diff modules/apache/spec/acceptance/vhost_spec.rb @ 0:956e484adc12

Initial public release of Puppet configs
author IBBoard <dev@ibboard.co.uk>
date Sat, 16 Aug 2014 19:47:38 +0000
children 37675581a273
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/modules/apache/spec/acceptance/vhost_spec.rb	Sat Aug 16 19:47:38 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1084 @@
+require 'spec_helper_acceptance'
+require_relative './version.rb'
+describe 'apache::vhost define', :unless => UNSUPPORTED_PLATFORMS.include?(fact('osfamily')) do
+  context 'no default vhosts' do
+    it 'should create no default vhosts' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache':
+          default_vhost => false,
+          default_ssl_vhost => false,
+          service_ensure => stopped
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/15-default.conf") do
+      it { should_not be_file }
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/15-default-ssl.conf") do
+      it { should_not be_file }
+    end
+  end
+  context "default vhost without ssl" do
+    it 'should create a default vhost config' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/15-default.conf") do
+      it { should contain '<VirtualHost \*:80>' }
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/15-default-ssl.conf") do
+      it { should_not be_file }
+    end
+  end
+  context 'default vhost with ssl' do
+    it 'should create default vhost configs' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        file { '#{$run_dir}':
+          ensure  => 'directory',
+          recurse => true,
+        }
+        class { 'apache':
+          default_ssl_vhost => true,
+          require => File['#{$run_dir}'],
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/15-default.conf") do
+      it { should contain '<VirtualHost \*:80>' }
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/15-default-ssl.conf") do
+      it { should contain '<VirtualHost \*:443>' }
+      it { should contain "SSLEngine on" }
+    end
+  end
+  context 'new vhost on port 80' do
+    it 'should configure an apache vhost' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': }
+        file { '#{$run_dir}':
+          ensure  => 'directory',
+          recurse => true,
+        }
+        apache::vhost { 'first.example.com':
+          port    => '80',
+          docroot => '/var/www/first',
+          require => File['#{$run_dir}'],
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-first.example.com.conf") do
+      it { should contain '<VirtualHost \*:80>' }
+      it { should contain "ServerName first.example.com" }
+    end
+  end
+  context 'new proxy vhost on port 80' do
+    it 'should configure an apache proxy vhost' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': }
+        apache::vhost { 'proxy.example.com':
+          port    => '80',
+          docroot => '/var/www/proxy',
+          proxy_pass => [
+            { 'path' => '/foo', 'url' => 'http://backend-foo/'},
+          ],
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-proxy.example.com.conf") do
+      it { should contain '<VirtualHost \*:80>' }
+      it { should contain "ServerName proxy.example.com" }
+      it { should contain "ProxyPass" }
+      it { should_not contain "<Proxy \*>" }
+    end
+  end
+  context 'new vhost on port 80' do
+    it 'should configure two apache vhosts' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': }
+        apache::vhost { 'first.example.com':
+          port    => '80',
+          docroot => '/var/www/first',
+        }
+        host { 'first.example.com': ip => '', }
+        file { '/var/www/first/index.html':
+          ensure  => file,
+          content => "Hello from first\\n",
+        }
+        apache::vhost { 'second.example.com':
+          port    => '80',
+          docroot => '/var/www/second',
+        }
+        host { 'second.example.com': ip => '', }
+        file { '/var/www/second/index.html':
+          ensure  => file,
+          content => "Hello from second\\n",
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe service($service_name) do
+      it { should be_enabled }
+      it { should be_running }
+    end
+    it 'should answer to first.example.com' do
+      shell("/usr/bin/curl first.example.com:80", {:acceptable_exit_codes => 0}) do |r|
+        r.stdout.should == "Hello from first\n"
+      end
+    end
+    it 'should answer to second.example.com' do
+      shell("/usr/bin/curl second.example.com:80", {:acceptable_exit_codes => 0}) do |r|
+        r.stdout.should == "Hello from second\n"
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  context 'apache_directories' do
+    describe 'readme example, adapted' do
+      it 'should configure a vhost with Files' do
+        pp = <<-EOS
+          class { 'apache': }
+          if $apache::apache_version >= 2.4 {
+            $_files_match_directory = { 'path' => '(\.swp|\.bak|~)$', 'provider' => 'filesmatch', 'require' => 'all denied', }
+          } else {
