diff modules/archive/manifests/artifactory.pp @ 386:3fce34f642f1

Add a PHP module to handle platform differences
author IBBoard <dev@ibboard.co.uk>
date Mon, 03 Jan 2022 17:09:39 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/modules/archive/manifests/artifactory.pp	Mon Jan 03 17:09:39 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# Define: archive::artifactory
+# ============================
+# archive wrapper for downloading files from artifactory
+# Parameters
+# ----------
+# * path: fully qualified filepath for the download the file or use archive_path and only supply filename. (namevar).
+# * ensure: ensure the file is present/absent.
+# * url: artifactory download URL.
+# * owner: file owner (see archive params for defaults).
+# * group: file group (see archive params for defaults).
+# * mode: file mode (see archive params for defaults).
+# * archive_path: the parent directory of local filepath.
+# * extract: whether to extract the files (true/false).
+# * creates: the file created when the archive is extracted (true/false).
+# * cleanup: remove archive file after file extraction (true/false).
+# Examples
+# --------
+# archive::artifactory { '/tmp/logo.png':
+#   url   => 'https://repo.jfrog.org/artifactory/distributions/images/Artifactory_120x75.png',
+#   owner => 'root',
+#   group => 'root',
+#   mode  => '0644',
+# }
+# $dirname = 'gradle-1.0-milestone-4-20110723151213+0300'
+# $filename = "${dirname}-bin.zip"
+# archive::artifactory { $filename:
+#   archive_path => '/tmp',
+#   url          => "http://repo.jfrog.org/artifactory/distributions/org/gradle/${filename}",
+#   extract      => true,
+#   extract_path => '/opt',
+#   creates      => "/opt/${dirname}",
+#   cleanup      => true,
+# }
+define archive::artifactory (
+  Stdlib::HTTPUrl                $url,
+  String                         $path         = $name,
+  Enum['present', 'absent']      $ensure       = present,
+  Optional[String]               $owner        = undef,
+  Optional[String]               $group        = undef,
+  Optional[String]               $mode         = undef,
+  Optional[Boolean]              $extract      = undef,
+  Optional[String]               $extract_path = undef,
+  Optional[String]               $creates      = undef,
+  Optional[Boolean]              $cleanup      = undef,
+  Optional[String]               $username     = undef,
+  Optional[String]               $password     = undef,
+  Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $archive_path = undef,
+) {
+  include archive::params
+  if $archive_path {
+    $file_path = "${archive_path}/${name}"
+  } else {
+    $file_path = $path
+  }
+  assert_type(Stdlib::Absolutepath, $file_path) |$expected, $actual| {
+    fail("archive::artifactory[${name}]: \$name or \$archive_path must be '${expected}', not '${actual}'")
+  }
+  $maven2_data = archive::parse_artifactory_url($url)
+  if $maven2_data and $maven2_data['folder_iteg_rev'] == 'SNAPSHOT' {
+    # URL represents a SNAPSHOT version. eg 'http://artifactory.example.com/artifactory/repo/com/example/artifact/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/artifact-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.zip'
+    # Only Artifactory Pro lets you download this directly but the corresponding fileinfo endpoint (where the sha1 checksum is published) doesn't exist.
+    # This means we can't use the artifactory_sha1 function
+    $latest_url_data = archive::artifactory_latest_url($url, $maven2_data)
+    $file_url = $latest_url_data['url']
+    $sha1     = $latest_url_data['sha1']
+  } else {
+    $file_url = $url
+    $sha1     = archive::artifactory_checksum($url,'sha1')
+  }
+  archive { $file_path:
+    ensure        => $ensure,
+    path          => $file_path,
+    extract       => $extract,
+    extract_path  => $extract_path,
+    username      => $username,
+    password      => $password,
+    source        => $file_url,
+    checksum      => $sha1,
+    checksum_type => 'sha1',
+    creates       => $creates,
+    cleanup       => $cleanup,
+  }
+  $file_owner = pick($owner, $archive::params::owner)
+  $file_group = pick($group, $archive::params::group)
+  $file_mode  = pick($mode, $archive::params::mode)
+  file { $file_path:
+    owner   => $file_owner,
+    group   => $file_group,
+    mode    => $file_mode,
+    require => Archive[$file_path],
+  }