view modules/archive/manifests/init.pp @ 386:3fce34f642f1

Add a PHP module to handle platform differences
author IBBoard <>
date Mon, 03 Jan 2022 17:09:39 +0000
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# @summary Manages archive module's dependencies.
# @example On Windows, ensure 7zip is installed using the default `chocolatey` provider.
#   include archive
# @example On Windows, install a 7zip MSI with the native `windows` package provider.
#   class { 'archive':
#     seven_zip_name     => '7-Zip 9.20 (x64 edition)',
#     seven_zip_source   => 'C:/Windows/Temp/7z920-x64.msi',
#     seven_zip_provider => 'windows',
#   }
# @example Install the AWS CLI tool. (Not supported on Windows).
#   class { 'archive':
#     aws_cli_install => true,
#   }
# @example Deploy a specific archive
#   class { 'archive':
#     archives => { '/tmp/jta-1.1.jar' => {
#                     'ensure' => 'present',
#                     'source'  => '',
#                     }, }
#   }
# @param seven_zip_name
#   7zip package name.  This parameter only applies to Windows.
# @param seven_zip_provider
#   7zip package provider.  This parameter only applies to Windows where it defaults to `chocolatey`. Can be set to an empty string, (or `undef` via hiera), if you don't want this module to manage 7zip.
# @param seven_zip_source
#   Alternative package source for 7zip.  This parameter only applies to Windows.
# @param aws_cli_install
#   Installs the AWS CLI command needed for downloading from S3 buckets.  This parameter is currently not implemented on Windows.
# @param gsutil_install
#   Installs the GSUtil CLI command needed for downloading from GS buckets.  This parameter is currently not implemented on Windows.
# @param archives
#   A hash of archive resources this module should create.
class archive (
  Optional[String[1]]                       $seven_zip_name     = $archive::params::seven_zip_name,
  Optional[Enum['chocolatey','windows','']] $seven_zip_provider = $archive::params::seven_zip_provider,
  Optional[String[1]]                       $seven_zip_source   = undef,
  Boolean                                   $aws_cli_install    = false,
  Boolean                                   $gsutil_install     = false,
  Hash                                      $archives           = {},
) inherits archive::params {
  if $facts['os']['family'] == 'Windows' and !($seven_zip_provider in ['', undef]) {
    package { '7zip':
      ensure   => present,
      name     => $seven_zip_name,
      source   => $seven_zip_source,
      provider => $seven_zip_provider,

  if $aws_cli_install {
    # TODO: Windows support.
    if $facts['os']['family'] != 'Windows' {
      # Using bundled install option:

      file { '/opt/awscli-bundle':
        ensure => 'directory',

      archive { '':
        ensure       => present,
        path         => '/opt/awscli-bundle/',
        source       => '',
        extract      => true,
        extract_path => '/opt',
        creates      => '/opt/awscli-bundle/install',
        cleanup      => true,

      exec { 'install_aws_cli':
        command     => '/opt/awscli-bundle/install -i /usr/local/aws -b /usr/local/bin/aws',
        refreshonly => true,
        subscribe   => Archive[''],

  if $gsutil_install {
    # TODO: Windows support.
    if $facts['os']['family'] != 'Windows' {
      # Using bundled install option:

      file { '/opt/gsutil-bundle':
        ensure => 'directory',

      archive { '':
        ensure       => present,
        path         => '/opt/gsutil-bundle/',
        source       => '',
        extract      => true,
        extract_path => '/opt',
        creates      => '/opt/gsutil-bundle/gsutil',
        cleanup      => true,

      exec { 'install_gsutil':
        command     => '/opt/gsutil-bundle/gsutil/ install -q',
        refreshonly => true,
        subscribe   => Archive[''],

  $archives.each |$archive_name, $archive_settings| {
    archive { $archive_name:
      * => $archive_settings,