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# Reference

<!-- DO NOT EDIT: This document was generated by Puppet Strings -->

## Table of Contents

### Classes

* [`php`](#php): Base class with global configuration parameters that pulls in all enabled components.  === Parameters  [*ensure*]   Specify which version of 
* [`php::apache_config`](#phpapache_config): Install and configure php apache settings  === Parameters  [*inifile*]   The path to the ini php-apache ini file  [*settings*]   Hash with ne
* [`php::cli`](#phpcli): Install and configure php CLI  === Parameters  [*inifile*]   The path to the ini php5-cli ini file  [*settings*]   Hash with nested hash of k
* [`php::composer`](#phpcomposer): Install composer package manager  === Parameters  [*source*]   Holds URL to the Composer source file  [*path*]   Holds path to the Composer e
* [`php::composer::auto_update`](#phpcomposerauto_update): Install composer package manager  === Parameters  [*max_age*]   Defines number of days after which Composer should be updated  [*source*]   H
* [`php::dev`](#phpdev): Install the development package with headers for PHP  === Parameters  [*ensure*]   The PHP ensure of PHP dev to install  [*package*]   The pa
* [`php::embedded`](#phpembedded): Install and configure php embedded SAPI  === Parameters  [*inifile*]   The path to the ini php5-embeded ini file  [*settings*]   Hash with ne
* [`php::fpm`](#phpfpm): Install and configure mod_php for fpm  === Parameters  [*user*]   The user that php-fpm should run as  [*group*]   The group that php-fpm sho
* [`php::fpm::config`](#phpfpmconfig): Configure php-fpm service  === Parameters  [*config_file*]   The path to the fpm config file  [*user*]   The user that runs php-fpm  [*group*
* [`php::fpm::service`](#phpfpmservice): Manage fpm service  === Parameters  [*service_name*]   name of the php-fpm service  [*ensure*]   'ensure' value for the service  [*enable*]  
* [`php::global`](#phpglobal)
* [`php::globals`](#phpglobals)
* [`php::packages`](#phppackages): Install common PHP packages  === Parameters  [*ensure*]   Specify which version of PHP packages to install  [*names*]   List of the names of 
* [`php::params`](#phpparams): PHP params class
* [`php::pear`](#phppear): Install PEAR package manager  === Parameters  [*ensure*]   The package ensure of PHP pear to install and run pear auto_discover  [*package*] 
* [`php::phpunit`](#phpphpunit): Install phpunit, PHP testing framework  === Parameters  [*source*]   Holds URL to the phpunit source file  [*path*]   Holds path to the phpun
* [`php::phpunit::auto_update`](#phpphpunitauto_update): Install phpunit package manager  === Parameters  [*max_age*]   Defines number of days after which phpunit should be updated  [*source*]   Hol
* [`php::repo`](#phprepo): Configure package repository
* [`php::repo::debian`](#phprepodebian): Configure debian apt repo  === Parameters  [*location*]   Location of the apt repository  [*release*]   Release of the apt repository  [*repo
* [`php::repo::redhat`](#phpreporedhat)
* [`php::repo::suse`](#phpreposuse): Configure suse repo  === Parameters  [*reponame*]   Name of the Zypper repository  [*baseurl*]   Base URL of the Zypper repository
* [`php::repo::ubuntu`](#phprepoubuntu): Configure ubuntu ppa  === Parameters  [*version*]   PHP version to manage (e.g. 5.6)

### Defined types

* [`php::apache_vhost`](#phpapache_vhost): Configures an apache vhost for php  === Parameters  [*vhost*]   The vhost address  [*docroot*]   The vhost docroot  [*port*]   The vhost port
* [`php::config`](#phpconfig): Configure php.ini settings for a PHP SAPI  === Parameters  [*file*]   The path to ini file  [*config*]   Nested hash of key => value to apply
* [`php::config::setting`](#phpconfigsetting): Configure php.ini settings  === Parameters  [*key*]   The key of the value, like `ini_setting`  [*file*]   The path to ini file  [*value*]   
* [`php::extension`](#phpextension): Install a PHP extension package  === Parameters  [*ensure*]   The ensure of the package to install   Could be "present", "absent", "latest", 
* [`php::extension::config`](#phpextensionconfig): Configure a PHP extension package  === Parameters  [*ensure*]   The ensure of the package to install   Could be "latest", "installed" or a pi
* [`php::extension::install`](#phpextensioninstall): Install a PHP extension package  === Parameters  [*ensure*]   The ensure of the package to install   Could be "latest", "installed" or a pinn
* [`php::fpm::pool`](#phpfpmpool): Configure fpm pools  === Parameters  See the official php-fpm documentation for parameters that are not documented here:

### Functions

* [`ensure_prefix`](#ensure_prefix): This function ensures a prefix for all elements in an array or the keys in a hash.  *Examples:*    ensure_prefix({'a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'p.c' =
* [`to_hash_settings`](#to_hash_settings): This function converts a +{key => value}+ hash into a nested hash and can add an id to the outer key. The optional id string as second parame

### Data types

* [`Php::ComposerChannel`](#phpcomposerchannel)
* [`Php::Duration`](#phpduration): A duration in seconds are with an unit
* [`Php::InstallOptions`](#phpinstalloptions)
* [`Php::Provider`](#phpprovider)
* [`Php::Sapi`](#phpsapi)

## Classes

### <a name="php"></a>`php`

Base class with global configuration parameters that pulls in all
enabled components.

=== Parameters

  Specify which version of PHP packages to install, defaults to 'present'.
  Please note that 'absent' to remove packages is not supported!

  Include repository (dotdeb, ppa, etc.) to install recent PHP from

  Install and configure php-fpm

  Enable/disable FPM service

  Ensure FPM service is either 'running' or 'stopped'

  This is the name of the php-fpm service. It defaults to reasonable OS
  defaults but can be different in case of using php7.0/other OS/custom fpm service

  This is the name of the service provider, in case there is a non
  OS default service provider used to start FPM.
  Defaults to 'undef', pick system defaults.

  Hash of php::fpm::pool resources that will be created. Defaults
  to a single php::fpm::pool named www with default parameters.

  Hash of defaults params php::fpm::pool resources that will be created.
  Defaults to empty hash.

  Path to php.ini for fpm

  Name of fpm package to install

  The user that php-fpm should run as

  The group that php-fpm should run as

  Install php header files, needed to install pecl modules

  Install and auto-update composer

  Install PEAR

  Install phpunit

  Manage apache's mod_php configuration

   proxy server type (none|http|https|ftp)

  specify a proxy server, with port number if needed. ie:

  Install PHP extensions, this is overwritten by hiera hash `php::extensions`

  This is the prefix for constructing names of php packages. This defaults
  to a sensible default depending on your operating system, like 'php-' or

  This is the path to the config .ini files of the extensions. This defaults
  to a sensible default depending on your operating system, like
  '/etc/php5/mods-available' or '/etc/php5/conf.d'.

