view modules/apache/manifests/mod/event.pp @ 348:11d940c9014e

Update Firewall module to try and fix quoting string issue It doesn't, but being up-to-date is good
author IBBoard <>
date Wed, 23 Sep 2020 20:43:20 +0100
parents d9352a684e62
children b8d6ada284dd
line wrap: on
line source

# @summary
#   Installs and configures `mod_event`.
# @param startservers
#   Sets the number of child server processes created at startup, via the module's `StartServers` directive. Setting this to `false` 
#   removes the parameter.
# @param maxclients
#   Apache 2.3.12 or older alias for the `MaxRequestWorkers` directive.
# @param maxrequestworkers
#   Sets the maximum number of connections Apache can simultaneously process, via the module's `MaxRequestWorkers` directive. Setting 
#   these to `false` removes the parameters.
# @param minsparethreads
#   Sets the minimum number of idle threads, via the `MinSpareThreads` directive. Setting this to `false` removes the parameters.
# @param maxsparethreads
#   Sets the maximum number of idle threads, via the `MaxSpareThreads` directive. Setting this to `false` removes the parameters.
# @param threadsperchild
#   Number of threads created by each child process.
# @param maxrequestsperchild
#   Apache 2.3.8 or older alias for the `MaxConnectionsPerChild` directive.
# @param maxconnectionsperchild
#   Limit on the number of connections that an individual child server will handle during its life.
# @param serverlimit
#   Limits the configurable number of processes via the `ServerLimit` directive. Setting this to `false` removes the parameter.
# @param apache_version
#   Version of Apache to install module on.
# @param threadlimit
#    Limits the number of event threads via the module's `ThreadLimit` directive. Setting this to `false` removes the parameter.
# @param listenbacklog
#   Sets the maximum length of the pending connections queue via the module's `ListenBackLog` directive. Setting this to `false` removes 
#   the parameter.
# @note
#   You cannot include apache::mod::event with apache::mod::itk, apache::mod::peruser, apache::mod::prefork, or 
#   apache::mod::worker on the same server.
# @see for additional documentation.
class apache::mod::event (
  $startservers           = '2',
  $maxclients             = '150',
  $maxrequestworkers      = undef,
  $minsparethreads        = '25',
  $maxsparethreads        = '75',
  $threadsperchild        = '25',
  $maxrequestsperchild    = '0',
  $maxconnectionsperchild = undef,
  $serverlimit            = '25',
  $apache_version         = undef,
  $threadlimit            = '64',
  $listenbacklog          = '511',
) {
  include ::apache

  $_apache_version = pick($apache_version, $apache::apache_version)

  if defined(Class['apache::mod::itk']) {
    fail('May not include both apache::mod::event and apache::mod::itk on the same node')
  if defined(Class['apache::mod::peruser']) {
    fail('May not include both apache::mod::event and apache::mod::peruser on the same node')
  if defined(Class['apache::mod::prefork']) {
    fail('May not include both apache::mod::event and apache::mod::prefork on the same node')
  if defined(Class['apache::mod::worker']) {
    fail('May not include both apache::mod::event and apache::mod::worker on the same node')
  File {
    owner => 'root',
    group => $::apache::params::root_group,
    mode  => $::apache::file_mode,

  # Template uses:
  # - $startservers
  # - $maxclients
  # - $minsparethreads
  # - $maxsparethreads
  # - $threadsperchild
  # - $maxrequestsperchild
  # - $serverlimit
  file { "${::apache::mod_dir}/event.conf":
    ensure  => file,
    mode    => $::apache::file_mode,
    content => template('apache/mod/event.conf.erb'),
    require => Exec["mkdir ${::apache::mod_dir}"],
    before  => File[$::apache::mod_dir],
    notify  => Class['apache::service'],

  case $::osfamily {
    'redhat': {
      if versioncmp($_apache_version, '2.4') >= 0 {
        apache::mpm{ 'event':
          apache_version => $_apache_version,
    'debian','freebsd' : {
      apache::mpm{ 'event':
        apache_version => $_apache_version,
    'gentoo': {
      ::portage::makeconf { 'apache2_mpms':
        content => 'event',
    default: {
      fail("Unsupported osfamily ${::osfamily}")