view modules/apache/manifests/mod/authnz_ldap.pp @ 437:b8d6ada284dd

Update Apache module to latest version Also converted some params to ints to match
author IBBoard <>
date Sun, 14 Aug 2022 11:30:13 +0100
parents d9352a684e62
children adf6fe9bbc17
line wrap: on
line source

# @summary
#   Installs `mod_authnz_ldap`.
# @param verify_server_cert
#   Whether to force te verification of a server cert or not.
# @param package_name
#   The name of the ldap package.
# @see for additional documentation.
# @note Unsupported platforms: RedHat: 6, 8, 9; CentOS: 6, 8; OracleLinux: 6, 8; Ubuntu: all; Debian: all; SLES: all
class apache::mod::authnz_ldap (
  Boolean $verify_server_cert    = true,
  Optional[String] $package_name = undef,
) {
  include apache
  include 'apache::mod::ldap'
  ::apache::mod { 'authnz_ldap':
    package => $package_name,

  # Template uses:
  # - $verify_server_cert
  file { 'authnz_ldap.conf':
    ensure  => file,
    path    => "${apache::mod_dir}/authnz_ldap.conf",
    mode    => $apache::file_mode,
    content => template('apache/mod/authnz_ldap.conf.erb'),
    require => Exec["mkdir ${apache::mod_dir}"],
    before  => File[$apache::mod_dir],
    notify  => Class['apache::service'],