  The path to the global php.ini file. This defaults to a sensible default
  depending on your operating system.

  Absolute path to php tool for enabling extensions in debian/ubuntu systems.
  This defaults to '/usr/sbin/php5enmod'.

  Absolute path to php tool for querying information about extensions in
  debian/ubuntu systems. This defaults to '/usr/sbin/php5query'.

  Enable or disable the use of php tools on debian based systems
  debian/ubuntu systems. This defaults to 'true'.

  The php-fpm log owner

  The group owning php-fpm logs

  Enable embedded SAPI

  The package ensure of PHP pear to install and run pear auto_discover

  PHP configuration parameters in php.ini files as a hash. For example,
  'Date/date.timezone' => 'Australia/Melbourne' sets data.timezone
  to 'Australia/Melbourne' under [Date] section, and
  'PHP/memory_limit' => '256M' sets memory_limit to 256M.

  Additional hash of PHP configuration parameters for PHP CLI. When a
  setting key already exists in $settings, the value provided from the
  $cli_settings parameter overrides the value from $settings parameter.
  For example, 'PHP/memory_limit' => '1000M' sets memory_limit to 1000M
  for the PHP cli ini file, regardless of the values from $settings.

  Whether to purge pool config files not created
  by this module

  by default, we reload the service on changes.
  But certain options, like socket owner, will only be applied during a restart.
  If set to false, a restart will be executed instead of a reload.
  This default will be changed in a future release.

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php` class:

* [`ensure`](#ensure)
* [`manage_repos`](#manage_repos)
* [`fpm`](#fpm)
* [`fpm_service_enable`](#fpm_service_enable)
* [`fpm_service_ensure`](#fpm_service_ensure)
* [`fpm_service_name`](#fpm_service_name)
* [`fpm_service_provider`](#fpm_service_provider)
* [`fpm_pools`](#fpm_pools)
* [`fpm_global_pool_settings`](#fpm_global_pool_settings)
* [`fpm_inifile`](#fpm_inifile)
* [`fpm_package`](#fpm_package)
* [`fpm_user`](#fpm_user)
* [`fpm_group`](#fpm_group)
* [`embedded`](#embedded)
* [`dev`](#dev)
* [`composer`](#composer)
* [`pear`](#pear)
* [`pear_ensure`](#pear_ensure)
* [`phpunit`](#phpunit)
* [`apache_config`](#apache_config)
* [`proxy_type`](#proxy_type)
* [`proxy_server`](#proxy_server)
* [`extensions`](#extensions)
* [`settings`](#settings)
* [`cli_settings`](#cli_settings)
* [`package_prefix`](#package_prefix)
* [`config_root_ini`](#config_root_ini)
* [`config_root_inifile`](#config_root_inifile)
* [`ext_tool_enable`](#ext_tool_enable)
* [`ext_tool_query`](#ext_tool_query)
* [`ext_tool_enabled`](#ext_tool_enabled)
* [`log_owner`](#log_owner)
* [`log_group`](#log_group)
* [`pool_purge`](#pool_purge)
* [`reload_fpm_on_config_changes`](#reload_fpm_on_config_changes)

##### <a name="ensure"></a>`ensure`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `$php::params::ensure`

##### <a name="manage_repos"></a>`manage_repos`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: `$php::params::manage_repos`

##### <a name="fpm"></a>`fpm`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: ``true``

##### <a name="fpm_service_enable"></a>`fpm_service_enable`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: `$php::params::fpm_service_enable`

##### <a name="fpm_service_ensure"></a>`fpm_service_ensure`

Data type: `Enum['running', 'stopped']`

Default value: `$php::params::fpm_service_ensure`

##### <a name="fpm_service_name"></a>`fpm_service_name`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `$php::params::fpm_service_name`

##### <a name="fpm_service_provider"></a>`fpm_service_provider`

Data type: `Optional[String[1]]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="fpm_pools"></a>`fpm_pools`

Data type: `Hash`

Default value: `$php::params::fpm_pools`

##### <a name="fpm_global_pool_settings"></a>`fpm_global_pool_settings`

Data type: `Hash`

Default value: `{}`

##### <a name="fpm_inifile"></a>`fpm_inifile`

Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`

Default value: `$php::params::fpm_inifile`

##### <a name="fpm_package"></a>`fpm_package`

Data type: `Optional[String[1]]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="fpm_user"></a>`fpm_user`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `$php::params::fpm_user`

##### <a name="fpm_group"></a>`fpm_group`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `$php::params::fpm_group`

##### <a name="embedded"></a>`embedded`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: ``false``

##### <a name="dev"></a>`dev`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: ``true``

##### <a name="composer"></a>`composer`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: ``true``

##### <a name="pear"></a>`pear`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: ``true``

##### <a name="pear_ensure"></a>`pear_ensure`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `$php::params::pear_ensure`

##### <a name="phpunit"></a>`phpunit`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: ``false``

##### <a name="apache_config"></a>`apache_config`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: ``false``

##### <a name="proxy_type"></a>`proxy_type`

Data type: `Optional[String[1]]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="proxy_server"></a>`proxy_server`

Data type: `Optional[String[1]]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="extensions"></a>`extensions`

Data type: `Hash`

Default value: `{}`

##### <a name="settings"></a>`settings`

Data type: `Hash`

Default value: `{}`

##### <a name="cli_settings"></a>`cli_settings`

Data type: `Hash`

Default value: `{}`

##### <a name="package_prefix"></a>`package_prefix`

Data type: `Optional[String[1]]`

Default value: `$php::params::package_prefix`

##### <a name="config_root_ini"></a>`config_root_ini`

Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`

Default value: `$php::params::config_root_ini`

##### <a name="config_root_inifile"></a>`config_root_inifile`

Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`

Default value: `$php::params::config_root_inifile`

##### <a name="ext_tool_enable"></a>`ext_tool_enable`

Data type: `Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]`

Default value: `$php::params::ext_tool_enable`

##### <a name="ext_tool_query"></a>`ext_tool_query`

Data type: `Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]`

Default value: `$php::params::ext_tool_query`

##### <a name="ext_tool_enabled"></a>`ext_tool_enabled`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: `$php::params::ext_tool_enabled`

##### <a name="log_owner"></a>`log_owner`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `$php::params::fpm_user`

##### <a name="log_group"></a>`log_group`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `$php::params::fpm_group`

##### <a name="pool_purge"></a>`pool_purge`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: `$php::params::pool_purge`

##### <a name="reload_fpm_on_config_changes"></a>`reload_fpm_on_config_changes`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: ``true``

