view modules/php/manifests/embedded.pp @ 386:3fce34f642f1

Add a PHP module to handle platform differences
author IBBoard <>
date Mon, 03 Jan 2022 17:09:39 +0000
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# Install and configure php embedded SAPI
# === Parameters
# [*inifile*]
#   The path to the ini php5-embeded ini file
# [*settings*]
#   Hash with nested hash of key => value to set in inifile
# [*package*]
#   Specify which package to install
# [*ensure*]
#   Specify which version of the package to install
class php::embedded (
  String $ensure                = $php::ensure,
  String $package               = "${php::package_prefix}${php::params::embedded_package_suffix}",
  Stdlib::Absolutepath $inifile = $php::params::embedded_inifile,
  Hash $settings                = {},
) inherits php::params {

  $real_settings = lookup(
    Hash, {
      'strategy' => 'deep',
      'merge_hash_arrays' => true

  $real_package = $facts['os']['family'] ? {
    'Debian' => "lib${package}",
    default   => $package,

  package { $real_package:
    ensure  => $ensure,
    require => Class['php::packages'],
  -> php::config { 'embedded':
    file   => $inifile,
    config => $real_settings,