diff common/logwatch/named @ 185:78dc899775b7 puppet-3.6

Add latest Logwatch "named" script to handle DNS log changes
author IBBoard <dev@ibboard.co.uk>
date Fri, 14 Dec 2018 20:07:09 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/common/logwatch/named	Fri Dec 14 20:07:09 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,827 @@
+# $Id$
+## Copyright (c) 2008 Kirk Bauer
+## Covered under the included MIT/X-Consortium License:
+##    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
+## All modifications and contributions by other persons to
+## this script are assumed to have been donated to the
+## Logwatch project and thus assume the above copyright
+## and licensing terms.  If you want to make contributions
+## under your own copyright or a different license this
+## must be explicitly stated in the contribution an the
+## Logwatch project reserves the right to not accept such
+## contributions.  If you have made significant
+## contributions to this script and want to claim
+## copyright please contact logwatch-devel@lists.sourceforge.net.
+use Logwatch ':ip';
+#$DoLookup = ValueOrDefault($ENV{'named_ip_lookup'}, 0);
+$Debug = ValueOrDefault($ENV{'LOGWATCH_DEBUG'}, 0);
+$Detail = ValueOrDefault($ENV{'LOGWATCH_DETAIL_LEVEL'}, 0);
+# Avoid "Use of uninitialized value" warning messages.
+sub ValueOrDefault {
+    my ($value, $default) = @_;
+    return ($value ? $value : $default);
+if ( $Debug >= 5 ) {
+    print STDERR "\n\nDEBUG: Inside NAMED Filter \n\n";
+    $DebugCounter = 1;
+while (defined($ThisLine = <STDIN>)) {
+ if ( $Debug >= 30 ) {
+        print STDERR "DEBUG($DebugCounter): $ThisLine";
+        $DebugCounter++;
+    }
+   if (
+      ($ThisLine =~ /RR negative cache entry/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /ns_....: .* NS points to CNAME/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /accept: connection reset by peer/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /Connection reset by peer/) or
+      # typo fixed in 2004 release
+      ($ThisLine =~ /transfer(r)?ed serial/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /There may be a name server already running/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /exiting/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /running/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /NSTATS /) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /Cleaned cache of \d+ RRs/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /USAGE \d+ \d+ CPU=\d+.*/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /XSTATS /) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /Ready to answer queries/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /Forwarding source address is/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /bad referral/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /prerequisite not satisfied/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /(rcvd|Sent) NOTIFY/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /ns_resp: TCP truncated/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /No possible A RRs/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /points to a CNAME/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /dangling CNAME pointer/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /listening on/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /unrelated additional info/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /Response from unexpected source/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /No root nameservers for class IN/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /recvfrom: No route to host/) or
+      # Be sure to catch: transfer of 'zone' from IP#53: failed to connect: timed out
+      # not exact just triggers a full transfer
+      ($ThisLine =~ /transfer of .*: (IXFR|AXFR(|-style IXFR) (started|ended)|connected using|Transfer completed|failed while receiving responses: not exact)/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /Transfer status: success/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /using \d+ CPU/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /loading configuration/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /command channel listening/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /configuring command channel from/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /interface ignored/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /no IPv6 interfaces found/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /using \d+ UDP listeners per interface/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /^running/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /^exiting/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /no longer listening/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /the default for the .* option is now/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /stopping command channel on \S+/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /Malformed response from/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /client .* response from Internet for .*/) or
+#      ($ThisLine =~ /client .+ query \(cache\) '.*' denied/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /client .+(?: \([^)]+\))?: query:/) or
+      # Do we really want to ignore these?