### <a name="phpapache_config"></a>`php::apache_config`

Install and configure php apache settings

=== Parameters

  The path to the ini php-apache ini file

  Hash with nested hash of key => value to set in inifile

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php::apache_config` class:

* [`inifile`](#inifile)
* [`settings`](#settings)

##### <a name="inifile"></a>`inifile`

Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`

Default value: `$php::params::apache_inifile`

##### <a name="settings"></a>`settings`

Data type: `Hash`

Default value: `{}`

### <a name="phpcli"></a>`php::cli`

Install and configure php CLI

=== Parameters

  The path to the ini php5-cli ini file

  Hash with nested hash of key => value to set in inifile

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php::cli` class:

* [`inifile`](#inifile)
* [`settings`](#settings)

##### <a name="inifile"></a>`inifile`

Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`

Default value: `$php::params::cli_inifile`

##### <a name="settings"></a>`settings`

Data type: `Hash`

Default value: `{}`

### <a name="phpcomposer"></a>`php::composer`

Install composer package manager

=== Parameters

  Holds URL to the Composer source file

  Holds path to the Composer executable

  Holds the Update channel (stable|preview|snapshot|1|2)

   proxy server type (none|http|https|ftp)

  specify a proxy server, with port number if needed. ie:

  Defines if composer should be auto updated

  Defines the time in days after which an auto-update gets executed

  UNIX group of the root user

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php::composer` class:

* [`source`](#source)
* [`path`](#path)
* [`proxy_type`](#proxy_type)
* [`proxy_server`](#proxy_server)
* [`channel`](#channel)
* [`auto_update`](#auto_update)
* [`max_age`](#max_age)
* [`root_group`](#root_group)

##### <a name="source"></a>`source`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `$php::params::composer_source`

##### <a name="path"></a>`path`

Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`

Default value: `$php::params::composer_path`

##### <a name="proxy_type"></a>`proxy_type`

Data type: `Optional[String[1]]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="proxy_server"></a>`proxy_server`

Data type: `Optional[String[1]]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="channel"></a>`channel`

Data type: `Php::ComposerChannel`

Default value: `'stable'`

##### <a name="auto_update"></a>`auto_update`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: ``true``

##### <a name="max_age"></a>`max_age`

Data type: `Integer`

Default value: `$php::params::composer_max_age`

##### <a name="root_group"></a>`root_group`

Data type: `Variant[Integer, String]`

Default value: `$php::params::root_group`

### <a name="phpcomposerauto_update"></a>`php::composer::auto_update`

Install composer package manager

=== Parameters

  Defines number of days after which Composer should be updated

  Holds URL to the Composer source file

  Holds path to the Composer executable

  Holds the Update channel (stable|preview|snapshot|1|2)

   proxy server type (none|http|https|ftp)

  specify a proxy server, with port number if needed. ie:

=== Examples

 include php::composer::auto_update
 class { "php::composer::auto_update":
   "max_age" => 90

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php::composer::auto_update` class:

* [`max_age`](#max_age)
* [`source`](#source)
* [`path`](#path)
* [`channel`](#channel)
* [`proxy_type`](#proxy_type)
* [`proxy_server`](#proxy_server)

##### <a name="max_age"></a>`max_age`

Data type: `Integer[1]`

##### <a name="source"></a>`source`

Data type: `String[1]`

##### <a name="path"></a>`path`

Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`

##### <a name="channel"></a>`channel`

Data type: `Php::ComposerChannel`

Default value: `'stable'`

##### <a name="proxy_type"></a>`proxy_type`

Data type: `Optional[String[1]]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="proxy_server"></a>`proxy_server`

Data type: `Optional[String[1]]`

Default value: ``undef``

### <a name="phpdev"></a>`php::dev`

Install the development package with headers for PHP

=== Parameters

  The PHP ensure of PHP dev to install

  The package name for the PHP development files

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php::dev` class:

* [`ensure`](#ensure)
* [`package`](#package)
* [`manage_repos`](#manage_repos)

##### <a name="ensure"></a>`ensure`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `$php::ensure`

##### <a name="package"></a>`package`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `"${php::package_prefix}${php::params::dev_package_suffix}"`

##### <a name="manage_repos"></a>`manage_repos`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: `$php::manage_repos`

### <a name="phpembedded"></a>`php::embedded`

Install and configure php embedded SAPI

=== Parameters

  The path to the ini php5-embeded ini file

  Hash with nested hash of key => value to set in inifile

  Specify which package to install

  Specify which version of the package to install

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php::embedded` class:

* [`ensure`](#ensure)
* [`package`](#package)
* [`inifile`](#inifile)
* [`settings`](#settings)

##### <a name="ensure"></a>`ensure`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `$php::ensure`

##### <a name="package"></a>`package`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `"${php::package_prefix}${php::params::embedded_package_suffix}"`

##### <a name="inifile"></a>`inifile`

Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`

Default value: `$php::params::embedded_inifile`

##### <a name="settings"></a>`settings`

Data type: `Hash`

Default value: `{}`

### <a name="phpfpm"></a>`php::fpm`

Install and configure mod_php for fpm

=== Parameters

  The user that php-fpm should run as

  The group that php-fpm should run as

  Enable/disable FPM service

  Ensure FPM service is either 'running' or 'stopped'

  This is the name of the php-fpm service. It defaults to reasonable OS
  defaults but can be different in case of using php7.0/other OS/custom fpm service

  This is the name of the service provider, in case there is a non
  OS default service provider used to start FPM.
  Defaults to 'undef', pick system defaults.

  Hash of php::fpm::pool resources that will be created. Defaults
  to a single php::fpm::pool named www with default parameters.

  The php-fpm log owner

  The group owning php-fpm logs

  Specify which package to install

  Specify which version of the package to install

  Path to php.ini for fpm

  fpm settings hash

  Hash of defaults params php::fpm::pool resources that will be created.
  Defaults is empty hash.

  Whether to purge pool config files not created
  by this module

  by default, we reload the service on changes.
  But certain options, like socket owner, will only be applied during a restart.
  If set to false, a restart will be executed instead of a reload.
  This default will be changed in a future release.