+            $_files_match_directory = { 'path' => '(\.swp|\.bak|~)$', 'provider' => 'filesmatch', 'deny' => 'from all', }
+          }
+          $_directories = [
+            { 'path' => '/var/www/files', },
+            $_files_match_directory,
+          ]
+          apache::vhost { 'files.example.net':
+            docroot     => '/var/www/files',
+            directories => $_directories,
+          }
+          file { '/var/www/files/index.html':
+            ensure  => file,
+            content => "Hello World\\n",
+          }
+          file { '/var/www/files/index.html.bak':
+            ensure  => file,
+            content => "Hello World\\n",
+          }
+          host { 'files.example.net': ip => '', }
+        EOS
+        apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+      end
+      describe service($service_name) do
+        it { should be_enabled }
+        it { should be_running }
+      end
+      it 'should answer to files.example.net' do
+        shell("/usr/bin/curl -sSf files.example.net:80/index.html").stdout.should eq("Hello World\n")
+        shell("/usr/bin/curl -sSf files.example.net:80/index.html.bak", {:acceptable_exit_codes => 22}).stderr.should match(/curl: \(22\) The requested URL returned error: 403/)
+      end
+    end
+    describe 'other Directory options' do
+      it 'should configure a vhost with multiple Directory sections' do
+        pp = <<-EOS
+          class { 'apache': }
+          if $apache::apache_version >= 2.4 {
+            $_files_match_directory = { 'path' => 'private.html$', 'provider' => 'filesmatch', 'require' => 'all denied' }
+          } else {
+            $_files_match_directory = { 'path' => 'private.html$', 'provider' => 'filesmatch', 'deny' => 'from all' }
+          }
+          $_directories = [
+            { 'path' => '/var/www/files', },
+            { 'path' => '/foo/', 'provider' => 'location', 'directoryindex' => 'notindex.html', },
+            $_files_match_directory,
+          ]
+          apache::vhost { 'files.example.net':
+            docroot     => '/var/www/files',
+            directories => $_directories,
+          }
+          file { '/var/www/files/foo':
+            ensure => directory,
+          }
+          file { '/var/www/files/foo/notindex.html':
+            ensure  => file,
+            content => "Hello Foo\\n",
+          }
+          file { '/var/www/files/private.html':
+            ensure  => file,
+            content => "Hello World\\n",
+          }
+          host { 'files.example.net': ip => '', }
+        EOS
+        apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+      end
+      describe service($service_name) do
+        it { should be_enabled }
+        it { should be_running }
+      end
+      it 'should answer to files.example.net' do
+        shell("/usr/bin/curl -sSf files.example.net:80/").stdout.should eq("Hello World\n")
+        shell("/usr/bin/curl -sSf files.example.net:80/foo/").stdout.should eq("Hello Foo\n")
+        shell("/usr/bin/curl -sSf files.example.net:80/private.html", {:acceptable_exit_codes => 22}).stderr.should match(/curl: \(22\) The requested URL returned error: 403/)
+      end
+    end
+    describe 'SetHandler directive' do
+      it 'should configure a vhost with a SetHandler directive' do
+        pp = <<-EOS
+          class { 'apache': }
+          apache::mod { 'status': }
+          host { 'files.example.net': ip => '', }
+          apache::vhost { 'files.example.net':
+            docroot     => '/var/www/files',
+            directories => [
+              { path => '/var/www/files', },
+              { path => '/server-status', provider => 'location', sethandler => 'server-status', },
+            ],
+          }
+          file { '/var/www/files/index.html':
+            ensure  => file,
+            content => "Hello World\\n",
+          }
+        EOS
+        apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+      end
+      describe service($service_name) do
+        it { should be_enabled }
+        it { should be_running }
+      end
+      it 'should answer to files.example.net' do
+        shell("/usr/bin/curl -sSf files.example.net:80/index.html").stdout.should eq("Hello World\n")
+        shell("/usr/bin/curl -sSf files.example.net:80/server-status?auto").stdout.should match(/Scoreboard: /)
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  case fact('lsbdistcodename')
+  when 'precise', 'wheezy'
+    context 'vhost fallbackresouce example' do
+      it 'should configure a vhost with Fallbackresource' do
+        pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': }
+        apache::vhost { 'fallback.example.net':
+          docroot         => '/var/www/fallback',
+          fallbackresource => '/index.html'
+        }
+        file { '/var/www/fallback/index.html':
+          ensure  => file,
+          content => "Hello World\\n",
+        }
+        host { 'fallback.example.net': ip => '', }
+        EOS
+        apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+      end
+      describe service($service_name) do