+      #($ThisLine =~ /unknown logging category/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /could not open entropy source/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /\/etc\/rndc.key: file not found/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /sending notifies/) or
+      # file syntax error get reported twice and are already caught below
+      ($ThisLine =~ /loading master file/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /^ succeeded$/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /\*\*\* POKED TIMER \*\*\*/) or
+      # The message about the end of transfer is the interesting one
+      ($ThisLine =~ /: Transfer started./) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /D-BUS service (disabled|enabled)./) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /D-BUS dhcdbd subscription disabled./) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /automatic empty zone/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /binding TCP socket: address in use/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /dbus_mgr initialization failed. D-BUS service is disabled./) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /dbus_svc_add_filter failed/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /isc_log_open 'named.run' failed: permission denied/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /weak RSASHA1 \(5\) key found \(exponent=3\)/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /Bad file descriptor/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /open: .*: file not found/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /queries: client [\.0-9a-fA-F#:]* view localhost_resolver: query: .* IN .*/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /zone .*: NS '.*' is a CNAME \(illegal\)/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /skipping nameserver '.*' because it is a CNAME,/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /zone .*: zone serial unchanged. zone may fail to transfer to slaves/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /zone .*: loading from master file .* failed/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /zone .*: NS '.*' has no address records/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /.*: not a valid number$/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /^(.*: )?unexpected end of input/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /too many timeouts resolving '.*' .*: disabling EDNS/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /too many timeouts resolving '.*' .*: reducing the advertised EDNS UDP packet size to .* octets/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /reloading zones succeeded/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /generating session key/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /success resolving '.*' \(in '.*'?\) after disabling EDNS/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /success resolving '.*' \(in '.*'?\) after reducing the advertised EDNS UDP packet size to 512 octets/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /the working directory is not writable/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /using default UDP\/IPv[46] port range: \[[0-9]*, [0-9]*\]/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /adjusted limit on open files from [0-9]* to [0-9]*/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /using up to [0-9]* sockets/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /built with/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /TTL differs in rdataset, adjusting [0-9]* -> [0-9]*/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /max open files \([0-9]*\) is smaller than max sockets \([0-9]*\)/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /clients-per-query (?:de|in)creased to .*/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /^must-be-secure resolving '.*': .*/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /^(error \()?no valid (DS|KEY|RRSIG)\)? resolving '.*': .*/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /^not insecure resolving '.*': .*/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /^validating \@0x[[:xdigit:]]+: .* DS: must be secure failure/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /^(error \()?broken trust chain\)? resolving '.*': .*/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /journal file [^ ]* does not exist, creating it/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /serial number \(\d+\) received from master/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /zone .*: notify from .*: serial \d+/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /zone is up to date/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /refresh in progress, refresh check queued/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /refresh: NODATA response from master/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /update with no effect/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /reading built-in trusted keys from file/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /reading built-in trust anchors from file/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /using built-in trusted-keys/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /set up managed keys zone/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /managed-keys-zone.*key now trusted/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /dhcpupdate: forwarding update for zone/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /forwarded dynamic update: master [^ ]* returned: (NXRRSET|YXDOMAIN)/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /using .* as GeoIP directory/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /GEO-.* Build/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /initializing GeoIP /) or
