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view manifests/templates.pp @ 242:7d8e664ebcc9 puppet-3.6
Change owner/group on Nextcloud for easy upgrade
We now prevent Apache writing to files using SELinux, so it is
secure during normal operation but can be upgraded through
the web app by disabling SELinux
author | IBBoard <> |
date | Fri, 20 Dec 2019 15:17:43 +0000 |
parents | 1901eea3befe |
children | c3fa3d65aa83 d4b2bdfe47a6 |
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# Make sure packages come after their repos YumRepo<| |> -> Package<| |> # Make sure all files are in place before starting services File<| |> -> Service<| |> class basenode { $os = $operatingsystem $osver = "v${operatingsystemrelease}" include sudo include defaultusers include logwatch file { '/etc/puppet/hiera.yaml': ensure => present, content => "--- :backends: yaml :yaml: :datadir: /var/lib/hiera :hierarchy: common :logger: console", } } class basevpsnode ( $primary_ip, $secondary_ip, $mailserver, $imapserver, $firewall_cmd = 'iptables', ) { if $firewall_cmd == 'iptables' { include vpsfirewall } #VPS is a self-mastered Puppet machine, so bodge a Hosts file file { '/etc/hosts': ensure => present, content => " localhost $primary_ip ${fqdn}", } require repos include basenode include private include dnsresolver include ssh::server include vcs::server include vcs::client class { 'webserver': primary_ip => $primary_ip, secondary_ip => $secondary_ip, } include cronjobs include logrotate class { 'fail2ban': firewall_cmd => $firewall_cmd, } include tools class { 'email': mailserver => $mailserver, imapserver => $imapserver, } } ## Classes to allow facet behaviour using preconfigured setups of classes class vpsfirewall { resources { "firewall": purge => false, } firewallchain { 'INPUT:filter:IPv4': purge => true, ignore => [ '-j f2b-[^ ]+$', '^(:|-A )f2b-', '--comment "Great Firewall of China"', '--comment "Do not purge', ], } Firewall { before => Class['my_fw::post'], require => Class['my_fw::pre'], } class { ['my_fw::pre', 'my_fw::post']: } class { 'firewall': } firewall { '010 Whitelist Googlebot': source => '', dport => [80,443], proto => tcp, action => accept, } # Block a spammer hitting our contact forms (also on StopForumSpam list A LOT) firewall { '099 Blacklist spammers 1': source => '', dport => [80, 443], proto => tcp, action => 'reject', } firewall { '099 Blacklist IODC bot': # IODC bot makes too many bad requests, and contact form is broken # They don't publish a robots.txt name, so firewall it! source => '', dport => [ 80, 443 ], proto => tcp, action => 'reject', } firewall { '099 Blacklist Baidu Brazil': #Baidu got a Brazilian netblock and are hitting us hard #Baidu doesn't honour "crawl-delay" in robots.txt #Baidu gets firewalled source => '', dport => [ 80, 443 ], proto => tcp, action => 'reject', } firewallchain { 'GREATFIREWALLOFCHINA:filter:IPv4': ensure => present, } firewall { '050 Check our Great Firewall Against China': chain => 'INPUT', jump => 'GREATFIREWALLOFCHINA', } firewallchain { 'Fail2Ban:filter:IPv4': ensure => present, } firewall { '060 Check Fail2Ban': chain => 'INPUT', jump => 'Fail2Ban', } firewall { '100 allow https and http': dport => [80, 443], proto => tcp, action => accept, } firewall { '101 allow SMTP': dport => [25, 465], proto => tcp, action => accept, } firewall { '102 allow IMAPS': dport => 993, proto => tcp, action => accept, } # Note: SSH port will be managed separately as we # put it on a different port to hide from script kiddy noise } class dnsresolver { package { 'bind': ensure => present, } service { 'named': ensure => running, enable => true, require => Package['bind'], } file { '/etc/named.conf': ensure => present, source => 'puppet:///common/named.conf', group => 'named', require => Package['bind'], notify => Service['named'], } file { '/etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/local-dns-resolver.conf': ensure => present, content => "[main] dns=none", } file { '/etc/sysconfig/named': ensure => present, content => 'OPTIONS="-4"', require => Package['bind'], } file { '/etc/resolv.conf': ensure => present, content => "nameserver" } } class repos { yumrepo { 'epel': mirrorlist => '$releasever&arch=$basearch', descr => "Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux", enabled => 1, failovermethod => 'priority', gpgcheck => 1, gpgkey => 'file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-6', } file { '/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-6': ensure => present, source => 'puppet:///common/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-6' } yumrepo { 'ibboard': baseurl => '$releasever/', descr => 'Extra packages from IBBoard', enabled => 1, gpgcheck => 1, gpgkey => 'file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-ibboard', } file { '/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-ibboard': ensure => present, source => 'puppet:///common/RPM-GPG-KEY-ibboard' } yumrepo { 'webtatic': ensure => absent, } file { '/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-webtatic-andy': ensure => absent, } file { '/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-webtatic-el7': ensure => absent, } # Install Pip and symlink it so we can use it as a package provider package { 'python2-pip': ensure => installed; } -> file { '/usr/bin/pip-python': ensure => link, target => '/usr/bin/pip', } -> Package <| provider == 'pip' |> } class tools { $packages = [ 'sqlite', 'bash-completion', 'nano', 'bzip2', 'mlocate', 'patch' ] package { $packages: ensure => installed; } } class logrotate { package { 'logrotate': ensure => installed; } file { '/etc/logrotate.d/httpd': ensure => present, source => 'puppet:///common/logrotate-httpd', require => Package['logrotate'], } file { '/etc/logrotate.d/trac': ensure => present, source => 'puppet:///common/logrotate-trac', require => Package['logrotate'], } } class logwatch { package { 'logwatch': ensure => installed; } File { ensure => present, require => Package['logwatch'], } file { '/etc/cron.daily/0logwatch': source => 'puppet:///common/0logwatch'; } file { '/etc/logwatch/scripts/shared/': ensure => directory, } file { '/etc/logwatch/scripts/services/fail2ban': source => 'puppet:///common/logwatch/services-fail2ban', } file { '/etc/logwatch/scripts/services/named': source => 'puppet:///common/logwatch/named', } file { '/etc/logwatch/scripts/services/http-error': source => 'puppet:///common/logwatch/http-error', } file { '/etc/logwatch/scripts/services/php': source => 'puppet:///common/logwatch/scripts_php', } file { '/etc/logwatch/scripts/services/mysql': source => 'puppet:///common/logwatch/scripts_mysql', } file { '/etc/logwatch/scripts/services/dovecot': source => 'puppet:///common/logwatch/dovecot', } file { '/etc/logwatch/scripts/services/postfix': source => 'puppet:///common/logwatch/postfix', } file { '/etc/logwatch/scripts/shared/applyhttperrordate': source => 'puppet:///common/logwatch/applyhttperrordate', } file { '/etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf': content => 'Detail = Med', } file { '/etc/logwatch/conf/logfiles/http.conf': content => 'LogFile = apache/access_*.log', } file { '/etc/logwatch/conf/logfiles/http-error-24.conf': source => 'puppet:///common/logwatch/log-http-error.conf', } file { '/etc/logwatch/conf/logfiles/http-error.conf': ensure=> absent, } file { '/etc/logwatch/conf/services/http-error.conf': source => 'puppet:///common/logwatch/services-http-error.conf', } file { '/etc/logwatch/conf/logfiles/php.conf': source => 'puppet:///common/logwatch/logfiles_php.conf', } file { '/etc/logwatch/conf/services/php.conf': source => 'puppet:///common/logwatch/services_php.conf', } file { '/etc/logwatch/conf/logfiles/mysql.conf': source => 'puppet:///common/logwatch/logfiles_mysql.conf', } file { '/etc/logwatch/conf/services/mysql.conf': source => 'puppet:///common/logwatch/services_mysql.conf', } } class fail2ban ( $firewall_cmd, ) { package { 