view modules/php/manifests/composer/auto_update.pp @ 386:3fce34f642f1

Add a PHP module to handle platform differences
author IBBoard <>
date Mon, 03 Jan 2022 17:09:39 +0000
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# Install composer package manager
# === Parameters
# [*max_age*]
#   Defines number of days after which Composer should be updated
# [*source*]
#   Holds URL to the Composer source file
# [*path*]
#   Holds path to the Composer executable
# [*channel*]
#   Holds the Update channel (stable|preview|snapshot|1|2)
# [*proxy_type*]
#    proxy server type (none|http|https|ftp)
# [*proxy_server*]
#   specify a proxy server, with port number if needed. ie:
# === Examples
#  include php::composer::auto_update
#  class { "php::composer::auto_update":
#    "max_age" => 90
#  }
class php::composer::auto_update (
  Integer[1] $max_age,
  String[1] $source,
  Stdlib::Absolutepath $path,
  Php::ComposerChannel  $channel = 'stable',
  Optional[String[1]] $proxy_type   = undef,
  Optional[String[1]] $proxy_server = undef,
) {

  if $proxy_type and $proxy_server {
    $env = ['HOME=/root', "${proxy_type}_proxy=${proxy_server}"]
  } else {
    $env = ['HOME=/root']

  exec { 'update composer':
    # touch binary when an update is attempted to update its mtime for idempotency when no update is available
    command     => "${path} --no-interaction --quiet self-update --${channel}; touch ${path}",
    environment => $env,
    onlyif      => "test `find '${path}' -mtime +${max_age}`",
    path        => ['/bin/', '/sbin/' , '/usr/bin/', '/usr/sbin/', '/usr/local/bin', '/usr/local/sbin'],
    require     => [File[$path], Class['php::cli']],