+      # the following seems okay since it says "success"
+      ($ThisLine =~ /managed-keys-zone.*: No DNSKEY RRSIGs found for '.*': success/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /managed-keys-zone.*: Unable to fetch DNSKEY set '.*': timed out/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /^sizing zone task pool based on \d+ zones/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /^BIND \d+ is maintained by Internet Systems Consortium/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /a non-profit 501/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /corporation.  Support and training for BIND \d+ are/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /available at https:\/\/www.isc.org\/support/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /----------------------------------------------------/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /next key event: /) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /reconfiguring zone keys/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /using built-in DLV key/) or
+#      ($ThisLine =~ /reading built-in trusted keys from file/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /all zones loaded/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /resolver priming query complete/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /client .* signer .* approved/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /stop limiting/) or
+      # ignore this line because the following line describes the error
+      ($ThisLine =~ /unexpected error/)
+   ) {
+      # Don't care about these...
+   } elsif (
+      ($ThisLine =~ /starting\..*named/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /starting BIND/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /named startup succeeded/)
+   ) {
+      $StartNamed++;
+   } elsif ( $ThisLine =~ /(reloading nameserver|named reload succeeded)/ ) {
+      $ReloadNamed++;
+   } elsif (
+      ($ThisLine =~ /shutting down/) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /named shutting down/ ) or
+      ($ThisLine =~ /named shutdown succeeded/ )
+   ) {
+      $ShutdownNamed++;
+   } elsif ( $ThisLine =~ /named shutdown failed/ ) {
+      $ShutdownNamedFail++;
+   } elsif ( (($Host, $Zone) = ( $ThisLine =~ /client ([^\#]+)#[^\:]+: (?:view \w+: )?zone transfer '(.+)' denied/ )) or
+             (($Host, $Zone) = ( $ThisLine =~ /client ([^\#]+)#[^\:]+: (?:view \w+: )?bad zone transfer request: '(.+)':/ )) ) {
+      $DeniedZoneTransfers{$Host}{$Zone}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Zone) = ( $ThisLine =~ /zone (.+) zone transfer deferred due to quota/ ) ) {
+      $DeferredZoneTransfers{$Zone}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Zone, $Host) = ( $ThisLine =~ /transfer of '(.+)' from ([^\#]+)#[^\:]+: (failed|(Transfer status|giving up): ((network|host) unreachable|timed out|connection refused))/ ) ) {
+      $FailedZoneTransfers{$Host}{$Zone}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Zone) = ( $ThisLine =~ /cache zone \"(.*)\" loaded/ ) ) {
+      $ZoneLoaded{"cache $Zone"}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Zone) = ( $ThisLine =~ /cache zone \"(.*)\" .* loaded/ ) ) {
+      $ZoneLoaded{"cache $Zone"}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Zone) = ( $ThisLine =~ /automatic empty zone: (.*)/ ) ) {
+      $ZoneLoaded{"automatic empty zone $Zone"}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Zone) = ( $ThisLine =~ /primary zone \"(.+)\" loaded/ ) ) {
+      $ZoneLoaded{$Zone}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Zone) = ( $ThisLine =~ /master zone \"(.+)\" .* loaded/ ) ) {
+      $ZoneLoaded{$Zone}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Zone) = ( $ThisLine =~ /secondary zone \"(.+)\" loaded/ ) ) {
+      $ZoneLoaded{"secondary $Zone"}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Zone) = ( $ThisLine =~ /slave zone \"(.+)\" .* loaded/ ) ) {
+      $ZoneLoaded{"secondary $Zone"}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Zone) = ( $ThisLine =~ /zone (.+): expired/ ) ) {
+      $ZoneExpired{$Zone}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Zone) = ( $ThisLine =~ /zone (.+): loaded serial/ ) ) {
+      $ZoneLoaded{$Zone}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Zone) = ( $ThisLine =~ /(managed-keys-zone.*): loaded serial/ ) ) {
+      $ZoneLoaded{$Zone}++;
+   } elsif ( (undef,$Addr,$Server) = ( $ThisLine =~ /(C|c)onnection refused\)? resolving '(.+)': (.+)/ ) ) {
+      $ConnectionRefused{$Addr}{$Server}++;
+   } elsif ( (undef,$Addr,undef,$Server) = ( $ThisLine =~ /ame server (on|resolving) '(.+)' \(in .+\):\s+(\[.+\]\.\d+)?\s*'?(.+)'?:?/ ) ) {
+      $LameServer{$Addr}{$Server}++;
+   } elsif ( (($Zone) = ( $ThisLine =~ /Zone \"(.+)\" was removed/ )) or
+             (($Zone) = ( $ThisLine =~ /zone (.+): \(.*\) removed/ )) ) {
+      $ZoneRemoved{$Zone}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Zone) = ( $ThisLine =~ /received notify for zone '(.*)'/ ) ) {
+      $ZoneReceivedNotify{$Zone}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Zone) = ( $ThisLine =~ /zone (.+): refused notify from non-master/ ) ) {