+        it { should be_enabled }
+        it { should be_running }
+      end
+      it 'should answer to fallback.example.net' do
+        shell("/usr/bin/curl fallback.example.net:80/Does/Not/Exist") do |r|
+          r.stdout.should == "Hello World\n"
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  else
+    # The current stable RHEL release (6.4) comes with Apache httpd 2.2.15
+    # That was released March 6, 2010.
+    # FallbackResource was backported to 2.2.16, and released July 25, 2010.
+    # Ubuntu Lucid (10.04) comes with apache2 2.2.14, released October 3, 2009.
+    # https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/branches/2.2.x/STATUS
+  end
+  context 'virtual_docroot hosting separate sites' do
+    it 'should configure a vhost with VirtualDocumentRoot' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': }
+        apache::vhost { 'virt.example.com':
+          vhost_name      => '*',
+          serveraliases   => '*virt.example.com',
+          port            => '80',
+          docroot         => '/var/www/virt',
+          virtual_docroot => '/var/www/virt/%1',
+        }
+        host { 'virt.example.com': ip => '', }
+        host { 'a.virt.example.com': ip => '', }
+        host { 'b.virt.example.com': ip => '', }
+        file { [ '/var/www/virt/a', '/var/www/virt/b', ]: ensure => directory, }
+        file { '/var/www/virt/a/index.html': ensure  => file, content => "Hello from a.virt\\n", }
+        file { '/var/www/virt/b/index.html': ensure  => file, content => "Hello from b.virt\\n", }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe service($service_name) do
+      it { should be_enabled }
+      it { should be_running }
+    end
+    it 'should answer to a.virt.example.com' do
+      shell("/usr/bin/curl a.virt.example.com:80", {:acceptable_exit_codes => 0}) do |r|
+        r.stdout.should == "Hello from a.virt\n"
+      end
+    end
+    it 'should answer to b.virt.example.com' do
+      shell("/usr/bin/curl b.virt.example.com:80", {:acceptable_exit_codes => 0}) do |r|
+        r.stdout.should == "Hello from b.virt\n"
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  context 'proxy_pass for alternative vhost' do
+    it 'should configure a local vhost and a proxy vhost' do
+      apply_manifest(%{
+        class { 'apache': default_vhost => false, }
+        apache::vhost { 'localhost':
+          docroot => '/var/www/local',
+          ip      => '',
+          port    => '8888',
+        }
+        apache::listen { '*:80': }
+        apache::vhost { 'proxy.example.com':
+          docroot    => '/var/www',
+          port       => '80',
+          add_listen => false,
+          proxy_pass => {
+            'path' => '/',
+            'url'  => 'http://localhost:8888/subdir/',
+          },
+        }
+        host { 'proxy.example.com': ip => '', }
+        file { ['/var/www/local', '/var/www/local/subdir']: ensure => directory, }
+        file { '/var/www/local/subdir/index.html':
+          ensure  => file,
+          content => "Hello from localhost\\n",
+        }
+      }, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe service($service_name) do
+      it { should be_enabled }
+      it { should be_running }
+    end
+    it 'should get a response from the back end' do
+      shell("/usr/bin/curl --max-redirs 0 proxy.example.com:80") do |r|
+        r.stdout.should == "Hello from localhost\n"
+        r.exit_code.should == 0
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'ip_based' do
+    it 'applies cleanly' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': }
+        host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+        apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+          docroot    => '/tmp',
+          ip_based   => true,
+          servername => 'test.server',
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file($ports_file) do
+      it { should be_file }
+      it { should_not contain 'NameVirtualHost test.server' }
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'add_listen' do
+    it 'applies cleanly' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': default_vhost => false }
+        host { 'testlisten.server': ip => '' }
+        apache::listen { '81': }
+        apache::vhost { 'testlisten.server':
+          docroot    => '/tmp',
+          port       => '80',
+          add_listen => false,
+          servername => 'testlisten.server',
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file($ports_file) do
+      it { should be_file }
+      it { should_not contain 'Listen 80' }
+      it { should contain 'Listen 81' }
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'docroot' do
+    it 'applies cleanly' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        user { 'test_owner': ensure => present, }
+        group { 'test_group': ensure => present, }
+        class { 'apache': }
+        host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+        apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+          docroot       => '/tmp/test',