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php::fpm` class:

* [`ensure`](#ensure)
* [`user`](#user)
* [`group`](#group)
* [`service_ensure`](#service_ensure)
* [`service_enable`](#service_enable)
* [`service_name`](#service_name)
* [`service_provider`](#service_provider)
* [`package`](#package)
* [`inifile`](#inifile)
* [`settings`](#settings)
* [`global_pool_settings`](#global_pool_settings)
* [`pools`](#pools)
* [`log_owner`](#log_owner)
* [`log_group`](#log_group)
* [`pool_purge`](#pool_purge)
* [`reload_fpm_on_config_changes`](#reload_fpm_on_config_changes)

##### <a name="ensure"></a>`ensure`

Data type: `Optional[String]`

Default value: `$php::ensure`

##### <a name="user"></a>`user`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `$php::fpm_user`

##### <a name="group"></a>`group`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `$php::fpm_group`

##### <a name="service_ensure"></a>`service_ensure`

Data type: `Enum['running', 'stopped']`

Default value: `$php::fpm_service_ensure`

##### <a name="service_enable"></a>`service_enable`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: `$php::fpm_service_enable`

##### <a name="service_name"></a>`service_name`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `$php::fpm_service_name`

##### <a name="service_provider"></a>`service_provider`

Data type: `Optional[String[1]]`

Default value: `$php::fpm_service_provider`

##### <a name="package"></a>`package`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `$php::real_fpm_package`

##### <a name="inifile"></a>`inifile`

Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`

Default value: `$php::fpm_inifile`

##### <a name="settings"></a>`settings`

Data type: `Hash`

Default value: `$php::real_settings`

##### <a name="global_pool_settings"></a>`global_pool_settings`

Data type: `Hash`

Default value: `$php::real_fpm_global_pool_settings`

##### <a name="pools"></a>`pools`

Data type: `Hash`

Default value: `$php::real_fpm_pools`

##### <a name="log_owner"></a>`log_owner`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `$php::log_owner`

##### <a name="log_group"></a>`log_group`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `$php::log_group`

##### <a name="pool_purge"></a>`pool_purge`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: `$php::pool_purge`

##### <a name="reload_fpm_on_config_changes"></a>`reload_fpm_on_config_changes`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: `$php::reload_fpm_on_config_changes`

### <a name="phpfpmconfig"></a>`php::fpm::config`

Configure php-fpm service

=== Parameters

  The path to the fpm config file

  The user that runs php-fpm

  The group that runs php-fpm

  The path to ini file

  Nested hash of key => value to apply to php.ini

  The folder that contains the php-fpm pool configs

  Whether to purge pool config files not created
  by this module

  Path to error log file. If it's set to "syslog", log is
  sent to syslogd instead of being written in a local file.

  The php-fpm log level

  The php-fpm emergency_restart_threshold

  The php-fpm emergency_restart_interval

  The php-fpm process_control_timeout

  The maximum number of processes FPM will fork.

  Set open file descriptor rlimit for the master process.

  The interval between health report notification to systemd

  The php-fpm log owner

  The group owning php-fpm logs

  The octal mode of the directory

  Used to specify what type of program is logging the message

  Prepended to every message

  UNIX group of the root user

  Path to fpm pid file

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php::fpm::config` class:

* [`config_file`](#config_file)
* [`user`](#user)
* [`group`](#group)
* [`inifile`](#inifile)
* [`pid_file`](#pid_file)
* [`settings`](#settings)
* [`pool_base_dir`](#pool_base_dir)
* [`pool_purge`](#pool_purge)
* [`error_log`](#error_log)
* [`log_level`](#log_level)
* [`emergency_restart_threshold`](#emergency_restart_threshold)
* [`emergency_restart_interval`](#emergency_restart_interval)
* [`process_control_timeout`](#process_control_timeout)
* [`process_max`](#process_max)
* [`rlimit_files`](#rlimit_files)
* [`systemd_interval`](#systemd_interval)
* [`log_owner`](#log_owner)
* [`log_group`](#log_group)
* [`log_dir_mode`](#log_dir_mode)
* [`root_group`](#root_group)
* [`syslog_facility`](#syslog_facility)
* [`syslog_ident`](#syslog_ident)

##### <a name="config_file"></a>`config_file`

Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`

Default value: `$php::params::fpm_config_file`

##### <a name="user"></a>`user`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `$php::params::fpm_user`

##### <a name="group"></a>`group`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `$php::params::fpm_group`

##### <a name="inifile"></a>`inifile`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `$php::params::fpm_inifile`

##### <a name="pid_file"></a>`pid_file`

Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`

Default value: `$php::params::fpm_pid_file`

##### <a name="settings"></a>`settings`

Data type: `Hash`

Default value: `{}`

##### <a name="pool_base_dir"></a>`pool_base_dir`

Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`

Default value: `$php::params::fpm_pool_dir`

##### <a name="pool_purge"></a>`pool_purge`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: ``false``

##### <a name="error_log"></a>`error_log`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `$php::params::fpm_error_log`

##### <a name="log_level"></a>`log_level`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `'notice'`

##### <a name="emergency_restart_threshold"></a>`emergency_restart_threshold`

Data type: `Integer`

Default value: `0`

##### <a name="emergency_restart_interval"></a>`emergency_restart_interval`

Data type: `Php::Duration`

Default value: `0`

##### <a name="process_control_timeout"></a>`process_control_timeout`

Data type: `Php::Duration`

Default value: `0`

##### <a name="process_max"></a>`process_max`

Data type: `Integer`

Default value: `0`

##### <a name="rlimit_files"></a>`rlimit_files`

Data type: `Optional[Integer[1]]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="systemd_interval"></a>`systemd_interval`

Data type: `Optional[Php::Duration]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="log_owner"></a>`log_owner`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `$php::params::fpm_user`

##### <a name="log_group"></a>`log_group`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `$php::params::fpm_group`

##### <a name="log_dir_mode"></a>`log_dir_mode`

Data type: `Pattern[/^\d+$/]`

Default value: `'0770'`

##### <a name="root_group"></a>`root_group`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `$php::params::root_group`

##### <a name="syslog_facility"></a>`syslog_facility`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `'daemon'`

##### <a name="syslog_ident"></a>`syslog_ident`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `'php-fpm'`

### <a name="phpfpmservice"></a>`php::fpm::service`

Manage fpm service

=== Parameters

  name of the php-fpm service

  'ensure' value for the service

  Defines if the service is enabled

  Defines if the service provider to use

  by default, we reload the service on changes.
  But certain options, like socket owner, will only be applied during a restart.
  If set to false, a restart will be executed instead of a reload.
  This default will be changed in a future release.

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php::fpm::service` class:

* [`service_name`](#service_name)
* [`ensure`](#ensure)
* [`enable`](#enable)
* [`provider`](#provider)
* [`reload_fpm_on_config_changes`](#reload_fpm_on_config_changes)

##### <a name="service_name"></a>`service_name`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `$php::fpm::service_name`

##### <a name="ensure"></a>`ensure`

Data type: `Enum['running', 'stopped']`

Default value: `$php::fpm::service_ensure`

##### <a name="enable"></a>`enable`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: `$php::fpm::service_enable`

##### <a name="provider"></a>`provider`

Data type: `Optional[String[1]]`

Default value: `$php::fpm::service_provider`

##### <a name="reload_fpm_on_config_changes"></a>`reload_fpm_on_config_changes`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: `$php::fpm::reload_fpm_on_config_changes`

### <a name="phpglobal"></a>`php::global`

The php::global class.