+      $ZoneRefusedNotify{$Zone}++;
+#   } elsif ( ($Rhost,$Ldom,$Reason) = ( $ThisLine =~ /client ([\d\.a-fA-F:]+) bad zone transfer request: '(.+)': (.+)$/ ) ) {
+   } elsif ( ($Rhost,$Ldom,$Reason) = ( $ThisLine =~ /client ([\.0-9a-fA-F:]+)#\d+: bad zone transfer request: '(.+)': (.+)/ ) ) {
+      $BadZone{$Reason}{"$Rhost ($Ldom)"}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Host) = ( $ThisLine =~ /([^ ]+) has CNAME and other data \(invalid\)/ ) ) {
+      push @CNAMEAndOther, $Host;
+   } elsif ( ($File,$Line,$Entry,$Error) = ( $ThisLine =~ /dns_master_load: ([^:]+):(\d+): ([^ ]+): (.+)$/ ) ) {
+      $ZoneFileErrors{$File}{"$Entry: $Error"}++;
+   } elsif ( ($File,$Line,$Entry,$Error) = ( $ThisLine =~ /warning: ([^:]+):(\d+): (.+)$/ ) ) {
+      $ZoneFileErrors{$File}{"file does not end with newline: $Error"}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Way,$Host) = ( $ThisLine =~ /([^ ]+): sendto\(\[([^ ]+)\].+\): Network is unreachable/ ) ) {
+      $FullHost = LookupIP ($Host);
+      $NetworkUnreachable{$Way}{$FullHost}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Host,$Way) = ( $ThisLine =~ /client (?:\@0x[0-9a-fA-F]+ )?(.*)#\d+(?: \(.*\))?: (?:view \w+: )?error ([^ ]+) response: network unreachable/ ) ) {
+      $FullHost = LookupIP ($Host);
+      $NetworkUnreachable{$Way}{$FullHost}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Zone,$Message) = ( $ThisLine =~ /client [^\#]+#[^\:]+: (?:view \w+: )?updating zone '([^\:]+)': (.*)$/ ) ) {
+      $ZoneUpdates{$Zone}{$Message}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Host,$Zone) = ( $ThisLine =~ /approved AXFR from \[(.+)\]\..+ for \"(.+)\"/ ) ) {
+      $FullHost = LookupIP ($Host);
+      $AXFR{$Zone}{$FullHost}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Client) = ( $ThisLine =~ /warning: client (.*) no more TCP clients/ ) ) {
+      $FullClient = LookupIP ($Client);
+      $DeniedTCPClient{$FullClient}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Client) = ( $ThisLine =~ /client (?:\@0x[0-9a-fA-F]+ )?(.*)#\d+(?: \(.*\))?: (?:view \w+: )?query \(cache\) (?:'.*' )?denied/ ) ) {
+      $FullClient = LookupIP ($Client);
+      $DeniedQuery{$FullClient}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Client) = ( $ThisLine =~ /client (?:\@0x[0-9a-fA-F]+ )?([^#]*)(#\d+)?(?: \(.*\))?: query '.*' denied/ ) ) {
+      $FullClient = LookupIP ($Client);
+      $DeniedQueryNoCache{$FullClient}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Rhost, $ViewName, $Ldom) = ($ThisLine =~ /client (?:\@0x[0-9a-fA-F]+ )?([\.0-9a-fA-F:]+)#\d+: (?:view (\w+): )?update '(.*)' denied/)) {
+      $ViewName = ($ViewName ? "/$ViewName" : "");
+      $UpdateDenied{"$Rhost ($Ldom$ViewName)"}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Rhost, $Ldom) = ($ThisLine =~ /client ([\d\.]+)#\d+: update forwarding '(.*)' denied/)) {
+      $UpdateForwardingDenied{"$Rhost ($Ldom)"}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Zone) = ($ThisLine =~ /zone '([0-9a-zA-Z.-]+)' allows updates by IP address, which is insecure/)) {
+      $InsecUpdate{$Zone}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Zone) = ($ThisLine =~ /zone ([0-9a-zA-Z.\/-]+): journal rollforward failed: journal out of sync with zone/)) {
+      $JournalFail{$Zone}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Zone) = ($ThisLine =~ /(managed-keys-zone.*): journal file is out of date: removing journal file/)) {
+      $JournalFail{$Zone}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Channel,$Reason) = ($ThisLine =~ /couldn't add command channel (.+#\d+): (.*)$/)) {
+      $ChannelAddFail{$Channel}{$Reason}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Zone,$Host,undef,$Reason) = ($ThisLine =~ /zone ([^ ]*): refresh: failure trying master ([^ ]*)#\d+( \(source .*\))?: (.*)/) ) {
+      $MasterFailure{"$Zone from $Host"}{$Reason}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Zone,$Reason,$Host) = ($ThisLine =~ /zone ([^ ]*): refresh: unexpected rcode \((.*)\) from master ([^ ]*)#\d+/) ) {
+      $MasterFailure{"$Zone from $Host"}{$Reason}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Zone) = ($ThisLine =~ /zone ([^\/]+)\/.+: refresh: non-authoritative answer from master/)) {
+      $NonAuthoritative{$Zone}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Zone) = ($ThisLine =~ /zone ([^\/]+)\/.+: refresh: retry limit for master \S+ exceeded/) ) {
+      $RetryLimit{$Zone}++; 
+   } elsif ( ($Rcode, $Zone, $Host) = ($ThisLine =~ /(?:error \()?unexpected RCODE\)? \(?(.*?)\)? resolving '(.*)': (.*)$/) ){
+      $UnexpRCODE{$Rcode}{$Zone}{$Host}++;
+   } elsif ( ($Rcode, $Zone, $Host) = ($ThisLine =~ /(.*) unexpected RCODE resolving '(.*)': (.*)$/) ){
+      $UnexpRCODE{$Rcode}{$Zone}{$Host}++;
+   } elsif ( ($ThisLine =~ /(?:error \()?FORMERR\)? resolving '[^ ]+: [.0-9a-fA-F:#]+/) or
+             ($ThisLine =~ /DNS format error from [^ ]+ resolving [^ ]+( for client [^ ]+)?: .*/) ) {
+      chomp($ThisLine);
+      $FormErr{$ThisLine}++;
+   } elsif ( ($ThisLine =~ /found [0-9]* CPU(s)?, using [0-9]* worker thread(s)?/) ) {
+      chomp($ThisLine);
+      $StartLog{$ThisLine}++;
+   } elsif ( (($File,$Line,$Problem) = ($ThisLine =~ /\/etc\/(rndc.key|named.conf):([0-9]+): (unknown option '[^ ]*')/)) or
+	     (($File,$Line,$Problem) = ($ThisLine =~ /\/etc\/(rndc.key|named.conf):([0-9]+): ('[^ ]' expected near end of file)/)) or