'fail2ban': ensure => installed, } service { 'fail2ban': ensure => running, enable => true } File { ensure => present, require => Package['fail2ban'], notify => Service['fail2ban'], } file { '/etc/fail2ban/fail2ban.local': source => 'puppet:///common/fail2ban/fail2ban.local', } file { '/etc/fail2ban/jail.local': source => 'puppet:///common/fail2ban/jail.local', } file { '/etc/fail2ban/action.d/apf.conf': source => 'puppet:///common/fail2ban/apf.conf', } if $firewall_cmd == 'iptables' { $firewall_ban_cmd = 'iptables-multiport' } else { $firewall_ban_cmd = $firewall_cmd } file { '/etc/fail2ban/action.d/firewall-ban.conf': ensure => link, target => "/etc/fail2ban/action.d/${firewall_ban_cmd}.conf", } file { '/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ibb-apache-exploits-instaban.conf': source => 'puppet:///common/fail2ban/ibb-apache-exploits-instaban.conf', } file { '/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ibb-apache-shellshock.conf': source => 'puppet:///common/fail2ban/ibb-apache-shellshock.conf', } file { '/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ibb-repeat-offender.conf': source => 'puppet:///common/fail2ban/ibb-repeat-offender.conf', } file { '/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ibb-repeat-offender-ssh.conf': source => 'puppet:///common/fail2ban/ibb-repeat-offender-ssh.conf', } file { '/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ibb-postfix-spammers.conf': source => 'puppet:///common/fail2ban/ibb-postfix-spammers.conf', } file { '/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ibb-postfix-malicious.conf': source => 'puppet:///common/fail2ban/ibb-postfix-malicious.conf', } file { '/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ibb-postfix.conf': source => 'puppet:///common/fail2ban/ibb-postfix.conf', } file { '/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ibb-sshd.conf': source => 'puppet:///common/fail2ban/ibb-sshd.conf', } file { '/etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ibb-sshd-bad-user.conf': source => 'puppet:///common/fail2ban/ibb-sshd-bad-user.conf', } # Because one of our rules checks fail2ban's log, but the service dies without the file file { '/var/log/fail2ban.log': ensure => present, owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '0600', } } #Our web server with our configs, not just a stock one class webserver ( $primary_ip, $secondary_ip, ) { #Setup base website parameters class { 'website': base_dir => '/srv/sites', primary_ip => $primary_ip, secondary_ip => $secondary_ip, default_owner => $defaultusers::default_user, default_group => $defaultusers::default_user, default_tld => '', default_extra_tlds => [ 'com' ], } # Use Remi's PHP 7.3 for now - 7.4 is still VERY new $php_suffix = '' yumrepo { 'remirepo-safe': mirrorlist => '$releasever/safe/mirror', descr => "Extra CentOS packages from Remi", enabled => 1, failovermethod => 'priority', gpgcheck => 1, gpgkey => 'file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-remi', } yumrepo { 'remirepo-php': mirrorlist => '$releasever/php73/mirror', descr => "PHP7.3 for CentOS from Remi", enabled => 1, failovermethod => 'priority', gpgcheck => 1, gpgkey => 'file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-remi', } file { '/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-remi': ensure => present, source => 'puppet:///common/RPM-GPG-KEY-remi', before => YumRepo['remirepo-php'], } #Configure the PHP version to use class { 'website::php': suffix => $php_suffix, opcache => 'opcache', extras => [ 'process', 'intl', 'pecl-imagick', 'bcmath', 'pecl-zip' ], } #Setup MySQL, using (private) templates to make sure that we set non-std passwords and a default user if $operatingsystem == 'CentOS' and versioncmp($operatingsystemrelease, 7) >= 0 { $mysqlpackage = 'mariadb' $mysqlsuffix = '' $extra_packages = [ 'policycoreutils-python', # Required for SELinux 'subversion-python', #Required for Trac 'perl-Sys-Syslog', #Required for Perl SPF