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php::global` class:

* [`inifile`](#inifile)
* [`settings`](#settings)

##### <a name="inifile"></a>`inifile`

Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`

Default value: `$php::config_root_inifile`

##### <a name="settings"></a>`settings`

Data type: `Hash`

Default value: `{}`

### <a name="phpglobals"></a>`php::globals`

The php::globals class.

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php::globals` class:

* [`php_version`](#php_version)
* [`config_root`](#config_root)
* [`fpm_pid_file`](#fpm_pid_file)
* [`rhscl_mode`](#rhscl_mode)

##### <a name="php_version"></a>`php_version`

Data type: `Optional[Pattern[/^(rh-)?(php)?[578](\.)?[0-9]/]]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="config_root"></a>`config_root`

Data type: `Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="fpm_pid_file"></a>`fpm_pid_file`

Data type: `Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="rhscl_mode"></a>`rhscl_mode`

Data type: `Optional[Enum['rhscl', 'remi']]`

Default value: ``undef``

### <a name="phppackages"></a>`php::packages`

Install common PHP packages

=== Parameters

  Specify which version of PHP packages to install

  List of the names of the package to install

  List of packages names that should be prefixed with the common
  package prefix `$php::package_prefix`

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php::packages` class:

* [`ensure`](#ensure)
* [`manage_repos`](#manage_repos)
* [`names_to_prefix`](#names_to_prefix)
* [`names`](#names)

##### <a name="ensure"></a>`ensure`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `$php::ensure`

##### <a name="manage_repos"></a>`manage_repos`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: `$php::manage_repos`

##### <a name="names_to_prefix"></a>`names_to_prefix`

Data type: `Array`

Default value: `prefix($php::params::common_package_suffixes, $php::package_prefix)`

##### <a name="names"></a>`names`

Data type: `Array`

Default value: `$php::params::common_package_names`

### <a name="phpparams"></a>`php::params`

PHP params class

### <a name="phppear"></a>`php::pear`

Install PEAR package manager

=== Parameters

  The package ensure of PHP pear to install and run pear auto_discover

  The package name for PHP pear

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php::pear` class:

* [`ensure`](#ensure)
* [`package`](#package)
* [`manage_repos`](#manage_repos)

##### <a name="ensure"></a>`ensure`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `$php::pear_ensure`

##### <a name="package"></a>`package`

Data type: `Optional[String]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="manage_repos"></a>`manage_repos`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: `$php::manage_repos`

### <a name="phpphpunit"></a>`php::phpunit`

Install phpunit, PHP testing framework

=== Parameters

  Holds URL to the phpunit source file

  Holds path to the phpunit executable

  Defines if phpunit should be auto updated

  Defines the time in days after which an auto-update gets executed

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php::phpunit` class:

* [`source`](#source)
* [`path`](#path)
* [`root_group`](#root_group)
* [`auto_update`](#auto_update)
* [`max_age`](#max_age)

##### <a name="source"></a>`source`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `$php::params::phpunit_source`

##### <a name="path"></a>`path`

Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`

Default value: `$php::params::phpunit_path`

##### <a name="root_group"></a>`root_group`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `$php::params::root_group`

##### <a name="auto_update"></a>`auto_update`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: ``true``

##### <a name="max_age"></a>`max_age`

Data type: `Integer`

Default value: `$php::params::phpunit_max_age`

### <a name="phpphpunitauto_update"></a>`php::phpunit::auto_update`

Install phpunit package manager

=== Parameters

  Defines number of days after which phpunit should be updated

  Holds URL to the phpunit source file

  Holds path to the phpunit executable

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php::phpunit::auto_update` class:

* [`max_age`](#max_age)
* [`source`](#source)
* [`path`](#path)

##### <a name="max_age"></a>`max_age`

Data type: `Integer[1]`

##### <a name="source"></a>`source`

Data type: `String[1]`

##### <a name="path"></a>`path`

Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`

### <a name="phprepo"></a>`php::repo`

Configure package repository

### <a name="phprepodebian"></a>`php::repo::debian`

Configure debian apt repo

=== Parameters

  Location of the apt repository

  Release of the apt repository

  Apt repository names

  Add source source repository

  Public key in apt::key format

  Enable special dotdeb handling

  Enable special sury handling

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php::repo::debian` class:

* [`location`](#location)
* [`release`](#release)
* [`repos`](#repos)
* [`include_src`](#include_src)
* [`key`](#key)
* [`dotdeb`](#dotdeb)
* [`sury`](#sury)

##### <a name="location"></a>`location`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `''`

##### <a name="release"></a>`release`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `'wheezy-php56'`

##### <a name="repos"></a>`repos`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `'all'`

##### <a name="include_src"></a>`include_src`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: ``false``

##### <a name="key"></a>`key`

Data type: `Hash`

Default value: `{
    'id'     => '6572BBEF1B5FF28B28B706837E3F070089DF5277',
    'source' => '',

##### <a name="dotdeb"></a>`dotdeb`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: ``true``

##### <a name="sury"></a>`sury`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: ``true``

### <a name="phpreporedhat"></a>`php::repo::redhat`

The php::repo::redhat class.

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php::repo::redhat` class:

* [`yum_repo`](#yum_repo)

##### <a name="yum_repo"></a>`yum_repo`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `'remi_php56'`

### <a name="phpreposuse"></a>`php::repo::suse`

Configure suse repo

=== Parameters

  Name of the Zypper repository

  Base URL of the Zypper repository

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php::repo::suse` class:

* [`reponame`](#reponame)
* [`baseurl`](#baseurl)

##### <a name="reponame"></a>`reponame`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `'mayflower-php56'`

##### <a name="baseurl"></a>`baseurl`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `''`

### <a name="phprepoubuntu"></a>`php::repo::ubuntu`

Configure ubuntu ppa

=== Parameters

  PHP version to manage (e.g. 5.6)

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php::repo::ubuntu` class:

* [`version`](#version)

##### <a name="version"></a>`version`

Data type: `Pattern[/^\d\.\d/]`

Default value: `'5.6'`

## Defined types

### <a name="phpapache_vhost"></a>`php::apache_vhost`

Configures an apache vhost for php

=== Parameters

  The vhost address

  The vhost docroot

  The vhost port

  defines if vhost is the default vhost

  address of the fastcgi socket

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php::apache_vhost` defined type:

* [`vhost`](#vhost)
* [`docroot`](#docroot)
* [`port`](#port)
* [`default_vhost`](#default_vhost)
* [`fastcgi_socket`](#fastcgi_socket)