+	     (($File,$Line,$Problem) = ($ThisLine =~ /\/etc\/(named.*.conf):([0-9]+): (.*)/)) or
+	     (($File,$Line,$Problem) = ($ThisLine =~ /()()(could not configure root hints from '.*': file not found)/))) {
+       $ConfProb{$File}{"$Line,$Problem"}++;
+   } elsif ( (($ErrorText) = ($ThisLine =~ /^(RUNTIME_CHECK.*)/))or
+	     (($ErrorText) = ($ThisLine =~ /^(.* REQUIRE.* failed.*)$/)) or
+	     (($ErrorText) = ($ThisLine =~ /(.*: fatal error)/)) or
+	     (($ErrorText) = ($ThisLine =~ /(.*: out of memory)/)) ) {
+      $NError{$ErrorText}++;
+   } elsif ( (($ErrorText) = ($ThisLine =~ /^(GeoIP .* DB not available)/)) ) {
+      $GeoIPError{$ErrorText}++;
+   } elsif ( (($ErrorText) = ($ThisLine =~ /^(internal_accept: fcntl\(\) failed: Too many open files)/)) or
+             (($ErrorText) = ($ThisLine =~ /^(socket: too many open file descriptors)/)) ) {
+      $ErrOpenFiles{$ErrorText}++;
+   } elsif ( ($From,$Log) = ($ThisLine =~ /invalid command from ([\.0-9a-fA-F:]*)#[0-9]*: (.*)/) ) {
+      $CCMessages{"$From,$Log"}++;
+   } elsif ( (($Log) = ($ThisLine =~ /(freezing .*zone.*)/)) or
+	     (($Log) = ($ThisLine =~ /(thawing .*zone.*)/)) ) {
+      $CCMessages2{$Log}++;
+   } elsif (($CCC) = ($ThisLine =~ /unknown control channel command '(.*)'/)) {
+      $UnknownCCCommands{$CCC}++;
+   } elsif (($CCC) = ($ThisLine =~ /received control channel command '(.*)'/)) {
+      $CCCommands{$CCC}++;
+   } elsif (($Name,$Address) = ($ThisLine =~ /(?:error \()?network unreachable\)? resolving '(.*)': (.*)/)) {
+      $NUR{$Name}{$Address}++;
+   } elsif (($Name,$Address) = ($ThisLine =~ /(?:error \()?host unreachable\)? resolving '(.*)': (.*)/)) {
+      $HUR{$Name}{$Address}++;
+   } elsif (($Client) = ($ThisLine =~ /client ([\da-fA-F.:]+)(?:#\d*:)? notify question section contains no SOA/)) {
+      $NoSOA{$Client}++;
+   } elsif (($Hint) = ($ThisLine =~ /checkhints: (.*)/) ) {
+      $Hints{$Hint}++;
+   } elsif (($Response,$Net,$Zone) = ($ThisLine =~/limit (.+) responses to (\S+)(?: for (.+) \()?/)) {
+      $Zone = "None" unless defined($Zone);
+      $Limit{$Zone}{$Response}{$Net}++;
+   } elsif (($Client,$Response,$Net,$Zone) = ($ThisLine =~/client ([^#]+)(?:#\d+)? \(.*\): (?:view \w+: )?rate limit drop (.+) response to (\S+)(?: for (\S+))?/)) {
+      $Zone = "None" unless defined($Zone);
+      $LimitDrop{$Zone}{$Response}{$Net}{$Client}++;
+   } elsif (($Client,$Response,$Net,$Zone) = ($ThisLine =~/client ([^#]+)(?:#\d+)? \(.*\): (?:view \w+: )?rate limit slip (.+) response to (\S+)(?: for (\S+))?/)) {
+      $Zone = "None" unless defined($Zone);
+      $LimitSlip{$Zone}{$Response}{$Net}{$Client}++;
+   } elsif (($Net,$Zone,$Response) = ($ThisLine =~/limit responses to (\S+)(?: for (\S+))? (.*) +\(/)) {
+      $Zone = "None" unless defined($Zone);
+      $Limit{$Zone}{$Response}{$Net}++;
+   } elsif (($Client,$Net,$Zone,$Response) = ($ThisLine =~/client ([^#]+)(?:#\d+)? \(.*\): (?:view \w+: )?rate limit drop response to (\S+)(?: for (\S+))? (.*) +\(/)) {
+      $Zone = "None" unless defined($Zone);
+      $LimitDrop{$Zone}{$Response}{$Net}{$Client}++;
+   } elsif (($Client,$Net,$Zone,$Response) = ($ThisLine =~/client ([^#]+)(?:#\d+)? \(.*\): (?:view \w+: )?rate limit slip response to (\S+)(?: for (\S+))? (.*) +\(/)) {
+      $Zone = "None" unless defined($Zone);
+      $LimitSlip{$Zone}{$Response}{$Net}{$Client}++;
+   } elsif (($Zone,$RR) = ($ThisLine =~ /^\s*validating \@0x[[:xdigit:]]+: (.*) (\w+): got insecure response; parent indicates it should be secure/)) {
+      $DNSSECInsec{'__Total__'}++;
+      $DNSSECInsec{$Zone}{$RR}++;
+   } elsif (($Zone,$RR) = ($ThisLine =~ /^\s*validating \@0x[[:xdigit:]]+: (.*) (\w+): no valid signature found/)) {
+      $DNSSECInvalid{'__Total__'}++;
+      $DNSSECInvalid{$Zone}{$RR}++;
+   } elsif (($Zone,$RR) = ($ThisLine =~ /^\s*validating \@0x[[:xdigit:]]+: (.*) (\w+): bad cache hit/)) {
+      $DNSSECBadCache{'__Total__'}++;
+      $DNSSECBadCache{$Zone}{$RR}++;
+   } elsif (($Zone,$RR) = ($ThisLine =~ /^\s*validating \@0x[[:xdigit:]]+: (.*) (\w+): verify failed due to bad signature/)) {
+      $DNSSECInvalid{'__Total__'}++;
+      $DNSSECInvalid{$Zone}{$RR}++;
+   } elsif (($Zone,$RR) = ($ThisLine =~ /^\s*validating ([^\/]*)\/(\w+): got insecure response; parent indicates it should be secure/)) {
+      $DNSSECInsec{'__Total__'}++;
+      $DNSSECInsec{$Zone}{$RR}++;
+   } elsif (($Zone,$RR) = ($ThisLine =~ /^\s*validating ([^\/]*)\/(\w+): no valid signature found/)) {
+      $DNSSECInvalid{'__Total__'}++;
+      $DNSSECInvalid{$Zone}{$RR}++;
+   } elsif (($Zone,$RR) = ($ThisLine =~ /^\s*validating ([^\/]*)\/(\w+): verify failed due to bad signature/)) {
+      $DNSSECInvalid{'__Total__'}++;
+      $DNSSECInvalid{$Zone}{$RR}++;
+   } elsif (($Zone,$RR) = ($ThisLine =~ /^\s*validating ([^\/]*)\/(\w+): bad cache hit/)) {
+      $DNSSECBadCache{'__Total__'}++;
+      $DNSSECBadCache{$Zone}{$RR}++;
+   } elsif (($Error,$Host) = ($ThisLine =~ /^(?:error \()?(.*)\)? resolving '([^']+)':/)) {
+      $DNSSECError{$Error}{'__Total__'}++;
+      $DNSSECError{$Error}{$Host}++;
+   } elsif ($ThisLine =~ /^samba_dlz:/) {
+      if ( ($Rhost, $Error) = ($ThisLine =~ /disallowing update of signer=.* name=(.*) type=.* error=(.*)/ )) {
+            $UpdateDenied{"$Rhost ($Error)"}++;
+      }
+      # ignore rest of samba4 dlz entries for now
+   } else {
+      # Report any unmatched entries...
