view modules/apache/manifests/mod/suphp.pp @ 348:11d940c9014e

Update Firewall module to try and fix quoting string issue It doesn't, but being up-to-date is good
author IBBoard <>
date Wed, 23 Sep 2020 20:43:20 +0100
parents d9352a684e62
line wrap: on
line source

# @summary
#   Installs `mod_suphp`.
# @see for additional documentation.
class apache::mod::suphp (
  if  ($facts['os']['name'] == 'Ubuntu' and versioncmp($facts['os']['release']['major'], '15.10') >= 0) or
      ($facts['os']['name'] == 'Debian' and versioncmp($::operatingsystemrelease, '8') >= 0) {
    fail("suphp was declared EOL by it's creators as of 2013 and so is no longer supported on Ubuntu 15.10/Debian 8 and above. Please use php-fpm")
  include ::apache
  ::apache::mod { 'suphp': }

  file {'suphp.conf':
    ensure  => file,
    path    => "${::apache::mod_dir}/suphp.conf",
    mode    => $::apache::file_mode,
    content => template('apache/mod/suphp.conf.erb'),
    require => Exec["mkdir ${::apache::mod_dir}"],
    before  => File[$::apache::mod_dir],
    notify  => Class['apache::service'],