##### <a name="vhost"></a>`vhost`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `''`

##### <a name="docroot"></a>`docroot`

Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`

Default value: `'/var/www'`

##### <a name="port"></a>`port`

Data type: `Integer[1]`

Default value: `80`

##### <a name="default_vhost"></a>`default_vhost`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: ``true``

##### <a name="fastcgi_socket"></a>`fastcgi_socket`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `'fcgi://$1'`

### <a name="phpconfig"></a>`php::config`

Configure php.ini settings for a PHP SAPI

=== Parameters

  The path to ini file

  Nested hash of key => value to apply to php.ini

=== Examples

  php::config { '$unique-name':
    file  => '$full_path_to_ini_file'
    config => {
      {'Date/date.timezone' => 'Europe/Berlin'}

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php::config` defined type:

* [`file`](#file)
* [`config`](#config)

##### <a name="file"></a>`file`

Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`

##### <a name="config"></a>`config`

Data type: `Hash`

### <a name="phpconfigsetting"></a>`php::config::setting`

Configure php.ini settings

=== Parameters

  The key of the value, like `ini_setting`

  The path to ini file

  The value to set

=== Examples

  php::config::setting { 'Date/date.timezone':
    file  => '$full_path_to_ini_file'
    value => 'Europe/Berlin'

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php::config::setting` defined type:

* [`key`](#key)
* [`value`](#value)
* [`file`](#file)

##### <a name="key"></a>`key`

Data type: `String[1]`

##### <a name="value"></a>`value`

Data type: `Variant[Integer, String]`

##### <a name="file"></a>`file`

Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`

### <a name="phpextension"></a>`php::extension`

Install a PHP extension package

=== Parameters

  The ensure of the package to install
  Could be "present", "absent", "latest", "installed" or a pinned version

  Prefix to prepend to the package name for the package provider

  Full package name for the package provider (e.g. php7.2-xml for
  simlexml extension)

  The provider used to install the package
  Could be "pecl", "apt", "dpkg" or any other OS package provider
  If set to "none", no package will be installed

  The source to install the extension from. Possible values
  depend on the *provider* used

  The DSO name of the package (e.g. opcache for zendopcache)

  An optional filename prefix for the settings file of the extension

  This parameter is used to build the full path to the extension
  directory for zend_extension in PHP < 5.5 (e.g. 20100525)

  System packages dependencies to install for extensions (e.g. for
  memcached libmemcached-dev on Debian)

  System packages dependencies to install for compiling extensions
  (e.g. build-essential on Debian)

 Boolean parameter, whether to load extension as zend_extension.
 Defaults to false.

  Hash of parameters for the specific extension, which will be written to the extensions config file by
  php::extension::config or a hash of mutliple settings files, each with parameters
  (multifile_settings must be true)
  (f.ex. {p => '..'} or {'bz2' => {..}, {'math' => {...}})

  Set this to true if you specify multiple setting files in *settings*. This must be used when the PHP package
  distribution bundles extensions in a single package (like 'common' bundles extensions 'bz2', ...) and each of
  the extension comes with a separate settings file.

  Boolean/String parameter, whether to prefix all setting keys with
  the extension name or specified name. Defaults to false.

  String parameter, whether to specify ALL sapi or a specific sapi.
  Defaults to ALL.

  File containing answers for interactive extension setup. Supported
  *providers*: pear, pecl.

  Array of String or Hash options to pass to the provider.

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php::extension` defined type:

* [`ensure`](#ensure)
* [`provider`](#provider)
* [`source`](#source)
* [`so_name`](#so_name)
* [`ini_prefix`](#ini_prefix)
* [`php_api_version`](#php_api_version)
* [`package_prefix`](#package_prefix)
* [`package_name`](#package_name)
* [`zend`](#zend)
* [`settings`](#settings)
* [`multifile_settings`](#multifile_settings)
* [`sapi`](#sapi)
* [`settings_prefix`](#settings_prefix)
* [`responsefile`](#responsefile)
* [`header_packages`](#header_packages)
* [`compiler_packages`](#compiler_packages)
* [`install_options`](#install_options)

##### <a name="ensure"></a>`ensure`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `$php::ensure`

##### <a name="provider"></a>`provider`

Data type: `Optional[Php::Provider]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="source"></a>`source`

Data type: `Optional[String]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="so_name"></a>`so_name`

Data type: `Optional[String]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="ini_prefix"></a>`ini_prefix`

Data type: `Optional[String]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="php_api_version"></a>`php_api_version`

Data type: `Optional[String]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="package_prefix"></a>`package_prefix`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `$php::package_prefix`

##### <a name="package_name"></a>`package_name`

Data type: `Optional[String[1]]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="zend"></a>`zend`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: ``false``

##### <a name="settings"></a>`settings`

Data type: `Variant[Hash, Hash[String, Hash]]`

Default value: `{}`

##### <a name="multifile_settings"></a>`multifile_settings`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: ``false``

##### <a name="sapi"></a>`sapi`

Data type: `Php::Sapi`

Default value: `'ALL'`

##### <a name="settings_prefix"></a>`settings_prefix`

Data type: `Variant[Boolean, String]`

Default value: ``false``

##### <a name="responsefile"></a>`responsefile`

Data type: `Optional[Stdlib::AbsolutePath]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="header_packages"></a>`header_packages`

Data type: `Variant[String, Array[String]]`

Default value: `[]`

##### <a name="compiler_packages"></a>`compiler_packages`

Data type: `Variant[String, Array[String]]`

Default value: `$php::params::compiler_packages`

##### <a name="install_options"></a>`install_options`

Data type: `Php::InstallOptions`

Default value: ``undef``

### <a name="phpextensionconfig"></a>`php::extension::config`

Configure a PHP extension package

=== Parameters

  The ensure of the package to install
  Could be "latest", "installed" or a pinned version

  The provider used to install the package
  Could be "pecl", "apt", "dpkg" or any other OS package provider
  If set to "none", no package will be installed

  The DSO name of the package (e.g. opcache for zendopcache)

  An optional filename prefix for the settings file of the extension

  This parameter is used to build the full path to the extension
  directory for zend_extension in PHP < 5.5 (e.g. 20100525)

  System packages dependencies to install for extensions (e.g. for
  memcached libmemcached-dev on Debian)

  System packages dependencies to install for compiling extensions
  (e.g. build-essential on Debian)

 Boolean parameter, whether to load extension as zend_extension.
 Defaults to false.

  Nested hash of global config parameters for php.ini

  Boolean/String parameter, whether to prefix all setting keys with
  the extension name or specified name. Defaults to false.

  String parameter, whether to specify ALL sapi or a specific sapi.
  Defaults to ALL.

