view modules/python/manifests/pip/requirements.pp @ 157:c6b1b42f3e4b puppet-3.6

Move all sites to separate LetsEncrypt certs to make adding future domains easier
author IBBoard <>
date Thu, 30 Mar 2017 20:41:18 +0100
parents 956e484adc12
line wrap: on
line source

# Installs packages in a requirements file for a virtualenv.
# Pip tries to upgrade packages when the requirements file changes.
define python::pip::requirements($venv, $owner=undef, $group=undef) {
  $requirements = $name
  $requirements_path = split($requirements, '/')
  $requirements_dir = inline_template("<%= (requirements_path).first(requirements_path.size() - 1).join('/') %>")
  $checksum = "$venv/requirements.checksum"

  Exec {
    user => $owner,
    group => $group,
    cwd => "/tmp",

  if !defined(File["$requirements"]){
    file { $requirements:
      ensure => present,
      replace => false,
      owner => $owner,
      group => $group,
      content => "# Puppet will install packages listed here and update them if
  # the the contents of this file changes.",

  # We create a sha1 checksum of the requirements file so that
  # we can detect when it changes:
  exec { "create new checksum of $name requirements":
    command => "sha1sum $requirements > $checksum",
    require => File[$requirements],
    refreshonly => true,

  exec { "update $name requirements":
    command => "$venv/bin/pip install --download-cache=$venv/cache -Ur $requirements",
    cwd => $requirements_dir,
    timeout => 1800, # sometimes, this can take a while
    require => File[$requirements],
    unless => "sha1sum -c $checksum",
    notify => Exec["create new checksum of $name requirements"],
    logoutput => "on_failure",