view modules/apache/manifests/mod/remoteip.pp @ 437:b8d6ada284dd

Update Apache module to latest version Also converted some params to ints to match
author IBBoard <>
date Sun, 14 Aug 2022 11:30:13 +0100
parents d9352a684e62
children adf6fe9bbc17
line wrap: on
line source

# @summary 
#   Installs and configures `mod_remoteip`.
# @see
# @param header
#   The header field in which `mod_remoteip` will look for the useragent IP.
# @param internal_proxy
#   A list of IP addresses, IP blocks or hostname that are trusted to set a
#   valid value inside specified header. Unlike the `$trusted_proxy_ips`
#   parameter, any IP address (including private addresses) presented by these
#   proxies will trusted by `mod_remoteip`.
# @param proxy_ips
#   *Deprecated*: use `$internal_proxy` instead.
# @param internal_proxy_list
#   The path to a file containing a list of IP addresses, IP blocks or hostname
#   that are trusted to set a valid value inside the specified header. See
#   `$internal_proxy` for details.
# @param proxies_header
#   A header into which `mod_remoteip` will collect a list of all of the
#   intermediate client IP addresses trusted to resolve the useragent IP of the
#   request (e.g. `X-Forwarded-By`).
# @param proxy_protocol
#   Wether or not to enable the PROXY protocol header handling. If enabled
#   upstream clients must set the header every time they open a connection.
# @param proxy_protocol_exceptions
#   A list of IP address or IP blocks that are not required to use the PROXY
#   protocol.
# @param trusted_proxy
#   A list of IP addresses, IP blocks or hostname that are trusted to set a
#   valid value inside the specified header. Unlike the `$proxy_ips` parameter,
#   any private IP presented by these proxies will be disgarded by
#   `mod_remoteip`.
# @param trusted_proxy_ips
#   *Deprecated*: use `$trusted_proxy` instead.
# @param trusted_proxy_list
#   The path to a file containing a list of IP addresses, IP blocks or hostname
#   that are trusted to set a valid value inside the specified header. See
#   `$trusted_proxy` for details.
# @param apache_version
#   A version string used to validate that your apache version supports
#   `mod_remoteip`. If not specified, `$::apache::apache_version` is used.
# @see for additional documentation.
class apache::mod::remoteip (
  String                                                     $header                    = 'X-Forwarded-For',
  Optional[Array[Variant[Stdlib::Host,Stdlib::IP::Address]]] $internal_proxy            = undef,
  Optional[Array[Variant[Stdlib::Host,Stdlib::IP::Address]]] $proxy_ips                 = undef,
  Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]                             $internal_proxy_list       = undef,
  Optional[String]                                           $proxies_header            = undef,
  Boolean                                                    $proxy_protocol            = false,
  Optional[Array[Variant[Stdlib::Host,Stdlib::IP::Address]]] $proxy_protocol_exceptions = undef,
  Optional[Array[Stdlib::Host]]                              $trusted_proxy             = undef,
  Optional[Array[Stdlib::Host]]                              $trusted_proxy_ips         = undef,
  Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]                             $trusted_proxy_list        = undef,
  Optional[String]                                           $apache_version            = undef,
) {
  include apache

  $_apache_version = pick($apache_version, $apache::apache_version)
  if versioncmp($_apache_version, '2.4') < 0 {
    fail('mod_remoteip is only available in Apache 2.4')

  if $proxy_ips {
    deprecation('apache::mod::remoteip::proxy_ips', 'This parameter is deprecated, please use `internal_proxy`.')
    $_internal_proxy = $proxy_ips
  } elsif $internal_proxy {
    $_internal_proxy = $internal_proxy
  } else {
    $_internal_proxy = ['']

  if $trusted_proxy_ips {
    deprecation('apache::mod::remoteip::trusted_proxy_ips', 'This parameter is deprecated, please use `trusted_proxy`.')
    $_trusted_proxy = $trusted_proxy_ips
  } else {
    $_trusted_proxy = $trusted_proxy

  ::apache::mod { 'remoteip': }

  $template_parameters = {
    header                    => $header,
    internal_proxy            => $_internal_proxy,
    internal_proxy_list       => $internal_proxy_list,
    proxies_header            => $proxies_header,
    proxy_protocol            => $proxy_protocol,
    proxy_protocol_exceptions => $proxy_protocol_exceptions,
    trusted_proxy             => $_trusted_proxy,
    trusted_proxy_list        => $trusted_proxy_list,

  file { 'remoteip.conf':
    ensure  => file,
    path    => "${apache::mod_dir}/remoteip.conf",
    mode    => $apache::file_mode,
    content => epp('apache/mod/remoteip.conf.epp', $template_parameters),
    require => Exec["mkdir ${apache::mod_dir}"],
    before  => File[$apache::mod_dir],
    notify  => Class['apache::service'],