diff modules/inifile/lib/puppet/util/ini_file.rb @ 386:3fce34f642f1

Add a PHP module to handle platform differences
author IBBoard <dev@ibboard.co.uk>
date Mon, 03 Jan 2022 17:09:39 +0000
children adf6fe9bbc17
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/modules/inifile/lib/puppet/util/ini_file.rb	Mon Jan 03 17:09:39 2022 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require File.expand_path('../external_iterator', __FILE__)
+require File.expand_path('../ini_file/section', __FILE__)
+module Puppet::Util
+  #
+  # ini_file.rb
+  #
+  class IniFile
+    def initialize(path, key_val_separator = ' = ', section_prefix = '[', section_suffix = ']',
+                   indent_char = ' ', indent_width = nil)
+      k_v_s = (key_val_separator =~ %r{^\s+$}) ? ' ' : key_val_separator.strip
+      @section_prefix = section_prefix
+      @section_suffix = section_suffix
+      @indent_char = indent_char
+      @indent_width = indent_width ? indent_width.to_i : nil
+      @section_regex = section_regex
+      @setting_regex = %r{^(\s*)([^#;\s]|[^#;\s].*?[^\s#{k_v_s}])(\s*#{k_v_s}[ \t]*)(.*)\s*$}
+      @commented_setting_regex = %r{^(\s*)[#;]+(\s*)(.*?[^\s#{k_v_s}])(\s*#{k_v_s}[ \t]*)(.*)\s*$}
+      @path = path
+      @key_val_separator = key_val_separator
+      @section_names = []
+      @sections_hash = {}
+      parse_file
+    end
+    def section_regex
+      # Only put in prefix/suffix if they exist
+      # Also, if the prefix is '', the negated
+      # set match should be a match all instead.
+      r_string = '^\s*'
+      r_string += Regexp.escape(@section_prefix)
+      r_string += '('
+      if @section_prefix != ''
+        r_string += '[^'
+        r_string += Regexp.escape(@section_prefix)
+        r_string += ']'
+      else
+        r_string += '.'
+      end
+      r_string += '*)'
+      r_string += Regexp.escape(@section_suffix)
+      r_string += '\s*$'
+      %r{#{r_string}}
+    end
+    attr_reader :section_names
+    def get_settings(section_name)
+      section = @sections_hash[section_name]
+      section.setting_names.each_with_object({}) do |setting, result|
+        result[setting] = section.get_value(setting)
+      end
+    end
+    def section?(section_name)
+      @sections_hash.key?(section_name)
+    end
+    def get_value(section_name, setting)
+      @sections_hash[section_name].get_value(setting) if @sections_hash.key?(section_name)
+    end
+    def set_value(*args)
+      case args.size
+      when 1
+        section_name = args[0]
+      when 3
+        # Backwards compatible set_value function, See MODULES-5172
+        (section_name, setting, value) = args
+      when 4
+        (section_name, setting, separator, value) = args
+      end
+      complete_setting = {
+        setting: setting,
+        separator: separator,
+        value: value,
+      }
+      unless @sections_hash.key?(section_name)
+        add_section(Section.new(section_name, nil, nil, nil, nil))
+      end
+      section = @sections_hash[section_name]
+      if section.existing_setting?(setting)
+        update_line(section, setting, value)
+        section.update_existing_setting(setting, value)
+      elsif find_commented_setting(section, setting)
+        # So, this stanza is a bit of a hack.  What we're trying
+        # to do here is this: for settings that don't already
+        # exist, we want to take a quick peek to see if there
+        # is a commented-out version of them in the section.
+        # If so, we'd prefer to add the setting directly after
+        # the commented line, rather than at the end of the section.
+        # If we get here then we found a commented line, so we
+        # call "insert_inline_setting_line" to update the lines array
+        insert_inline_setting_line(find_commented_setting(section, setting), section, complete_setting)
+        # Then, we need to tell the setting object that we hacked
+        # in an inline setting
+        section.insert_inline_setting(setting, value)
+        # Finally, we need to update all of the start/end line
+        # numbers for all of the sections *after* the one that
+        # was modified.
