view modules/postfix/files/postfix-policyd-spf-perl @ 326:63e0b5149cfb

Add fallback relays to Postfix This allows us to reliably send to IPv4 servers via Mythic-Beasts' mailserver rather than getting random IPs from the NAT64 servers. The firewall rules should ensure Postfix doesn't try to send email out via NAT64 and falls back to the relay. IPv6 will still go directly.
author IBBoard <>
date Sat, 07 Mar 2020 14:29:34 +0000
parents f192048f9b7e
line wrap: on
line source


# postfix-policyd-spf-perl
# version 2.010
# (C) 2007-2008,2012 Scott Kitterman <>
# (C) 2012           Allison Randal <>
# (C) 2007           Julian Mehnle <>
# (C) 2003-2004      Meng Weng Wong <>
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
#    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

use version; our $VERSION = qv('2.010');

use strict;

use IO::Handle;
use Sys::Syslog qw(:DEFAULT setlogsock);
use NetAddr::IP;
use Mail::SPF;
use Sys::Hostname::Long 'hostname_long';

# ----------------------------------------------------------
#                      configuration
# ----------------------------------------------------------

my $resolver = Net::DNS::Resolver->new(
    retrans         => 5,  # Net::DNS::Resolver default: 5
    retry           => 2,  # Net::DNS::Resolver default: 4
    # Makes for a total timeout for UDP queries of 5s * 2 = 10s.

# query_rr_type_all will query both type TXT and type SPF. This upstream
# default is changed due to there being essentiall no type SPF deployment.
my $spf_server = Mail::SPF::Server->new(
    dns_resolver    => $resolver,
    query_rr_types  => Mail::SPF::Server->query_rr_type_txt,
    default_authority_explanation  =>
    'Please see{_scope};id=%{S};ip=%{C};r=%{R}'

# Adding more handlers is easy:
my @HANDLERS = (
        name => 'exempt_localhost',
        code => \&exempt_localhost
        name => 'exempt_relay',
        code => \&exempt_relay
        name => 'sender_policy_framework',
        code => \&sender_policy_framework

my $VERBOSE = 0;


# Syslogging options for verbose mode and for fatal errors.
# NOTE: comment out the $syslog_socktype line if syslogging does not
# work on your system.

my $syslog_socktype = 'unix'; # inet, unix, stream, console
my $syslog_facility = 'mail';
my $syslog_options  = 'pid';
my $syslog_ident    = 'postfix/policy-spf';

use constant localhost_addresses => map(
    qw(  ::ffff:  ::1  )
);  # Does Postfix ever say "client_address=::ffff:<ipv4-address>"?

use constant relay_addresses => map(
    qw(  )
); # add addresses to qw (  ) above separated by spaces using CIDR notation.

# Fully qualified hostname, if available, for use in authentication results
# headers now provided by the localhost and whitelist checks.
my  $host = hostname_long;

my %results_cache;  # by message instance

# ----------------------------------------------------------
#                      initialization
# ----------------------------------------------------------

# Log an error and abort.
sub fatal_exit {
    syslog(err     => "fatal_exit: @_");
    syslog(warning => "fatal_exit: @_");
    syslog(info    => "fatal_exit: @_");
    die("fatal: @_");

# Unbuffer standard output.

# This process runs as a daemon, so it can't log to a terminal. Use
# syslog so that people can actually see our messages.
openlog($syslog_ident, $syslog_options, $syslog_facility);

# ----------------------------------------------------------
#                           main
# ----------------------------------------------------------