+          docroot_owner => 'test_owner',
+          docroot_group => 'test_group',
+          docroot_mode  => '0750',
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file('/tmp/test') do
+      it { should be_directory }
+      it { should be_owned_by 'test_owner' }
+      it { should be_grouped_into 'test_group' }
+      it { should be_mode 750 }
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'default_vhost' do
+    it 'applies cleanly' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': }
+        host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+        apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+          docroot    => '/tmp',
+          default_vhost => true,
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file($ports_file) do
+      it { should be_file }
+      if fact('osfamily') == 'RedHat' and fact('operatingsystemmajrelease') == '7'
+        it { should_not contain 'NameVirtualHost test.server' }
+      elsif fact('operatingsystem') == 'Ubuntu' and fact('operatingsystemrelease') =~ /(14\.04|13\.10)/
+        it { should_not contain 'NameVirtualHost test.server' }
+      else
+        it { should contain 'NameVirtualHost test.server' }
+      end
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/10-test.server.conf") do
+      it { should be_file }
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'options' do
+    it 'applies cleanly' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': }
+        host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+        apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+          docroot    => '/tmp',
+          options    => ['Indexes','FollowSymLinks', 'ExecCGI'],
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-test.server.conf") do
+      it { should be_file }
+      it { should contain 'Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI' }
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'override' do
+    it 'applies cleanly' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': }
+        host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+        apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+          docroot    => '/tmp',
+          override   => ['All'],
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-test.server.conf") do
+      it { should be_file }
+      it { should contain 'AllowOverride All' }
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'logroot' do
+    it 'applies cleanly' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': }
+        host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+        apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+          docroot    => '/tmp',
+          logroot    => '/tmp',
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-test.server.conf") do
+      it { should be_file }
+      it { should contain '  CustomLog "/tmp' }
+    end
+  end
+  ['access', 'error'].each do |logtype|
+    case logtype
+    when 'access'
+      logname = 'CustomLog'
+    when 'error'
+      logname = 'ErrorLog'
+    end
+    describe "#{logtype}_log" do
+      it 'applies cleanly' do
+        pp = <<-EOS
+          class { 'apache': }
+          host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+          apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+            docroot    => '/tmp',
+            logroot    => '/tmp',
+            #{logtype}_log => false,
+          }
+        EOS
+        apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+      end
+      describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-test.server.conf") do
+        it { should be_file }
+        it { should_not contain "  #{logname} \"/tmp" }
+      end
+    end
+    describe "#{logtype}_log_pipe" do
+      it 'applies cleanly' do
+        pp = <<-EOS
+          class { 'apache': }
+          host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+          apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+            docroot    => '/tmp',
+            logroot    => '/tmp',
+            #{logtype}_log_pipe => '|/bin/sh',
+          }
+        EOS
+        apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+      end
+      describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-test.server.conf") do
+        it { should be_file }
+        it { should contain "  #{logname} \"|/bin/sh" }
+      end
+    end
+    describe "#{logtype}_log_syslog" do
+      it 'applies cleanly' do
+        pp = <<-EOS
+          class { 'apache': }
+          host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+          apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+            docroot    => '/tmp',
+            logroot    => '/tmp',
+            #{logtype}_log_syslog => 'syslog',
+          }
+        EOS
+        apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+      end
+      describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-test.server.conf") do
+        it { should be_file }
+        it { should contain "  #{logname} \"syslog\"" }