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php::extension::config` defined type:

* [`ensure`](#ensure)
* [`provider`](#provider)
* [`so_name`](#so_name)
* [`ini_prefix`](#ini_prefix)
* [`php_api_version`](#php_api_version)
* [`zend`](#zend)
* [`settings`](#settings)
* [`settings_prefix`](#settings_prefix)
* [`sapi`](#sapi)

##### <a name="ensure"></a>`ensure`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `'installed'`

##### <a name="provider"></a>`provider`

Data type: `Optional[Php::Provider]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="so_name"></a>`so_name`

Data type: `Optional[String]`

Default value: `downcase($name)`

##### <a name="ini_prefix"></a>`ini_prefix`

Data type: `Optional[String]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="php_api_version"></a>`php_api_version`

Data type: `Optional[String]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="zend"></a>`zend`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: ``false``

##### <a name="settings"></a>`settings`

Data type: `Hash`

Default value: `{}`

##### <a name="settings_prefix"></a>`settings_prefix`

Data type: `Variant[Boolean, String]`

Default value: ``false``

##### <a name="sapi"></a>`sapi`

Data type: `Php::Sapi`

Default value: `'ALL'`

### <a name="phpextensioninstall"></a>`php::extension::install`

Install a PHP extension package

=== Parameters

  The ensure of the package to install
  Could be "latest", "installed" or a pinned version

  Prefix to prepend to the package name for the package provider

  Full package name for the package provider (e.g. php7.2-xml for
  simlexml extension)

  The provider used to install the package
  Could be "pecl", "apt", "dpkg" or any other OS package provider
  If set to "none", no package will be installed

  The source to install the extension from. Possible values
  depend on the *provider* used

  System packages dependencies to install for extensions (e.g. for
  memcached libmemcached-dev on Debian)

  System packages dependencies to install for compiling extensions
  (e.g. build-essential on Debian)

  File containing answers for interactive extension setup. Supported
  *providers*: pear, pecl.

  Array of String or Hash options to pass to the provider.

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php::extension::install` defined type:

* [`ensure`](#ensure)
* [`provider`](#provider)
* [`source`](#source)
* [`package_prefix`](#package_prefix)
* [`package_name`](#package_name)
* [`responsefile`](#responsefile)
* [`header_packages`](#header_packages)
* [`compiler_packages`](#compiler_packages)
* [`install_options`](#install_options)

##### <a name="ensure"></a>`ensure`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `'installed'`

##### <a name="provider"></a>`provider`

Data type: `Optional[Php::Provider]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="source"></a>`source`

Data type: `Optional[String]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="package_prefix"></a>`package_prefix`

Data type: `String`

Default value: `$php::package_prefix`

##### <a name="package_name"></a>`package_name`

Data type: `Optional[String[1]]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="responsefile"></a>`responsefile`

Data type: `Optional[Stdlib::AbsolutePath]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="header_packages"></a>`header_packages`

Data type: `Variant[String, Array[String]]`

Default value: `[]`

##### <a name="compiler_packages"></a>`compiler_packages`

Data type: `Variant[String, Array[String]]`

Default value: `$php::params::compiler_packages`

##### <a name="install_options"></a>`install_options`

Data type: `Php::InstallOptions`

Default value: ``undef``

### <a name="phpfpmpool"></a>`php::fpm::pool`

Configure fpm pools

=== Parameters

See the official php-fpm documentation for parameters that are not
documented here:

  Remove pool if set to `'absent'`, add otherwise

  On what socket to listen for FastCGI connections, i.e.
  `''' or `'/var/run/php5-fpm.sock'`



  Set owner of the Unix socket

  Set the group of the Unix socket


  The user that php-fpm should run as

  The group that php-fpm should run as

  The Apparmor hat to use











  The path to the file to write access log requests to

  The format to save the access log entries as





  The template to use for the pool






  Other configuration files to include on this pool

  List of environment variables that are passed to the php-fpm from the
  outside and will be available to php scripts in this pool

  Hash of environment variables and values as strings to use in php
  scripts in this pool

  Whether the environment should be cleared.

  An optional hash for any other data.

  Hash of php_value directives

  Hash of php_flag directives

  Hash of php_admin_value directives

  Hash of php_admin_flag directives

  List of custom directives that are appended to the pool config

  UNIX group of the root user

  The folder that contains the php-fpm pool configs. This defaults to a
  sensible default depending on your operating system, like
  '/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d' or '/etc/php-fpm.d'

#### Parameters

The following parameters are available in the `php::fpm::pool` defined type:

* [`ensure`](#ensure)
* [`listen`](#listen)
* [`listen_backlog`](#listen_backlog)
* [`listen_allowed_clients`](#listen_allowed_clients)
* [`listen_owner`](#listen_owner)
* [`listen_group`](#listen_group)
* [`listen_mode`](#listen_mode)
* [`user`](#user)
* [`group`](#group)
* [`apparmor_hat`](#apparmor_hat)
* [`pm`](#pm)
* [`pm_max_children`](#pm_max_children)
* [`pm_start_servers`](#pm_start_servers)
* [`pm_min_spare_servers`](#pm_min_spare_servers)
* [`pm_max_spare_servers`](#pm_max_spare_servers)
* [`pm_max_requests`](#pm_max_requests)
* [`pm_process_idle_timeout`](#pm_process_idle_timeout)
* [`pm_status_path`](#pm_status_path)
* [`ping_path`](#ping_path)
* [`ping_response`](#ping_response)
* [`access_log`](#access_log)
* [`access_log_format`](#access_log_format)
* [`request_terminate_timeout`](#request_terminate_timeout)
* [`request_slowlog_timeout`](#request_slowlog_timeout)
* [`security_limit_extensions`](#security_limit_extensions)
* [`slowlog`](#slowlog)
* [`template`](#template)
* [`rlimit_files`](#rlimit_files)
* [`rlimit_core`](#rlimit_core)
* [`chroot`](#chroot)
* [`chdir`](#chdir)
* [`catch_workers_output`](#catch_workers_output)
* [`include`](#include)
* [`env`](#env)
* [`env_value`](#env_value)
* [`clear_env`](#clear_env)
* [`options`](#options)
* [`php_value`](#php_value)
* [`php_flag`](#php_flag)
* [`php_admin_value`](#php_admin_value)
* [`php_admin_flag`](#php_admin_flag)
* [`php_directives`](#php_directives)
* [`root_group`](#root_group)
* [`base_dir`](#base_dir)

##### <a name="ensure"></a>`ensure`

Data type: `Enum['present', 'absent']`

Default value: `'present'`

##### <a name="listen"></a>`listen`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `''`

##### <a name="listen_backlog"></a>`listen_backlog`

Data type: `Integer[-1]`

Default value: `-`

##### <a name="listen_allowed_clients"></a>`listen_allowed_clients`

Data type: `Optional[String[1]]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="listen_owner"></a>`listen_owner`

Data type: `Optional[String[1]]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="listen_group"></a>`listen_group`

Data type: `Optional[String[1]]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="listen_mode"></a>`listen_mode`

Data type: `Optional[Stdlib::Filemode]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="user"></a>`user`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `$php::fpm::config::user`