# Receive a bunch of attributes, evaluate the policy, send the result.
my %attr;
while (<STDIN>) {
    if (/=/) {
        my ($key, $value) =split (/=/, $_, 2);
        $attr{$key} = $value;
    elsif (length) {
        syslog(warning => sprintf("warning: ignoring garbage: %.100s", $_));
    if ($VERBOSE) {
        for (sort keys %attr) {
            syslog(debug => "Attribute: %s=%s", $_ || '<UNKNOWN>', $attr{$_} || '<UNKNOWN>');
    my $message_instance = $attr{instance};
    my $cache = defined($message_instance) ? $results_cache{$message_instance} ||= {} : {};
    my $action = $DEFAULT_RESPONSE;
    foreach my $handler (@HANDLERS) {
        my $handler_name = $handler->{name};
        my $handler_code = $handler->{code};
        my $response = $handler_code->(attr => \%attr, cache => $cache);
        if ($VERBOSE) {
            syslog(debug => "handler %s: %s", $handler_name || '<UNKNOWN>', $response || '<UNKNOWN>');
        # Pick whatever response is not 'DUNNO'
        if ($response and $response !~ /^DUNNO/i) {
                if ($VERBOSE) {
                    syslog(info => "handler %s: is decisive.", $handler_name || '<UNKNOWN>');
            $action = $response;
    syslog(info => "Policy action=%s", $action || '<UNKNOWN>');
    %attr = ();

# ----------------------------------------------------------
#                handler: localhost exemption
# ----------------------------------------------------------

sub exempt_localhost {
    my %options = @_;
    my $attr = $options{attr};
    if ($attr->{client_address} ne '') {
        my $client_address = NetAddr::IP->new($attr->{client_address});
        return "PREPEND Authentication-Results: $host; none (SPF not checked for localhost)"
            if grep($_->contains($client_address), localhost_addresses);
    return 'DUNNO';

# ----------------------------------------------------------
#                handler: relay exemption
# ----------------------------------------------------------

sub exempt_relay {
    my %options = @_;
    my $attr = $options{attr};
    if ($attr->{client_address} ne '') {
        my $client_address = NetAddr::IP->new($attr->{client_address});
        return "PREPEND Authentication-Results: $host; none (SPF not checked for whitelisted relay)"
            if grep($_->contains($client_address), relay_addresses);
    return 'DUNNO';

# ----------------------------------------------------------
#                        handler: SPF
# ----------------------------------------------------------

