view modules/mysql/manifests/server/config.pp @ 454:d0e7979c7e8c

Update PHP configs for Ubuntu Mostly fixing some INI naming so that it is consistent between packages and what we write (so we don't end up with mixed/duplicate content)
author IBBoard <>
date Sun, 13 Aug 2023 15:26:37 +0100
parents c6c9a2cfcfbd
children adf6fe9bbc17
line wrap: on
line source

# @summary
#   Private class for MySQL server configuration.
# @api private
class mysql::server::config {
  $options = $mysql::server::_options
  $includedir = $mysql::server::includedir
  $managed_dirs = $mysql::server::managed_dirs

  File {
    owner  => 'root',
    group  => $mysql::server::root_group,
    mode   => '0400',

  if $includedir and $includedir != '' {
    file { $includedir:
      ensure  => directory,
      mode    => '0755',
      recurse => $mysql::server::purge_conf_dir,
      purge   => $mysql::server::purge_conf_dir,

    # on some systems this is /etc/my.cnf.d, while Debian has /etc/mysql/conf.d and FreeBSD something in /usr/local. For the latter systems,
    # managing this basedir is also required, to have it available before the package is installed.
    $includeparentdir = dirname($includedir)
    if $includeparentdir != '/' and $includeparentdir != '/etc' {
      file { $includeparentdir:
        ensure => directory,
        mode   => '0755',

  #Debian: Creating world readable directories before installing.
  case $facts['os']['family'] {
    'Debian': {
      if $managed_dirs {
        $managed_dirs.each | $entry | {
          $dir = $options['mysqld']["${entry}"]

          if ( $dir and $dir != '/usr' and $dir != '/tmp' ) {
            $clean_dir = shell_escape($dir)
            $clean_package_name = shell_escape($mysql::server::package_name)

            exec { "${entry}-managed_dir-mkdir":
              command => ['/bin/mkdir', '-p', $clean_dir],
              unless  => [['/usr/bin/dpkg', '-s', $clean_package_name]],
              notify  => Exec["${entry}-managed_dir-chmod"],

            exec { "${entry}-managed_dir-chmod":
              command     => ['/bin/chmod', '777', $clean_dir],
              refreshonly => true,
    default: {}

  if $mysql::server::manage_config_file {
    file { 'mysql-config-file':
      path                    => $mysql::server::config_file,
      content                 => template('mysql/my.cnf.erb'),
      mode                    => $mysql::server::config_file_mode,
      owner                   => $mysql::server::mycnf_owner,
      group                   => $mysql::server::mycnf_group,
      selinux_ignore_defaults => true,

    # on mariadb systems, $includedir is not defined, but /etc/my.cnf.d has
    # to be managed to place the server.cnf there
    $configparentdir = dirname($mysql::server::config_file)
    # Before setting $configparentdir we first check to make sure that it's value is valid
    if $configparentdir != '/' and $configparentdir != '/etc' {
      # We then check that the value of $includedir is either undefined or that different from $configparentdir
      # We first check that it is undefined due to dirname throwing an error when given undef/empty strings
      if $includedir == undef or $includedir == '' or
      ($configparentdir != $includedir and $configparentdir != dirname($includedir)) {
        file { $configparentdir:
          ensure => directory,
          mode   => '0755',