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'access_log_format' do
+    it 'applies cleanly' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': }
+        host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+        apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+          docroot    => '/tmp',
+          logroot    => '/tmp',
+          access_log_syslog => 'syslog',
+          access_log_format => '%h %l',
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-test.server.conf") do
+      it { should be_file }
+      it { should contain 'CustomLog "syslog" "%h %l"' }
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'access_log_env_var' do
+    it 'applies cleanly' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': }
+        host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+        apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+          docroot            => '/tmp',
+          logroot            => '/tmp',
+          access_log_syslog  => 'syslog',
+          access_log_env_var => 'admin',
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-test.server.conf") do
+      it { should be_file }
+      it { should contain 'CustomLog "syslog" combined env=admin' }
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'aliases' do
+    it 'applies cleanly' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': }
+        host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+        apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+          docroot    => '/tmp',
+          aliases => [{ alias => '/image', path => '/ftp/pub/image' }],
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-test.server.conf") do
+      it { should be_file }
+      it { should contain 'Alias /image "/ftp/pub/image"' }
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'scriptaliases' do
+    it 'applies cleanly' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': }
+        host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+        apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+          docroot    => '/tmp',
+          scriptaliases => [{ alias => '/myscript', path  => '/usr/share/myscript', }],
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-test.server.conf") do
+      it { should be_file }
+      it { should contain 'ScriptAlias /myscript "/usr/share/myscript"' }
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'proxy' do
+    it 'applies cleanly' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': service_ensure => stopped, }
+        host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+        apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+          docroot    => '/tmp',
+          proxy_dest => 'test2',
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-test.server.conf") do
+      it { should be_file }
+      it { should contain 'ProxyPass          / test2/' }
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'actions' do
+    it 'applies cleanly' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': }
+        host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+        apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+          docroot => '/tmp',
+          action  => 'php-fastcgi',
+        }
+      EOS
+      pp = pp + "\nclass { 'apache::mod::actions': }" if fact('osfamily') == 'Debian'
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-test.server.conf") do
+      it { should be_file }
+      it { should contain 'Action php-fastcgi /cgi-bin virtual' }
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'suphp' do
+    it 'applies cleanly' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': service_ensure => stopped, }
+        host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+        apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+          docroot          => '/tmp',
+          suphp_addhandler => '#{$suphp_handler}',
+          suphp_engine     => 'on',
+          suphp_configpath => '#{$suphp_configpath}',
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-test.server.conf") do
+      it { should be_file }
+      it { should contain "suPHP_AddHandler #{$suphp_handler}" }
+      it { should contain 'suPHP_Engine on' }
+      it { should contain "suPHP_ConfigPath \"#{$suphp_configpath}\"" }
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'no_proxy_uris' do
+    it 'applies cleanly' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': service_ensure => stopped, }
+        host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+        apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+          docroot          => '/tmp',
+          proxy_dest       => 'http://test2',
+          no_proxy_uris    => [ 'http://test2/test' ],
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-test.server.conf") do
+      it { should be_file }
+      it { should contain 'ProxyPass          / http://test2/' }
+      it { should contain 'ProxyPass        http://test2/test !' }
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'redirect' do