+      # remove PID from named messages
+      $ThisLine =~ s/(client [\.0-9a-fA-F:]+)\S+/$1/;
+      chomp($ThisLine);
+      $OtherList{$ThisLine}++;
+   }
+if ( keys %ZoneExpired ) {
+   print "\nZones expired:\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %ZoneExpired) {
+      print "   $ThisOne: $ZoneExpired{$ThisOne} Time(s)\n";
+   }
+if ( keys %FailedZoneTransfers ) {
+   print "\nFailed Zone Transfers:\n";
+   foreach my $Host (keys %FailedZoneTransfers) {
+      print "   $Host:\n";
+      foreach my $Zone (keys %{$FailedZoneTransfers{$Host}}) {
+         print "      $Zone: $FailedZoneTransfers{$Host}{$Zone} Time(s)\n";
+      }
+   }
+if ( keys %DeniedZoneTransfers ) {
+   print "\nDenied Zone Transfers:\n";
+   foreach my $Host (keys %DeniedZoneTransfers) {
+      print "   $Host:\n";
+      foreach my $Zone (keys %{$DeniedZoneTransfers{$Host}}) {
+         print "      $Zone: $DeniedZoneTransfers{$Host}{$Zone} Time(s)\n";
+      }
+   }
+if ( keys %UpdateDenied ) {
+   print "\nZone update refused:\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %UpdateDenied) {
+      print "   $ThisOne: $UpdateDenied{$ThisOne} Time(s)\n";
+   }
+if ( keys %UpdateForwardingDenied ) {
+   print "\nZone update forwarding refused:\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %UpdateForwardingDenied) {
+      print "   $ThisOne: $UpdateForwardingDenied{$ThisOne} Time(s)\n";
+   }
+if ( keys %InsecUpdate ) {
+   print "\nInsecure zones (dynamic update allowed by IP address):\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %InsecUpdate) {
+      print "   " . $ThisOne . ": " . $InsecUpdate{$ThisOne} . " Time(s)\n";
+   }
+if ( keys %JournalFail ) {
+   print "\nJournal update failed:\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %JournalFail) {
+      print "   " . $ThisOne . ": " . $JournalFail{$ThisOne} . " Time(s)\n";
+   }
+if (keys %ConfProb) {
+   print "\nErrors in configuration files\n";
+   foreach $File (sort keys %ConfProb) {
+      if ($File =~ /.+/) {
+        print "   file " . $File . "\n";
+        foreach (keys %{$ConfProb{$File}}) {
+           ($Line,$Problem) = split ",";
+           print "      " . $File . ":" . "$Line" . ": " . $Problem . ": " . $ConfProb{$File}{"$Line,$Problem"} . " Time(s)\n";
+        }
+      }
+      else {
+        foreach (keys %{$ConfProb{$File}}) {
+           ($Line,$Problem) = split ",";
+            print "   " . $Problem . ": " . $ConfProb{$File}{"$Line,$Problem"} . " Time(s)\n";
+        }
+      }
+   }
+if (keys %NError) {
+   print "\nErrors:\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (keys %NError) {
+      print "   " . $ThisOne . ": " . $NError{$ThisOne} . " Time(s)\n";
+   }
+if (keys %ErrOpenFiles) {
+   print "\nThe following seams to be caused by the patches for CVE-2008-1447.";
+   print "\nPlease update your bind.\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (keys %ErrOpenFiles) {
+      print "   " . $ThisOne . ": " . $ErrOpenFiles{$ThisOne} . " Time(s)\n";
+   }
+if (keys %Limit) {
+   print "\nRate Limiting occurred for:\n";
+   foreach $Zone (keys %Limit) {
+      print "   $Zone:\n";
+      foreach $Response (keys %{$Limit{$Zone}}) {
+         print "      $Response:\n";
+         foreach $Net (keys %{$Limit{$Zone}{$Response}}) {
+            print "         $Net: $Limit{$Zone}{$Response}{$Net} Time(s)\n";
+            foreach $Client (keys %{$LimitDrop{$Zone}{$Response}{$Net}}) {
+               print "            Dropped $Client: $LimitDrop{$Zone}{$Response}{$Net}{$Client} Time(s)\n";
+            }
+            foreach $Client (keys %{$LimitSlip{$Zone}{$Response}{$Net}}) {
+               print "            Slipped $Client: $LimitSlip{$Zone}{$Response}{$Net}{$Client} Time(s)\n";
+            }
+         }
+      }
+   }
+if ( ( $Detail >= 5 ) and (keys %GeoIPError) ) {
+   print "\nGeoIP Errors:\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (keys %GeoIPError) {
+      print "   " . $ThisOne . ": " . $GeoIPError{$ThisOne} . " Time(s)\n";
+   }
+if ((keys %CCMessages) or (keys %CCMessages2)){
+   print "\nMessages from control channel\n";
+   foreach (keys %CCMessages) {
+      ($From,$Log) = split ",";
+      print "   " . $From . ": " . $Log . ": " . $CCMessages{"$From,$Log"} . " Time(s)\n";
+   }
+   foreach $ThisOne (keys %CCMessages2) {
+      print "   " . $ThisOne . ": " . $CCMessages2{$ThisOne} . " Time(s)\n";
+   }
+if ( ( $Detail >= 5 ) and ($StartNamed) ) {
+   print "\nNamed started: $StartNamed Time(s)\n";
+if ( ( $Detail >= 5 ) and ($ReloadNamed) ) {
+   print "Named reloaded: $ReloadNamed Time(s)\n";
+if ( ( $Detail >= 5 ) and ($ShutdownNamed) ) {
+   print "Named shutdown: $ShutdownNamed Time(s)\n";
+if ( ( $Detail >= 5 ) and ($ShutdownNamedFail) ) {
+   print "Named shutdown failed: $ShutdownNamedFail Time(s)\n";
+if ( ( $Detail >= 5 ) and (keys %ZoneLoaded) ) {
+   print "\nLoaded Zones:\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %ZoneLoaded) {
+      print "   $ThisOne: $ZoneLoaded{$ThisOne} Time(s)\n";
+   }
+if ( ( $Detail >= 5 ) and (keys %ZoneReceivedNotify) ) {
