+		'abc123',
+		'abused',
+		'adm',
+		'Admin',
+		'admin[0-9]+',
+		'administrateur',
+		'administracion',
+		'altibase',
+		'alumni',
+		'amavisd?',
+		'anwenderschnittstelle',
+		'anonymous',
+		'ansible',
+		'aptproxy',
+		'arkserver',
+		'asterisk',
+		'auser',
+		'avahi',
+		'avis',
+		'backlog',
+		'backup(s|er|pc|user)?',
+		'bf2',
+		'bitnami',
+		'bitrix',
+		'boinc',
+		'botmaster',
+		'build',
+		'buscador',
+		'cacti(user)?',
+		'catchall',
+		'cemergen',
+		'chef',
+		'cinema',
+		'clamav',
+		'cliente?[0-9]*',
+		'clouduser',
+		'com',
+		'comercial',
+		'control',
+		'couchdb',
+		'cpanel',
+		'create',
+		'cron',
+		'(cs(s|go|cz)|arma|mc|tf2?|sdtd|web|pz)se?rve?r?',
+		'cyrus[0-9]*',
+		'daemon',
+		'danger',
+		'debian(-spamd)?',
+		'default',
+		'dell',
+		'deploy(er)?',
+		'desktop',
+		'developer',
+		'devops',
+		'devteam',
+		'dietpi',
+		'django',
+		'dotblot',
+		'download',
+		'dovecot',
+		'easy',
+		'ec2-user',
+		'edu(cation)?[0-9]*',
+		'e-shop',
+		'engin(eer)?',
+		'esadmin',
+		'events',
+		'exports?',
+		'facebook',
+		'factorio',
+		'fax',
+		'filter',
+		'firebird',
+		'fuser',
+		'games',
+		'gdm',
+		'geniuz',
+		'ggc_user',
+		'ghost',
+		'git(olite?|blit|lab(_ci)?)?',
+		'gmail',
+		'gopher',
+		'guest',
+		'hacker',
+		'hadoop',
+		'harvard',
+		'helpdesk',
+		'home',
+		'host',
+		'httpd?',
+		'huawei',
+		'iceuser',
+		'imscp',
+		'info(rmix)?',
+		'java',
+		'jboss',
+		'jenkins',
+		'jira',
+		'jsboss',
+		'kafka',
+		'kodi',
+		'library',
+		'libsys',
+		'libuuid',
+		'linode',
+		'linux',
+		'login',
+		'logout',
+		'lynx',
+		'mailer',
+		'mailman',
+		'maintain',
+		'majordomo',
+		'man',
+		'mantis',
+		'marketing',
+		'master',
+		'membership',
+		'minecraft',
+		'modem',
+		'mongo(db|user)?',
+		'monitor',
+		'more',
+		'moher',
+		'mpiuser',
+		'musi[ck]bot',
+		'(my?|pg)sq(ue)?l',
+		'mythtv',
+		'nagios',
+		'nasa',
+		'netdump',
+		'netzplatz',
+		'newadmin',
+		'nexus',
+		'nfs',
+		'(nfs)?nobody',
+		'nginx',
+		'noc',
+		'nothing',
+		'NpC',
+		'nux',
+		'odoo',
+		'odroid',
+		'onyxeye',
+		'openbravo',
+		'openvpn',
+		'operador',
+		'operator',
+		'ops(code)?',
+		'oprofile',
+		'ora(cle|prod)',
+		'osmc',
+		'papernet',
+		'password',
+		'payments',
+		'pay_?pal',
+		'pentaho',
+		'PlcmSpIp(PlcmSpIp)?',
+		'popuser',
+		'postfix',
+		'postgres',
+		'postmaster',
+		'print',
+		'privoxy',
+		'proba',
+		'proxy',
+		'puppet',
+		'qhsupport',
+		'rabbit(mq)?',
+		'radiusd?',
+		'redis',
+		'redmine',
+		'riakcs',
+		'root[0-9]+',
+		'rpc(user)?',
+		'RPM',
+		'rtorrent',
+		'rustserver',
+		'sales[0-9]+',
+		's?bin',
+		'(samba|sshd|git|student|tomcat|abc|web|info|(vpn|appl?|my|b)?(use?r|server|manager|mgr)|account)[0-9]*',
+		'saslauth',
+		'scaner',
+		'screen',
+		'search',
+		'setup',
+		'service',
+		'(s|u|ams|admin|inss|pro)?ftp(d|_?user|home|_?test)?[0-9]*',
+		'sftponly',
+		'shell',
+		'shop',
+		'sinusbot',
+		'smmsp',
+		'socket',
+		'software',
+		'solarus',
+		'splunk',
+		'squid',
+		'squirrelmail',
+		'sshusr',
+		'staffc',
+		'steam(cmd)?',
+		'store',
+		'superuser',
+		'support',
+		'svnroot',
+		'sysadmin',
+		'system',
+		'teamspeak3?',
+		'telkom',
+		'temp',
+		'test((ing|ftp|man|use?r|u)[0-9]*|[0-9]+)?',
+		'(test)?username',
+		'text',
+		'tomcat',
+		'tools',
+		'toor',
+		'ts[23](se?rv(er)?|(musi[ck])?bot)?',
+		'tunstall',
+		'ubnt',
+		'ubuntu',
+		'upload',
+		'unity',
+		'USERID',
+		'user[0-9]*',
+		'usuario',
+		'uucp',
+		'vagrant',
+		'vbox',
+		'ventrilo',
+		'vhbackup',
+		'virusalter',
+		'vmadmin',
+		'vmail',
+		'vyatta',
+		'wanadoo',
+		'weblogic',
+		'webmaster',
+		'WinD3str0y',
+		'wine',
+		'wp-?user',
+		'write',
+		'www',
+		'(www|web|coin|fax|sys|db2|rsync|tc)-?(adm(in)?|run|user|data)',
+		'xbian',
+		'xbot',
+		'xoadmin',
+		'yahoo',
+		'yarn',
+		'zabbix',
+		'zimbra',
+		'zookeeper',
+		'0fordn1on@#\$%%\^&',
+		'P@\$\$w0rd',
+		'pass123?4?'
+	]
+	file { '/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ibb-sshd-bad-user.conf':
+		content => epp('fail2ban/ibb-sshd-bad-user.epp', { 'bad_users' => $bad_users }),
+	}
+	# Because one of our rules checks fail2ban's log, but the service dies without the file
+	file { '/var/log/fail2ban.log':
+		ensure => present,
+		owner => 'root',
+		group => 'root',
+		mode => '0600',
+	}
\ No newline at end of file