checking ] package { $extra_packages: ensure => installed } } else { $mysqlpackage = 'mysql' $mysqlsuffix = '55w' } class { 'website::mysql': mysqluser => template('defaultusers/mysql-user'), mysqlpassword => template('defaultusers/mysql-password'), mysqlprefix => $mysqlpackage, mysqlsuffix => $mysqlsuffix, phpsuffix => $php_suffix, phpmysqlsuffix => 'nd' } } class ibboardvpsnode ( $primary_ip, $secondary_ip, $mailserver, $imapserver, $firewall_cmd = 'iptables', ){ class { 'basevpsnode': primary_ip => $primary_ip, secondary_ip => $secondary_ip, mailserver => $mailserver, imapserver => $imapserver, firewall_cmd => $firewall_cmd, } # Common modules used by multiple sites (mod_auth_basic is safe because we HTTPS all the things) $mods = [ 'auth_basic', 'authn_file', 'authz_user', 'deflate', 'xsendfile' ] apache::mod { $mods:; } if $operatingsystem == 'CentOS' and versioncmp($operatingsystemrelease, 7) >= 0 { apache::mod { 'authn_core':; } } $apache_packages = [ 'mod_xsendfile' ] package { $apache_packages: ensure => present; } #Configure our sites, using templates for the custom fragments where the extra content is too long include adminsite website::https::multitld { 'www.ibboard': custom_fragment => template("private/apache/ibboard.fragment"), letsencrypt_name => '', csp_override => { "report-uri" => "", "default-src" => "'none'", "img-src" => "'self'", "script-src" => "'self'", "style-src" => "'self'", "font-src" => "'self'", "form-action" => "'self'", "connect-src" => "'self'", } } include hiveworldterrasite include bdstrikesite include devsite website::https::multitld { 'www.abiknight': custom_fragment => "$website::htmlphpfragment ErrorDocument 404 /error.php", letsencrypt_name => '', } include webmailpimsite } class adminsite{ apache::mod { 'info':; 'status':; 'cgi':; } website::https::multitld { 'admin.ibboard': force_no_index => false, ssl_ca_chain => '', custom_fragment => template("private/apache/admin.fragment"), } cron { 'loadavg': command => '/usr/local/bin/run-loadavg-logger', user => apache, minute => '*/6' } cron { 'awstats': command => '/usr/local/bin/update-awstats > /srv/sites/admin/awstats.log', user => apache, hour => '*/6', minute => '0' } } class hiveworldterrasite { website::https::multitld { 'www.hiveworldterra': force_no_www => false, letsencrypt_name => '', custom_fragment => template("private/apache/hwt.fragment"), } website::https::multitld { 'forums.hiveworldterra': letsencrypt_name => '', custom_fragment => template("private/apache/forums.fragment"), } website::https::multitld { 'skins.hiveworldterra': letsencrypt_name => '', custom_fragment => template("private/apache/skins.fragment"), } website::https::redir { '': redir => '', docroot => "${website::basedir}/hiveworldterra", letsencrypt_name => '', separate_log => true, } } class bdstrikesite { website::https::multitld { 'www.bdstrike': docroot_owner => $defaultusers::secondary_user, docroot_group => 'editors', letsencrypt_name => '', custom_fragment => template("private/apache/bdstrike.fragment"), csp_override => {"frame-ancestors" => "'self'"}, csp_report_override => { "font-src" => "'self'", "img-src" => "'self'", "style-src" => "'self'" }, } $aliases = [ '', '', '' ] website::https::redir { '': redir => '', serveraliases => $aliases, docroot => "${website::basedir}/bdstrike", docroot_owner => $defaultusers::secondary_user, docroot_group => 'editors', letsencrypt_name => '', separate_log => true, } cron { 'wordpress_cron': # Run "php -f wp-cron.php" on a schedule so that we can auto-update # without giving Apache full write access! command => "/usr/local/bin/bdstrike-cron", user => $defaultusers::default_user, minute => '*/15', } } class devsite { apache::mod { # mod_wsgi for Python support 'wsgi':; } include python::venv # Create Python virtualenvs for the dev site apps python::venv::isolate { "/srv/rhodecode/virtualenv":; "/srv/trac/virtualenv":; } # Graphviz for Trac "master ticket" graphs package { 'graphviz': ensure => installed, } website::https::multitld { 'www.warfoundry': letsencrypt_name => '', custom_fragment => template("private/apache/warfoundry.fragment"), } website::https::multitld { 'dev.ibboard': #Make sure we're the first one hit for the tiny fraction of "no support" cases we care about (potentially Python for Mercurial!) # priority => 1, letsencrypt_name => '', custom_fragment => template("private/apache/dev.fragment"), force_no_index => false, } } class webmailpimsite { # Webmail and Personal Information Management (PIM) sites website::https { '': force_no_index => false, ssl_ca_chain => '', custom_fragment => template("private/apache/webmail.fragment"), } website::https { '': docroot_owner => 'apache', docroot_group => 'editors', force_no_index => false, lockdown_requests => false, ssl_ca_chain => '', custom_fragment => template("private/apache/pim.fragment"), } cron { 'owncloudcron': command => "/usr/local/bin/owncloud-cron", user => 'apache', minute => '*/15', } } class email ( $mailserver, $imapserver, ){ class { 'postfix': mailserver => $mailserver, protocols => 'ipv4', } class { 'dovecot': imapserver => $imapserver, } # Unspecified SpamAssassin config dependencies that started # showing up as errors in our logs package { ['perl-File-MimeInfo', 'perl-IO-Compress-Lzma']: ensure => installed, } package { [ 'amavisd-new' ]: ensure => installed, tag => 'av', } service { 'amavisd': ensure => 'running', enable => 'true', } file { '/etc/amavisd/amavisd.conf': ensure => present, source => 'puppet:///private/postfix/amavisd.conf', tag => 'av', } file { '/etc/mail/spamassassin/': ensure => present, source => 'puppet:///private/postfix/', tag => 'av', } file { '/etc/mail/spamassassin/': ensure => present, source => 'puppet:///common/', tag => 'av', } file { '/etc/mail/spamassassin/': ensure => present, source => 'puppet:///common/spamassassin-vba-macro-master/', tag => 'av', } Package<| tag == 'av' |> -> File<| tag == 'av' |> File<| tag == 'av' |> { notify => Service['amavisd'], } cron { 'Postwhite': command => "/usr/local/bin/postwhite 2>&1| grep -vE '^(Starting|Recursively|Getting|Querying|Removing|Sorting|$)'", user => 'root', weekday => 0, hour => 2, minute => 0, } } class cronjobs { # Add Mutt for scripts that send emails, but stop it clogging the disk by keeping copies of emails package { 'mutt': ensure => installed, } file { '/etc/Muttrc.local': content => 'set copy = no', require => Package['mutt'], } # General server-wide cron jobs Cron { user => 'root' } cron { 'backupalldbs': command => "/usr/local/bin/backupalldbs", monthday => "*/2", hour => "4", minute => "9" } cron { 'greatfirewallofchina': command => '/usr/local/bin/update-great-firewall-of-china', hour => 3, minute => 30 } cron { 'permissions': command => '/usr/local/bin/set-permissions', hour => 3, minute => 2 } # Since we're only managing the local server, use our script that wraps "puppet apply" instead of PuppetMaster cron { 'puppet': command => '/usr/local/bin/puppet-apply | grep -v "Compiled catalog for\|Finished catalog run in"', hour => '*/6', minute => 5 } cron { 'purgecaches': command => "/usr/local/bin/purge-caches", hour => '4', minute => '15', weekday => '1', } # Notify of uncommitted files cron { 'check-mercurial-committed': command => "/usr/local/bin/check-hg-status", hour => '4', minute => '20', weekday => '0-6/3', #Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday morning } # Notify of available updates cron { 'check-yum-updates': command => '/usr/bin/yum check-updates | tail -2 | grep -Ev "^ \* \w+: \w+"', hour => '4', minute => '30', weekday => '0-6/3', #Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday morning } # And check whether anything needs restarting cron { 'check-needs-restarting': command => '/usr/bin/needs-restarting|grep -v "/usr/lib/systemd\|/usr/sbin/lvmetad\|/usr/lib/polkit-1/polkitd"', hour => '4', minute => '45', weekday => '0-6/3', #Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday morning } }