+   print "\nZones receiving notify:\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %ZoneReceivedNotify) {
+      print "   $ThisOne: $ZoneReceivedNotify{$ThisOne} Time(s)\n";
+   }
+if ( ( $Detail >= 5 ) and (keys %ZoneRefusedNotify) ) {
+   print "\nZones refused notify:\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %ZoneRefusedNotify) {
+      print "   $ThisOne: $ZoneRefusedNotify{$ThisOne} Time(s)\n";
+   }
+if ( ($Detail >= 5) and (keys %ChannelAddFail) ) {
+   print "\nCan't add command channel:\n";
+   foreach $Channel (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %ChannelAddFail) {
+      print "   $Channel:\n";
+      foreach $Reason (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$ChannelAddFail{$Channel}}) {
+         print "      $Reason: $ChannelAddFail{$Channel}{$Reason} Time(s)\n";
+      }
+   }
+if ( ($Detail >= 5) and (keys %MasterFailure) ) {
+   print "\nFailure trying to refresh zone:\n";
+   foreach $Zone (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %MasterFailure) {
+      print "   $Zone:\n";
+      foreach $Reason (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$MasterFailure{$Zone}}) {
+         print "      $Reason: $MasterFailure{$Zone}{$Reason} Time(s)\n";
+      }
+   }
+if ( ( $Detail >= 5 ) and (keys %DeferredZoneTransfers) ) {
+   print "\nDeferred Zone Transfers:\n";
+   foreach my $Zone (keys %DeferredZoneTransfers) {
+      print "   $Zone: $DeferredZoneTransfers{$Zone} Time(s)\n";
+   }
+if ( ( $Detail >= 5 ) and (keys %ZoneRemoved) ) {
+   print "\nRemoved Zones:\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %ZoneRemoved) {
+      print "   $ThisOne: $ZoneRemoved{$ThisOne} Time(s)\n";
+   }
+if ( ( $Detail >= 5 ) and (keys %AXFR) ) {
+   print "\nZone Transfers:\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (keys %AXFR) {
+      print "   Zone: $ThisOne\n";
+      foreach $Temp (keys %{$AXFR{$ThisOne}}) {
+         print "      by $Temp: $AXFR{$ThisOne}{$Temp} Time(s)\n";
+      }
+   }
+if ( ( $Detail >= 10 ) and (keys %BadZone) ) {
+   print "\nBad Zone Transfer Request:\n";
+   foreach $Reason (keys %BadZone) {
+      print "   Reason: $Reason\n";
+      foreach $ThisOne (sort {$a cmp $b} (keys %{$BadZone{$Reason}}) ) {
+         print "      $ThisOne: $BadZone{$Reason}{$ThisOne} Time(s)\n";
+      }
+   }
+if ( ( $Detail >= 5 ) and (keys %DeniedTCPClient) ) {
+   print "\nno more TCP clients warning:\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (keys %DeniedTCPClient) {
+      print "   from $ThisOne: $DeniedTCPClient{$ThisOne} Time(s)\n";
+   }
+if ( ( $Detail >= 5 ) and (keys %DeniedQuery) ) {
+   print "\nQueries (cached) that were denied:\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (keys %DeniedQuery) {
+      print "   from $ThisOne: $DeniedQuery{$ThisOne} Time(s)\n";
+   }
+if ( ( $Detail >= 10 ) and (keys %DeniedQueryNoCache) ) {
+   print "\nQueries (not cached) that were denied:\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %DeniedQueryNoCache) {
+      print "   from $ThisOne: $DeniedQueryNoCache{$ThisOne} Time(s)\n";
+   }
+if ( ( $Detail >= 10 ) and (@CNAMEAndOther) ) {
+   print "\nThese hosts have CNAME and other data (invalid):\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (@CNAMEAndOther) {
+      print "   $ThisOne\n";
+   }
+if ( ( $Detail >= 5 ) and (keys %ZoneFileErrors) ) {
+   print "\nSyntax errors in zone files:\n";
+   for $File (keys %ZoneFileErrors) {
+      print "   $File\n";
+      for $Error ( keys %{$ZoneFileErrors{$File}} ) {
+         print "      \"$Error\" " . $ZoneFileErrors{$File}{$Error} . " Time(s)\n";
+      }
+   }
+if ( ( $Detail >= 10 ) and (keys %ConnectionRefused) ) {
+   print "\nConnection refused resolving:\n";
+   foreach $Addr (sort keys %ConnectionRefused) {
+      print "   $Addr:\n";
+      foreach $Server (sort SortIP keys %{$ConnectionRefused{$Addr}}) {
+         print "      $Server: $ConnectionRefused{$Addr}{$Server} Time(s)\n";
+      }
+   }
+if ( ( $Detail >= 10 ) and (keys %LameServer) ) {
+   print "\nThese addresses had lame server references:\n";
+   foreach $Addr (sort keys %LameServer) {
+      print "   $Addr:\n";
+      foreach $Server (sort SortIP keys %{$LameServer{$Addr}}) {
+         print "      $Server: $LameServer{$Addr}{$Server} Time(s)\n";
+      }
+   }
+if ( ( $Detail >= 10 ) and (keys %NonAuthoritative) ) {
+   print "\nNon-authoritative answer from master for these zones:\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (keys %NonAuthoritative) {
+      print "   " . $ThisOne . ": " . $NonAuthoritative{$ThisOne} . " Time(s)\n";
+   }
+if ( ($Detail >= 10) and (keys %RetryLimit) ) {
+   print "\nRetry limit exceeded for these zones:\n";
+   foreach $Zone (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %RetryLimit) {
+      print "   $Zone: $RetryLimit{$Zone} Time(s)\n";
+   }
+if ( ($Detail >= 10) and (keys %NoSOA) ) {
+   print "\nNotify question sections of these clients contained no SOA:\n";
+   foreach $Client (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %NoSOA) {
+      print "   $Client: $NoSOA{$Client} Time(s)\n";
+   }
+if ( ( $Detail >= 10 ) and (keys %NetworkUnreachable) ) {
