view modules/php/manifests/packages.pp @ 386:3fce34f642f1

Add a PHP module to handle platform differences
author IBBoard <>
date Mon, 03 Jan 2022 17:09:39 +0000
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# Install common PHP packages
# === Parameters
# [*ensure*]
#   Specify which version of PHP packages to install
# [*names*]
#   List of the names of the package to install
# [*names_to_prefix*]
#   List of packages names that should be prefixed with the common
#   package prefix `$php::package_prefix`
class php::packages (
  String $ensure         = $php::ensure,
  Boolean $manage_repos  = $php::manage_repos,
  Array $names_to_prefix = prefix($php::params::common_package_suffixes, $php::package_prefix),
  Array $names           = $php::params::common_package_names,
) inherits php::params {

  $real_names = union($names, $names_to_prefix)
  if $facts['os']['family'] == 'Debian' {
    if $manage_repos {
      include apt
      Class['apt::update'] -> Package[$real_names]
    package { $real_names:
      ensure => $ensure,
  } else {
    package { $real_names:
      ensure => $ensure,