view modules/website/manifests/php.pp @ 22:ccca5d75111f puppet-3.6

Fix ordering of packages vs files so that config files go in afterwards
author IBBoard <>
date Sun, 08 Mar 2015 23:57:04 +0000
parents 5ba2ddf53c29
children 6bbc86f6cee5
line wrap: on
line source

class website::php(
    $suffix = '',
    $opcache = undef,
    ) {
  File {
      notify => Service['httpd'],
  Package {
      notify => Service['httpd'],
  Package <| |> -> File <| |>
  $packages = [ "php${suffix}", "php${suffix}-mcrypt", "php${suffix}-mbstring", "php${suffix}-xml", "php${suffix}-gd" ]
  package { $packages:
    ensure => latest,
  file { '/etc/php.d/custom-lockdown.ini':
    ensure => present,
    content => 'allow_url_fopen = \'off\'',
  file { '/etc/php.d/custom-php.ini':
    ensure => present,
    content => 'default_charset = \'UTF-8\'',

  if $opcache {
    package { "php${suffix}-${opcache}":
      ensure => latest,
      notify => Service['httpd'],
      require => Package["php${suffix}"],
    file { '/etc/php.d/opcache.ini':
      ensure => present,
      content => 'zend_extension=/usr/lib64/php/modules/
opcache.memory_consumption=96 ',