+    it 'applies cleanly' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': }
+        host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+        apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+          docroot          => '/tmp',
+          redirect_source  => ['/images'],
+          redirect_dest    => ['http://test.server/'],
+          redirect_status  => ['permanent'],
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-test.server.conf") do
+      it { should be_file }
+      it { should contain 'Redirect permanent /images http://test.server/' }
+    end
+  end
+  # Passenger isn't even in EPEL on el-5
+  if default['platform'] !~ /^el-5/
+    if fact('osfamily') == 'RedHat' and fact('operatingsystemmajrelease') == '7'
+      pending('Since we don\'t have passenger on RHEL7 rack_base_uris tests will fail')
+    else
+      describe 'rack_base_uris' do
+        if fact('osfamily') == 'RedHat'
+          it 'adds epel' do
+            pp = "class { 'epel': }"
+            apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+          end
+        end
+        it 'applies cleanly' do
+          pp = <<-EOS
+            class { 'apache': }
+            host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+            apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+              docroot          => '/tmp',
+              rack_base_uris  => ['/test'],
+            }
+          EOS
+          apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+        end
+        describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-test.server.conf") do
+          it { should be_file }
+          it { should contain 'RackBaseURI /test' }
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'request_headers' do
+    it 'applies cleanly' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': }
+        host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+        apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+          docroot          => '/tmp',
+          request_headers  => ['append MirrorID "mirror 12"'],
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-test.server.conf") do
+      it { should be_file }
+      it { should contain 'append MirrorID "mirror 12"' }
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'rewrite rules' do
+    it 'applies cleanly' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': }
+        host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+        apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+          docroot          => '/tmp',
+          rewrites => [
+            { comment => 'test',
+              rewrite_cond => '%{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Lynx/ [OR]',
+              rewrite_rule => ['^index\.html$ welcome.html'],
+            }
+          ],
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-test.server.conf") do
+      it { should be_file }
+      it { should contain '#test' }
+      it { should contain 'RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^Lynx/ [OR]' }
+      it { should contain 'RewriteRule ^index.html$ welcome.html' }
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'setenv/setenvif' do
+    it 'applies cleanly' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': }
+        host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+        apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+          docroot  => '/tmp',
+          setenv   => ['TEST /test'],
+          setenvif => ['Request_URI "\.gif$" object_is_image=gif']
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-test.server.conf") do
+      it { should be_file }
+      it { should contain 'SetEnv TEST /test' }
+      it { should contain 'SetEnvIf Request_URI "\.gif$" object_is_image=gif' }
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'block' do
+    it 'applies cleanly' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': }
+        host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+        apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+          docroot  => '/tmp',
+          block    => 'scm',
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-test.server.conf") do
+      it { should be_file }
+      it { should contain '<DirectoryMatch .*\.(svn|git|bzr)/.*>' }
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'wsgi' do
+    it 'import_script applies cleanly' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': }
+        class { 'apache::mod::wsgi': }
+        host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+        apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+          docroot                     => '/tmp',
+          wsgi_application_group      => '%{GLOBAL}',
+          wsgi_daemon_process         => 'wsgi',
+          wsgi_daemon_process_options => {processes => '2'},
+          wsgi_process_group          => 'nobody',
+          wsgi_script_aliases         => { '/test' => '/test1' },
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    it 'import_script applies cleanly', :unless => (fact('lsbdistcodename') == 'lucid' or UNSUPPORTED_PLATFORMS.include?(fact('osfamily'))) do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': }
+        class { 'apache::mod::wsgi': }
+        host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+        apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+          docroot                     => '/tmp',
+          wsgi_application_group      => '%{GLOBAL}',
+          wsgi_daemon_process         => 'wsgi',
+          wsgi_daemon_process_options => {processes => '2'},
+          wsgi_import_script          => '/test1',
+          wsgi_import_script_options  => { application-group => '%{GLOBAL}', process-group => 'wsgi' },
+          wsgi_process_group          => 'nobody',
+          wsgi_script_aliases         => { '/test' => '/test1' },
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-test.server.conf"), :unless => (fact('lsbdistcodename') == 'lucid' or UNSUPPORTED_PLATFORMS.include?(fact('osfamily'))) do
+      it { should be_file }
+      it { should contain 'WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}' }
+      it { should contain 'WSGIDaemonProcess wsgi processes=2' }
+      it { should contain 'WSGIImportScript /test1 application-group=%{GLOBAL} process-group=wsgi' }
+      it { should contain 'WSGIProcessGroup nobody' }
+      it { should contain 'WSGIScriptAlias /test "/test1"' }
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'custom_fragment' do
+    it 'applies cleanly' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': }
+        host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+        apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+          docroot  => '/tmp',
+          custom_fragment => inline_template('#weird test string'),
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-test.server.conf") do
+      it { should be_file }
+      it { should contain '#weird test string' }
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'itk' do
+    it 'applies cleanly' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        class { 'apache': }
+        host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+        apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+          docroot  => '/tmp',
+          itk      => { user => 'nobody', group => 'nobody' }
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-test.server.conf") do
+      it { should be_file }
+      it { should contain 'AssignUserId nobody nobody' }
+    end
+  end
+  # So what does this work on?
+  if default['platform'] !~ /^(debian-(6|7)|el-(5|6|7))/
+    describe 'fastcgi' do
+      it 'applies cleanly' do
+        pp = <<-EOS
+          class { 'apache': }
+          class { 'apache::mod::fastcgi': }
+          host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+          apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+            docroot        => '/tmp',
+            fastcgi_server => 'localhost',
+            fastcgi_socket => '/tmp/fast/1234',
+            fastcgi_dir    => '/tmp/fast',
+          }
+        EOS
+        apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+      end
+      describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-test.server.conf") do
+        it { should be_file }
+        it { should contain 'FastCgiExternalServer localhost -socket /tmp/fast/1234' }
+        it { should contain '<Directory "/tmp/fast">' }
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  describe 'additional_includes' do
+    it 'applies cleanly' do
+      pp = <<-EOS
+        if $::osfamily == 'RedHat' and $::selinux == 'true' {
+          $semanage_package = $::operatingsystemmajrelease ? {
+            '5'     => 'policycoreutils',
+            default => 'policycoreutils-python',
+          }
+          exec { 'set_apache_defaults':
+            command => 'semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_content_t "/apache_spec(/.*)?"',
+            path    => '/bin:/usr/bin/:/sbin:/usr/sbin',
+            require => Package[$semanage_package],
+          }
+          package { $semanage_package: ensure => installed }
+          exec { 'restorecon_apache':
+            command => 'restorecon -Rv /apache_spec',
+            path    => '/bin:/usr/bin/:/sbin:/usr/sbin',
+            before  => Service['httpd'],
+            require => Class['apache'],
+          }
+        }
+        class { 'apache': }
+        host { 'test.server': ip => '' }
+        file { '/apache_spec': ensure => directory, }
+        file { '/apache_spec/include': ensure => present, content => '#additional_includes' }
+        apache::vhost { 'test.server':
+          docroot             => '/apache_spec',
+          additional_includes => '/apache_spec/include',
+        }
+      EOS
+      apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true)
+    end
+    describe file("#{$vhost_dir}/25-test.server.conf") do
+      it { should be_file }
+      it { should contain 'Include "/apache_spec/include"' }
+    end
+  end