sub sender_policy_framework {
    my %options = @_;
    my $attr    = $options{attr};
    my $cache   = $options{cache};
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Always do HELO check first.  If no HELO policy, it's only one lookup.
    # This avoids the need to do any MAIL FROM processing for null sender.
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    my $helo_result = $cache->{helo_result};
    if (not defined($helo_result)) {
        # No HELO result has been cached from earlier checks on this message.
        my $helo_request = eval {
                scope           => 'helo',
                identity        => $attr->{helo_name},
                ip_address      => $attr->{client_address}
        if ($@) {
            # An unexpected error occurred during request creation,
            # probably due to invalid input data!
            my $errmsg = $@;
            $errmsg = $errmsg->text if UNIVERSAL::isa($@, 'Mail::SPF::Exception');
                if ($VERBOSE) {
                    info => "HELO check failed - Mail::SPF->new(%s, %s, %s) failed: %s",
                    $attr->{client_address} || '<UNKNOWN>',
                    $attr->{sender} || '<UNKNOWN>', $attr->{helo_name} || '<UNKNOWN>',
                    $errmsg || '<UNKNOWN>'
        $helo_result = $cache->{helo_result} = $spf_server->process($helo_request);
    my $helo_result_code    = $helo_result->code;  # 'pass', 'fail', etc.
    my $helo_local_exp      = nullchomp($helo_result->local_explanation);
    my $helo_authority_exp  = nullchomp($helo_result->authority_explanation)
        if $helo_result->is_code('fail');
    my $helo_spf_header     = $helo_result->received_spf_header;
    if ($VERBOSE) {
            info => "SPF %s: HELO/EHLO: %s, IP Address: %s, Recipient: %s",
            $helo_result  || '<UNKNOWN>',
            $attr->{helo_name} || '<UNKNOWN>', $attr->{client_address} || '<UNKNOWN>',
            $attr->{recipient} || '<UNKNOWN>'
    # Reject on HELO fail.  Defer on HELO temperror if message would otherwise
    # be accepted.  Use the HELO result and return for null sender.
    if ($helo_result->is_code('fail')) {
        if ($VERBOSE) {
                info => "SPF %s: HELO/EHLO: %s",
                $helo_result || '<UNKNOWN>',
                $attr->{helo_name} || '<UNKNOWN>'
        return "550 $helo_authority_exp";
    elsif ($helo_result->is_code('temperror')) {
        if ($VERBOSE) {
                info => "SPF %s: HELO/EHLO: %s",
                $helo_result || '<UNKNOWN>',
                $attr->{helo_name} || '<UNKNOWN>'
        return "DEFER_IF_PERMIT SPF-Result=$helo_local_exp";
    elsif ($attr->{sender} eq '') {
        if ($VERBOSE) {
                info => "SPF %s: HELO/EHLO (Null Sender): %s",
                $helo_result || '<UNKNOWN>',
                $attr->{helo_name} || '<UNKNOWN>'
        return "PREPEND $helo_spf_header"
            unless $cache->{added_spf_header}++;
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Do MAIL FROM check (as HELO did not give a definitive result)
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    my $mfrom_result = $cache->{mfrom_result};
    if (not defined($mfrom_result)) {
        # No MAIL FROM result has been cached from earlier checks on this message.
        my $mfrom_request = eval {
                scope           => 'mfrom',
                identity        => $attr->{sender},
                ip_address      => $attr->{client_address},
                helo_identity   => $attr->{helo_name}  # for %{h} macro expansion
        if ($@) {
            # An unexpected error occurred during request creation,
            # probably due to invalid input data!
            my $errmsg = $@;
            $errmsg = $errmsg->text if UNIVERSAL::isa($@, 'Mail::SPF::Exception');
            if ($VERBOSE) {
                    info => "Mail From (sender) check failed - Mail::SPF->new(%s, %s, %s) failed: %s",
                    $attr->{client_address} || '<UNKNOWN>',
                    $attr->{sender} || '<UNKNOWN>', $attr->{helo_name} || '<UNKNOWN>', $errmsg || '<UNKNOWN>'
        $mfrom_result = $cache->{mfrom_result} = $spf_server->process($mfrom_request);
    my $mfrom_result_code   = $mfrom_result->code;  # 'pass', 'fail', etc.
    my $mfrom_local_exp     = nullchomp($mfrom_result->local_explanation);
    my $mfrom_authority_exp = nullchomp($mfrom_result->authority_explanation)
        if $mfrom_result->is_code('fail');
    my $mfrom_spf_header    = $mfrom_result->received_spf_header;
    if ($VERBOSE) {
            info => "SPF %s: Envelope-from: %s, IP Address: %s, Recipient: %s",
            $mfrom_result || '<UNKNOWN>',
            $attr->{sender} || '<UNKNOWN>', $attr->{client_address} || '<UNKNOWN>',
            $attr->{recipient} || '<UNKNOWN>'
    # Same approach as HELO....
    if ($VERBOSE) {
            info => "SPF %s: Envelope-from: %s",
            $mfrom_result || '<UNKNOWN>',
            $attr->{sender} || '<UNKNOWN>'
    if ($mfrom_result->is_code('fail')) {
        return "550 $mfrom_authority_exp";
    elsif ($mfrom_result->is_code('temperror')) {
        return "DEFER_IF_PERMIT SPF-Result=$mfrom_local_exp";
    else {
        return "PREPEND $mfrom_spf_header"
            unless $cache->{added_spf_header}++;

# ----------------------------------------------------------
#                   utility, string cleaning
# ----------------------------------------------------------

sub nullchomp {
    my $value = shift;

    # Remove one or more null characters from the
    # end of the input.
    $value =~ s/\0+$//;
    return $value;