+        section_index = @section_names.index(section_name)
+        increment_section_line_numbers(section_index + 1)
+      elsif !setting.nil? || !value.nil?
+        section.set_additional_setting(setting, value)
+      end
+    end
+    def remove_setting(section_name, setting)
+      section = @sections_hash[section_name]
+      return unless section.existing_setting?(setting)
+      # If the setting is found, we have some work to do.
+      # First, we remove the line from our array of lines:
+      remove_line(section, setting)
+      # Then, we need to tell the setting object to remove
+      # the setting from its state:
+      section.remove_existing_setting(setting)
+      # Finally, we need to update all of the start/end line
+      # numbers for all of the sections *after* the one that
+      # was modified.
+      section_index = @section_names.index(section_name)
+      decrement_section_line_numbers(section_index + 1)
+      return unless section.empty?
+      # By convention, it's time to remove this newly emptied out section
+      lines.delete_at(section.start_line)
+      decrement_section_line_numbers(section_index + 1)
+      @section_names.delete_at(section_index)
+      @sections_hash.delete(section.name)
+    end
+    def save
+      global_empty = @sections_hash[''].empty? && @sections_hash[''].additional_settings.empty?
+      File.open(@path, 'w') do |fh|
+        @section_names.each_index do |index|
+          name = @section_names[index]
+          section = @sections_hash[name]
+          # We need a buffer to cache lines that are only whitespace
+          whitespace_buffer = []
+          if section.new_section? && !section.global?
+            if index == 1 && !global_empty || index > 1
+              fh.puts('')
+            end
+            fh.puts("#{@section_prefix}#{section.name}#{@section_suffix}")
+          end
+          unless section.new_section?
+            # write all of the pre-existing lines
+            (section.start_line..section.end_line).each do |line_num|
+              line = lines[line_num]
+              # We buffer any lines that are only whitespace so that
+              # if they are at the end of a section, we can insert
+              # any new settings *before* the final chunk of whitespace
+              # lines.
+              if line.match?(%r{^\s*$})
+                whitespace_buffer << line
+              else
+                # If we get here, we've found a non-whitespace line.
+                # We'll flush any cached whitespace lines before we
+                # write it.
+                flush_buffer_to_file(whitespace_buffer, fh)
+                fh.puts(line)
+              end
+            end
+          end
+          # write new settings, if there are any
+          section.additional_settings.each_pair do |key, value|
+            fh.puts("#{@indent_char * (@indent_width || section.indentation || 0)}#{key}#{@key_val_separator}#{value}")
+          end
+          if !whitespace_buffer.empty?
+            flush_buffer_to_file(whitespace_buffer, fh)
+          elsif section.new_section? && !section.additional_settings.empty? && (index < @section_names.length - 1)
+            # We get here if there were no blank lines at the end of the
+            # section.
+            #
+            # If we are adding a new section with a new setting,
+            # and if there are more sections that come after this one,
+            # we'll write one blank line just so that there is a little
+            # whitespace between the sections.
+            # if (section.end_line.nil? &&
+            fh.puts('')
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    private
+    def add_section(section)
+      @sections_hash[section.name] = section
+      @section_names << section.name
+    end
+    def parse_file
+      line_iter = create_line_iter
+      # We always create a "global" section at the beginning of the file, for
+      # anything that appears before the first named section.