+   print "\nNetwork is unreachable for:\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %NetworkUnreachable) {
+      print "   $ThisOne:\n";
+      foreach $Host (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$NetworkUnreachable{$ThisOne}}) {
+         print "      $Host: $NetworkUnreachable{$ThisOne}{$Host} Time(s)\n";
+      }
+   }
+if ( ( $Detail >= 10 ) and (keys %NUR) ) {
+   print "\nNetwork unreachable resolving for:\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %NUR) {
+      print "   $ThisOne:\n";
+      foreach $Host (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$NUR{$ThisOne}}) {
+         print "      $Host: $NUR{$ThisOne}{$Host} Time(s)\n";
+      }
+   }
+if ( ( $Detail >= 10 ) and (keys %HUR) ) {
+   print "\nHost unreachable resolving for:\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %HUR) {
+       print "   $ThisOne:\n";
+       foreach $Host (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$HUR{$ThisOne}}) {
+          print "      $Host: $HUR{$ThisOne}{$Host} Time(s)\n";
+       }
+   }
+if ( ( $Detail >= 5 ) and (keys %ZoneUpdates) ) {
+   print "\nZone Updates:\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %ZoneUpdates) {
+      print "   $ThisOne:\n";
+      foreach $Message (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$ZoneUpdates{$ThisOne}}) {
+         print "      $Message: $ZoneUpdates{$ThisOne}{$Message} Time(s)\n";
+      }
+   }
+if (($Detail >= 5) and (keys %UnexpRCODE)) {
+   print "\nUnexpected DNS RCODEs:\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %UnexpRCODE) {
+      print "   " . $ThisOne . ":\n";
+      foreach $Zone (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %{$UnexpRCODE{$ThisOne}}) {
+         print "     " . $Zone . ":\n";
+         foreach $Host (sort SortIP keys %{$UnexpRCODE{$ThisOne}{$Zone}}) {
+            print "         " . $Host . ": " . $UnexpRCODE{$ThisOne}{$Zone}{$Host} . " Time(s)\n";
+         }
+      }
+   }
+if (($Detail >= 5) and (keys %FormErr)) {
+   print "\nIncorrect response format:\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (keys %FormErr) {
+      print "   " . $ThisOne . ": " . $FormErr{$ThisOne} . " Time(s)\n";
+   }
+if (($Detail >= 10) and (keys %StartLog)) {
+   print "\nNamed startup logs:\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (keys %StartLog) {
+      print "   " . $ThisOne . ": " . $StartLog{$ThisOne} . " Time(s)\n";
+   }
+if (($Detail and (keys %CCCommands)) or (keys %UnknownCCCommands)) {
+   print "\nReceived control channel commands\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (keys %CCCommands) {
+      print "   " . $ThisOne . ": " . $CCCommands{$ThisOne} . " Time(s)\n";
+   }
+   foreach $ThisOne (keys %UnknownCCCommands) {
+      print "   " . $ThisOne . "(unknown command): " . $CCCommands{$ThisOne} . " Time(s)\n";
+   }
+if (keys %Hints) {
+   print "\nCheckhints:\n";
+   foreach $ThisOne (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %Hints) {
+      print "   " .$ThisOne .": $Hints{$ThisOne} Time(s)\n";
+   }
+if (($Detail >= 5) and (keys %DNSSECInsec)) {
+   print "\nDNSSEC Insecure Responses: " . $DNSSECInsec{'__Total__'} . " Time(s)\n";
+   foreach $Zone (sort keys %DNSSECInsec) {
+      if (($Detail >= 10) and ($Zone =~ /.+/) and ($Zone ne '__Total__')) {
+        foreach $RR (sort keys %{$DNSSECInsec{$Zone}}) {
+           print "   " . "$Zone/$RR: " . $DNSSECInsec{$Zone}{$RR} . " Time(s)\n";
+        }
+      }
+   }
+if (($Detail >= 5) and (keys %DNSSECInvalid)) {
+   print "\nDNSSEC No Valid Signature: " . $DNSSECInvalid{'__Total__'} . " Time(s)\n";
+   foreach $Zone (sort keys %DNSSECInvalid) {
+      if (($Detail >= 10) and ($Zone =~ /.+/) and ($Zone ne '__Total__')) {
+        foreach $RR (sort keys %{$DNSSECInvalid{$Zone}}) {
+           print "   " . "$Zone/$RR: " . $DNSSECInvalid{$Zone}{$RR} . " Time(s)\n";
+        }
+      }
+   }
+if (($Detail >= 5) and (keys %DNSSECBadCache)) {
+   print "\nDNSSEC Bad Cache hit: " . $DNSSECBadCache{'__Total__'} . " Time(s)\n";
+   foreach $Zone (sort keys %DNSSECBadCache) {
+      if (($Detail >= 10) and ($Zone =~ /.+/) and ($Zone ne '__Total__')) {
+        foreach $RR (sort keys %{$DNSSECBadCache{$Zone}}) {
+           print "   " . "$Zone/$RR: " . $DNSSECBadCache{$Zone}{$RR} . " Time(s)\n";
+        }
+      }
+   }
+if (($Detail >= 5) and (keys %DNSSECError)) {
+   print "\nDNSSEC Errors:\n";
+   foreach $Error (sort keys %DNSSECError) {
+      print "   $Error: " . $DNSSECError{$Error}{'__Total__'} . " Time(s)\n";
+      if ($Detail >= 10) {
+         foreach $Host (sort keys %{$DNSSECError{$Error}}) {
+            print "     " . "$Host: " . $DNSSECError{$Error}{$Host} . " Time(s)\n" unless ($Host eq '__Total__');
+         }
+      }
+   }
+if (keys %OtherList) {
+   print "\n**Unmatched Entries**\n";
+   foreach $line (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %OtherList) {
+      print "   $line: $OtherList{$line} Time(s)\n";
+   }
+# vi: shiftwidth=3 tabstop=3 syntax=perl et
+# Local Variables:
+# mode: perl
+# perl-indent-level: 3
+# indent-tabs-mode: nil
+# End: