diff modules/python/manifests/venv/isolate.pp @ 0:956e484adc12

Initial public release of Puppet configs
author IBBoard <dev@ibboard.co.uk>
date Sat, 16 Aug 2014 19:47:38 +0000
children 393acb5f672d
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/modules/python/manifests/venv/isolate.pp	Sat Aug 16 19:47:38 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+define python::venv::isolate($ensure=present,
+                             $version=latest,
+                             $requirements=undef) {
+  $root = $name
+  $owner = $python::venv::owner
+  $group = $python::venv::group
+  $python = $python::dev::python
+  if $ensure == 'present' {
+    # Parent directory of root directory. /var/www for /var/www/blog
+    $root_parent = inline_template("<%= root.match(%r!(.+)/.+!)[1] %>")
+    if !defined(File[$root_parent]) {
+      file { $root_parent:
+        ensure => directory,
+        owner => $owner,
+        group => $group,
+      }
+    }
+    Exec {
+      user => $owner,
+      group => $group,
+      cwd => "/tmp",
+    }
+    # Does not successfully run as www-data on Debian:
+    exec { "python::venv $root":
+      command => "virtualenv -p `which ${python}` ${root}",
+      creates => $root,
+      notify => Exec["update distribute and pip in $root"],
+      require => [File[$root_parent],
+                  Package["python-virtualenv"]],
+    }
+    # Some newer Python packages require an updated distribute
+    # from the one that is in repos on most systems:
+    exec { "update distribute and pip in $root":
+      command => "$root/bin/pip install -U pip distribute",
+      refreshonly => true,
+    }
+    if $requirements {
+      python::pip::requirements { $requirements:
+        venv => $root,
+        owner => $owner,
+        group => $group,
+        require => Exec["python::venv $root"],
+      }
+    }
+  } elsif $ensure == 'absent' {
+    file { $root:
+      ensure => $ensure,
+      owner => $owner,
+      group => $group,
+      recurse => true,
+      purge => true,
+      force => true,
+    }
+  }