+      section = read_section('', 0, line_iter)
+      add_section(section)
+      line, line_num = line_iter.next
+      while line
+        if (match = @section_regex.match(line))
+          section = read_section(match[1], line_num, line_iter)
+          add_section(section)
+        end
+        line, line_num = line_iter.next
+      end
+    end
+    def read_section(name, start_line, line_iter)
+      settings = {}
+      end_line_num = start_line
+      min_indentation = nil
+      empty = true
+      loop do
+        line, line_num = line_iter.peek
+        if line_num.nil? || @section_regex.match(line)
+          # the global section always exists, even when it's empty;
+          # when it's empty, we must be sure it's thought of as new,
+          # which is signalled with a nil ending line
+          end_line_num = nil if name == '' && empty
+          return Section.new(name, start_line, end_line_num, settings, min_indentation)
+        end
+        if (match = @setting_regex.match(line))
+          settings[match[2]] = match[4]
+          indentation = match[1].length
+          min_indentation = [indentation, min_indentation || indentation].min
+        end
+        end_line_num = line_num
+        empty = false
+        line_iter.next
+      end
+    end
+    def update_line(section, setting, value)
+      (section.start_line..section.end_line).each do |line_num|
+        next unless (match = @setting_regex.match(lines[line_num]))
+        if match[2] == setting
+          lines[line_num] = "#{match[1]}#{match[2]}#{match[3]}#{value}"
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    def remove_line(section, setting)
+      (section.start_line..section.end_line).each do |line_num|
+        next unless (match = @setting_regex.match(lines[line_num]))
+        if match[2] == setting
+          lines.delete_at(line_num)
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    def create_line_iter
+      ExternalIterator.new(lines)
+    end
+    def lines
+      @lines ||= IniFile.readlines(@path)
+    end
+    # This is mostly here because it makes testing easier--we don't have
+    #  to try to stub any methods on File.
+    def self.readlines(path) # rubocop:disable Lint/IneffectiveAccessModifier : Attempting to change breaks tests
+      # If this type is ever used with very large files, we should
+      #  write this in a different way, using a temp
+      #  file; for now assuming that this type is only used on
+      #  small-ish config files that can fit into memory without
+      #  too much trouble.
+      File.file?(path) ? File.readlines(path) : []
+    end
+    # This utility method scans through the lines for a section looking for
+    # commented-out versions of a setting.  It returns `nil` if it doesn't
+    # find one.  If it does find one, then it returns a hash containing
+    # two keys:
+    #
+    #   :line_num - the line number that contains the commented version
+    #               of the setting
+    #   :match    - the ruby regular expression match object, which can
+    #               be used to mimic the whitespace from the comment line
+    def find_commented_setting(section, setting)
+      return nil if section.new_section?
+      (section.start_line..section.end_line).each do |line_num|
+        next unless (match = @commented_setting_regex.match(lines[line_num]))
+        if match[3] == setting
+          return { match: match, line_num: line_num }
+        end
+      end
+      nil
+    end
+    # This utility method is for inserting a line into the existing
+    # lines array.  The `result` argument is expected to be in the
+    # format of the return value of `find_commented_setting`.
+    def insert_inline_setting_line(result, section, complete_setting)
+      line_num = result[:line_num]
+      s = complete_setting
+      lines.insert(line_num + 1, "#{@indent_char * (@indent_width || section.indentation || 0)}#{s[:setting]}#{s[:separator]}#{s[:value]}")
+    end
+    # Utility method; given a section index (index into the @section_names
+    # array), decrement the start/end line numbers for that section and all
+    # all of the other sections that appear *after* the specified section.
+    def decrement_section_line_numbers(section_index)
+      @section_names[section_index..(@section_names.length - 1)].each do |name|
+        section = @sections_hash[name]
+        section.decrement_line_nums
+      end
+    end
+    # Utility method; given a section index (index into the @section_names
+    # array), increment the start/end line numbers for that section and all
+    # all of the other sections that appear *after* the specified section.
+    def increment_section_line_numbers(section_index)
+      @section_names[section_index..(@section_names.length - 1)].each do |name|
+        section = @sections_hash[name]
+        section.increment_line_nums
+      end
+    end
+    def flush_buffer_to_file(buffer, fh)
+      return if buffer.empty?
+      buffer.each { |l| fh.puts(l) }
+      buffer.clear
+    end
+  end