view modules/common/manifests/mkuser.pp @ 388:750d36241580

Add missing dependency modules Probably required by SSH, but not obviously listed
author IBBoard <>
date Mon, 03 Jan 2022 17:15:14 +0000
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line source

# == Define: common::mkuser
# mkuser creates a user/group that can be realized in the module that employs it
# Copyright 2007-2013 Garrett Honeycutt
# - Licensed GPLv2
# Parameters:
#   $uid               - UID of user
#   $gid               - GID of user, defaults to UID
#   $group             - group name of user, defaults to username
#   $shell             - user's shell, defaults to '/bin/bash'
#   $home              - home directory, defaults to /home/<username>
#   $ensure            - present by default
#   $managehome        - true by default
#   $manage_dotssh     - true by default. creates ~/.ssh
#   $comment           - comment field for passwd
#   $groups            - additional groups the user should be associated with
#   $password          - defaults to '!!'
#   $mode              - mode of home directory, defaults to 0700
#   $ssh_auth_key      - ssh key of the user
#   $ssh_auth_key_type - defaults to 'ssh-dss'
# Actions: creates a user/group
# Requires:
#   $uid
# Sample Usage:
#   # create apachehup user and realize it
#   @mkuser { 'apachehup':
#       uid        => '32001',
#       home       => '/home/apachehup',
#       comment    => 'Apache Restart User',
#   } # @mkuser
#   realize Common::Mkuser[apachehup]
define common::mkuser (
  $gid               = undef,
  $group             = undef,
  $shell             = undef,
  $home              = undef,
  $ensure            = 'present',
  $managehome        = true,
  $manage_dotssh     = true,
  $comment           = 'created via puppet',
  $groups            = undef,
  $password          = undef,
  $mode              = undef,
  $ssh_auth_key      = undef,
  $create_group      = true,
  $ssh_auth_key_type = undef,
  $purge_ssh_keys    = undef,
) {

  if $shell {
    $myshell = $shell
  } else {
    $myshell = '/bin/bash'

  # if gid is unspecified, match with uid
  if $gid {
    $mygid = $gid
  } else {
    $mygid = $uid
  } # fi $gid

  # if groups is unspecified, match with name
  if $groups {
    $mygroups = $groups
  } else {
    $mygroups = $name

  # if group is unspecified, use the username
  if $group {
    $mygroup = $group
  } else {
    $mygroup = $name

  if $password {
    $mypassword = $password
  } else {
    $mypassword = '!!'

  # if home is unspecified, use /home/<username>
  if $home {
    $myhome = $home
  } else {
    $myhome = "/home/${name}"

  # if mode is unspecified, use 0700, which is the default when you enable the
  # managehome attribute.
  if $mode {
    $mymode = $mode
  } else {
    $mymode = '0700'

  if $purge_ssh_keys != undef {
    $mypurgekey = str2bool($purge_ssh_keys)
  } else {
    $mypurgekey = false

  if versioncmp("${::puppetversion}", '3.6') >= 0 { # lint:ignore:only_variable_string
    User {
      purge_ssh_keys => $mypurgekey,

  # ensure managehome is boolean
  if is_bool($managehome){
    $my_managehome = $managehome
  } elsif is_string($managehome) {
    $my_managehome = str2bool($managehome)
  } else {
    fail("${name}::managehome must be boolean or string.")

  # create user
  user { $name:
    ensure     => $ensure,
    uid        => $uid,
    gid        => $mygid,
    shell      => $myshell,
    groups     => $mygroups,
    password   => $mypassword,
    managehome => $my_managehome,
    home       => $myhome,
    comment    => $comment,
  } # user

  if $create_group {
    # If the group is not already defined, ensure its existence
    if !defined(Group[$name]) {
      group { $name:
        ensure => $ensure,
        gid    => $mygid,
        name   => $mygroup,

  # If managing home, then set the mode of the home directory. This allows for
  # modes other than 0700 for $HOME.
  if $my_managehome == true {

    common::mkdir_p { $myhome: }

    file { $myhome:
      owner   => $name,
      group   => $mygroup,
      mode    => $mymode,
      require => Common::Mkdir_p[$myhome],

    # ensure manage_dotssh is boolean
    if is_bool($manage_dotssh){
      $my_manage_dotssh = $manage_dotssh
    } elsif is_string($manage_dotssh) {
      $my_manage_dotssh = str2bool($manage_dotssh)
    } else {
      fail("${name}::manage_dotssh must be boolean or string.")

    # create ~/.ssh
    if $my_manage_dotssh == true {
      file { "${myhome}/.ssh":
        ensure  => directory,
        mode    => '0700',
        owner   => $name,
        group   => $name,
        require => User[$name],

  # if ssh_auth_key_type is unspecified, use ssh-dss
  if $ssh_auth_key_type {
    $my_ssh_auth_key_type = $ssh_auth_key_type
  } else {
    $my_ssh_auth_key_type = 'ssh-dss'

  # if we specify a key, then it should be present
  if $ssh_auth_key {
    ssh_authorized_key { $name:
      ensure  => present,
      user    => $name,
      key     => $ssh_auth_key,
      type    => $my_ssh_auth_key_type,
      require => File["${myhome}/.ssh"],