##### <a name="group"></a>`group`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `$php::fpm::config::group`

##### <a name="apparmor_hat"></a>`apparmor_hat`

Data type: `Optional[String[1]]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="pm"></a>`pm`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `'dynamic'`

##### <a name="pm_max_children"></a>`pm_max_children`

Data type: `Integer[1]`

Default value: `50`

##### <a name="pm_start_servers"></a>`pm_start_servers`

Data type: `Integer[0]`

Default value: `5`

##### <a name="pm_min_spare_servers"></a>`pm_min_spare_servers`

Data type: `Integer[0]`

Default value: `5`

##### <a name="pm_max_spare_servers"></a>`pm_max_spare_servers`

Data type: `Integer[0]`

Default value: `35`

##### <a name="pm_max_requests"></a>`pm_max_requests`

Data type: `Integer[0]`

Default value: `0`

##### <a name="pm_process_idle_timeout"></a>`pm_process_idle_timeout`

Data type: `Php::Duration`

Default value: `'10s'`

##### <a name="pm_status_path"></a>`pm_status_path`

Data type: `Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="ping_path"></a>`ping_path`

Data type: `Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="ping_response"></a>`ping_response`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `'pong'`

##### <a name="access_log"></a>`access_log`

Data type: `Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="access_log_format"></a>`access_log_format`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `'"%R - %u %t \"%m %r\" %s"'`

##### <a name="request_terminate_timeout"></a>`request_terminate_timeout`

Data type: `Php::Duration`

Default value: `0`

##### <a name="request_slowlog_timeout"></a>`request_slowlog_timeout`

Data type: `Php::Duration`

Default value: `0`

##### <a name="security_limit_extensions"></a>`security_limit_extensions`

Data type: `Array[String[1]]`

Default value: `[]`

##### <a name="slowlog"></a>`slowlog`

Data type: `Stdlib::Absolutepath`

Default value: `"/var/log/php-fpm/${name}-slow.log"`

##### <a name="template"></a>`template`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `'php/fpm/pool.conf.erb'`

##### <a name="rlimit_files"></a>`rlimit_files`

Data type: `Optional[Integer]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="rlimit_core"></a>`rlimit_core`

Data type: `Optional[Integer]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="chroot"></a>`chroot`

Data type: `Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="chdir"></a>`chdir`

Data type: `Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="catch_workers_output"></a>`catch_workers_output`

Data type: `Enum['yes', 'no']`

Default value: `'no'`

##### <a name="include"></a>`include`

Data type: `Optional[String[1]]`

Default value: ``undef``

##### <a name="env"></a>`env`

Data type: `Array[String[1]]`

Default value: `[]`

##### <a name="env_value"></a>`env_value`

Data type: `Hash`

Default value: `{}`

##### <a name="clear_env"></a>`clear_env`

Data type: `Boolean`

Default value: ``true``

##### <a name="options"></a>`options`

Data type: `Hash`

Default value: `{}`

##### <a name="php_value"></a>`php_value`

Data type: `Hash`

Default value: `{}`

##### <a name="php_flag"></a>`php_flag`

Data type: `Hash`

Default value: `{}`

##### <a name="php_admin_value"></a>`php_admin_value`

Data type: `Hash`

Default value: `{}`

##### <a name="php_admin_flag"></a>`php_admin_flag`

Data type: `Hash`

Default value: `{}`

##### <a name="php_directives"></a>`php_directives`

Data type: `Array[String[1]]`

Default value: `[]`

##### <a name="root_group"></a>`root_group`

Data type: `String[1]`

Default value: `$php::params::root_group`

##### <a name="base_dir"></a>`base_dir`

Data type: `Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]`

Default value: ``undef``

## Functions

### <a name="ensure_prefix"></a>`ensure_prefix`

Type: Ruby 3.x API

This function ensures a prefix for all elements in an array or the keys in a hash.


  ensure_prefix({'a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'p.c' => 3}, 'p.')

Will return:
    'p.a' => 1,
    'p.b' => 2,
    'p.c' => 3,

  ensure_prefix(['a', 'p.b', 'c'], 'p.')

Will return:
  ['p.a', 'p.b', 'p.c']

#### `ensure_prefix()`

This function ensures a prefix for all elements in an array or the keys in a hash.


  ensure_prefix({'a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'p.c' => 3}, 'p.')

Will return:
    'p.a' => 1,
    'p.b' => 2,
    'p.c' => 3,

  ensure_prefix(['a', 'p.b', 'c'], 'p.')

Will return:
  ['p.a', 'p.b', 'p.c']

Returns: `Any`

### <a name="to_hash_settings"></a>`to_hash_settings`

Type: Ruby 3.x API

This function converts a +{key => value}+ hash into a nested hash and can add an id to the outer key.
The optional id string as second parameter is prepended to the resource name.


  to_hash_settings({'a' => 1, 'b' => 2})

Would return:
    'a' => {'key' => 'a', 'value' => 1},
    'b' => {'key' => 'b', 'value' => 2}


  to_hash_settings({'a' => 1, 'b' => 2}, 'foo')

Would return:
    'foo: a' => {'key' => 'a', 'value' => 1},
    'foo: b' => {'key' => 'b', 'value' => 2}

#### `to_hash_settings()`

This function converts a +{key => value}+ hash into a nested hash and can add an id to the outer key.
The optional id string as second parameter is prepended to the resource name.


  to_hash_settings({'a' => 1, 'b' => 2})

Would return:
    'a' => {'key' => 'a', 'value' => 1},
    'b' => {'key' => 'b', 'value' => 2}


  to_hash_settings({'a' => 1, 'b' => 2}, 'foo')

Would return:
    'foo: a' => {'key' => 'a', 'value' => 1},
    'foo: b' => {'key' => 'b', 'value' => 2}

Returns: `Any`

## Data types

### <a name="phpcomposerchannel"></a>`Php::ComposerChannel`

The Php::ComposerChannel data type.

Alias of

Enum['stable', 'preview', 'snapshot', '1', '2']

### <a name="phpduration"></a>`Php::Duration`

A duration in seconds are with an unit

Alias of

Variant[Integer[0], Pattern[/^\d+[smhd]?$/]]

### <a name="phpinstalloptions"></a>`Php::InstallOptions`

The Php::InstallOptions data type.

Alias of

      Hash[String, String]

### <a name="phpprovider"></a>`Php::Provider`

The Php::Provider data type.

Alias of

Enum['none', 'pecl', 'pear', 'dpkg', 'apt', 'yum', 'rpm', 'dnf', 'up2date', 'zypper', 'rug', 'freebsd', 'pkgng', 'ports', 'portupgrade']

### <a name="phpsapi"></a>`Php::Sapi`

The Php::Sapi data type.

Alias of

Enum['ALL', 'cli', 'fpm', 'apache2']