view modules/apache/manifests/mod.pp @ 275:d9352a684e62

Mass update of modules to remove deprecation warnings
author IBBoard <>
date Sun, 26 Jan 2020 11:36:07 +0000
parents 675c1cc61eaf
children b8d6ada284dd
line wrap: on
line source

# @summary
#   Installs packages for an Apache module that doesn't have a corresponding 
#   `apache::mod::<MODULE NAME>` class.
# Checks for or places the module's default configuration files in the Apache server's 
# `module` and `enable` directories. The default locations depend on your operating system.
# @param package
#   **Required**.<br />
#   Names the package Puppet uses to install the Apache module.
# @param package_ensure
#   Determines whether Puppet ensures the Apache module should be installed.
# @param lib
#   Defines the module's shared object name. Do not configure manually without special reason.
# @param lib_path
#   Specifies a path to the module's libraries. Do not manually set this parameter 
#   without special reason. The `path` parameter overrides this value.
# @param loadfile_name
#   Sets the filename for the module's `LoadFile` directive, which can also set 
#   the module load order as Apache processes them in alphanumeric order.
# @param id
#   Specifies the package id
# @param loadfiles
#   Specifies an array of `LoadFile` directives.
# @param path
#   Specifies a path to the module. Do not manually set this parameter without a special reason.
define apache::mod (
  $package        = undef,
  $package_ensure = 'present',
  $lib            = undef,
  $lib_path       = $::apache::lib_path,
  $id             = undef,
  $path           = undef,
  $loadfile_name  = undef,
  $loadfiles      = undef,
) {
  if ! defined(Class['apache']) {
    fail('You must include the apache base class before using any apache defined resources')

  $mod = $name
  #include apache #This creates duplicate resources in rspec-puppet
  $mod_dir = $::apache::mod_dir

  # Determine if we have special lib
  $mod_libs = $::apache::mod_libs
  if $lib {
    $_lib = $lib
  } elsif has_key($mod_libs, $mod) { # 2.6 compatibility hack
    $_lib = $mod_libs[$mod]
  } else {
    $_lib = "mod_${mod}.so"

  # Determine if declaration specified a path to the module
  if $path {
    $_path = $path
  } else {
    $_path = "${lib_path}/${_lib}"

  if $id {
    $_id = $id
  } else {
    $_id = "${mod}_module"

  if $loadfile_name {
    $_loadfile_name = $loadfile_name
  } else {
    $_loadfile_name = "${mod}.load"

  # Determine if we have a package
  $mod_packages = $::apache::mod_packages
  if $package {
    $_package = $package
  } elsif has_key($mod_packages, $mod) { # 2.6 compatibility hack
    if ($::apache::apache_version == '2.4' and $::operatingsystem =~ /^[Aa]mazon$/ and $::operatingsystemmajrelease != '2') {
      # On amazon linux we need to prefix our package name with mod24 instead of mod to support apache 2.4
      $_package = regsubst($mod_packages[$mod],'^(mod_)?(.*)','mod24_\2')
    } else {
      $_package = $mod_packages[$mod]
  } else {
    $_package = undef
  if $_package and ! defined(Package[$_package]) {
    # note: FreeBSD/ports uses apxs tool to activate modules; apxs clutters
    # httpd.conf with 'LoadModule' directives; here, by proper resource
    # ordering, we ensure that our version of httpd.conf is reverted after
    # the module gets installed.
    $package_before = $::osfamily ? {
      'freebsd' => [
      default => [
    # if there are any packages, they should be installed before the associated conf file
    Package[$_package] -> File<| title == "${mod}.conf" |>
    # $_package may be an array
    package { $_package:
      ensure  => $package_ensure,
      require => Package['httpd'],
      before  => $package_before,
      notify  => Class['apache::service'],

  file { $_loadfile_name:
    ensure  => file,
    path    => "${mod_dir}/${_loadfile_name}",
    owner   => 'root',
    group   => $::apache::params::root_group,
    mode    => $::apache::file_mode,
    content => template('apache/mod/load.erb'),
    require => [
      Exec["mkdir ${mod_dir}"],
    before  => File[$mod_dir],
    notify  => Class['apache::service'],

  if $::osfamily == 'Debian' {
    $enable_dir = $::apache::mod_enable_dir
    file{ "${_loadfile_name} symlink":
      ensure  => link,
      path    => "${enable_dir}/${_loadfile_name}",
      target  => "${mod_dir}/${_loadfile_name}",
      owner   => 'root',
      group   => $::apache::params::root_group,
      mode    => $::apache::file_mode,
      require => [
        Exec["mkdir ${enable_dir}"],
      before  => File[$enable_dir],
      notify  => Class['apache::service'],
    # Each module may have a .conf file as well, which should be
    # defined in the class apache::mod::module
    # Some modules do not require this file.
    if defined(File["${mod}.conf"]) {
      file{ "${mod}.conf symlink":
        ensure  => link,
        path    => "${enable_dir}/${mod}.conf",
        target  => "${mod_dir}/${mod}.conf",
        owner   => 'root',
        group   => $::apache::params::root_group,
        mode    => $::apache::file_mode,
        require => [
          Exec["mkdir ${enable_dir}"],
        before  => File[$enable_dir],
        notify  => Class['apache::service'],
  } elsif $::osfamily == 'Suse' {
    $enable_dir = $::apache::mod_enable_dir
    file{ "${_loadfile_name} symlink":
      ensure  => link,
      path    => "${enable_dir}/${_loadfile_name}",
      target  => "${mod_dir}/${_loadfile_name}",
      owner   => 'root',
      group   => $::apache::params::root_group,
      mode    => $::apache::file_mode,
      require => [
        Exec["mkdir ${enable_dir}"],
      before  => File[$enable_dir],
      notify  => Class['apache::service'],
    # Each module may have a .conf file as well, which should be
    # defined in the class apache::mod::module
    # Some modules do not require this file.
    if defined(File["${mod}.conf"]) {
      file{ "${mod}.conf symlink":
        ensure  => link,
        path    => "${enable_dir}/${mod}.conf",
        target  => "${mod_dir}/${mod}.conf",
        owner   => 'root',
        group   => $::apache::params::root_group,
        mode    => $::apache::file_mode,
        require => [
          Exec["mkdir ${enable_dir}"],
        before  => File[$enable_dir],
        notify  => Class['apache::service'],

  Apache::Mod[$name] -> Anchor['::apache::modules_set_up']