view modules/mysql/manifests/client.pp @ 454:d0e7979c7e8c

Update PHP configs for Ubuntu Mostly fixing some INI naming so that it is consistent between packages and what we write (so we don't end up with mixed/duplicate content)
author IBBoard <>
date Sun, 13 Aug 2023 15:26:37 +0100
parents c6c9a2cfcfbd
line wrap: on
line source

# @summary
#   Installs and configures the MySQL client.
# @example Install the MySQL client
#   class {'::mysql::client':
#     package_name    => 'mysql-client',
#     package_ensure  => 'present',
#     bindings_enable => true,
#   }
# @param bindings_enable
#   Whether to automatically install all bindings. Valid values are `true`, `false`. Default to `false`.
# @param install_options
#   Array of install options for managed package resources. You must pass the appropriate options for the package manager.
# @param package_ensure
#   Whether the MySQL package should be present, absent, or a specific version. Valid values are 'present', 'absent', or 'x.y.z'.
# @param package_manage
#   Whether to manage the MySQL client package. Defaults to `true`.
# @param package_name
#   The name of the MySQL client package to install.
# @param package_provider
#   Specify the provider of the package. Optional. Valid value is a String.
# @param package_source
#   Specify the path to the package source. Optional. Valid value is a String
class mysql::client (
  Boolean                                                               $bindings_enable  = $mysql::params::bindings_enable,
  Optional[Array[String[1]]]                                            $install_options  = undef,
  Variant[Enum['present','absent'], Pattern[/(\d+)[\.](\d+)[\.](\d+)/]] $package_ensure   = $mysql::params::client_package_ensure,
  Boolean                                                               $package_manage   = $mysql::params::client_package_manage,
  String[1]                                                             $package_name     = $mysql::params::client_package_name,
  Optional[String[1]]                                                   $package_provider = undef,
  Optional[String[1]]                                                   $package_source   = undef,
) inherits mysql::params {
  include 'mysql::client::install'

  if $bindings_enable {
    class { 'mysql::bindings':
      java_enable   => true,
      perl_enable   => true,
      php_enable    => true,
      python_enable => true,
      ruby_enable   => true,

  # Anchor pattern workaround to avoid resources of mysql::client::install to
  # "float off" outside mysql::client
  anchor { 'mysql::client::start': }
  -> Class['mysql::client::install']
  -> anchor { 'mysql::client::end': }