view modules/apache/manifests/mod/authn_dbd.pp @ 275:d9352a684e62

Mass update of modules to remove deprecation warnings
author IBBoard <>
date Sun, 26 Jan 2020 11:36:07 +0000
parents 675c1cc61eaf
children b8d6ada284dd
line wrap: on
line source

# @summary
#   Installs `mod_authn_dbd`.
# @param authn_dbd_params
#   The params needed for the mod to function.
# @param authn_dbd_dbdriver
#   Selects an apr_dbd driver by name.
# @param authn_dbd_query
# @param authn_dbd_min
#   Set the minimum number of connections per process.
# @param authn_dbd_max
#   Set the maximum number of connections per process.
# @param authn_dbd_keep
#   Set the maximum number of connections per process to be sustained.
# @param authn_dbd_exptime
#   Set the time to keep idle connections alive when the number of 
#   connections specified in DBDKeep has been exceeded.
# @param authn_dbd_alias
#   Sets an alias for `AuthnProvider.
# @see for additional documentation.
class apache::mod::authn_dbd (
  $authn_dbd_dbdriver    = 'mysql',
  $authn_dbd_query       = undef,
  $authn_dbd_min         = '4',
  $authn_dbd_max         = '20',
  $authn_dbd_keep        = '8',
  $authn_dbd_exptime     = '300',
  $authn_dbd_alias       = undef,
) inherits ::apache::params {
  include ::apache
  include ::apache::mod::dbd
  ::apache::mod { 'authn_dbd': }

  if $authn_dbd_alias {
  include ::apache::mod::authn_core

  # Template uses
  # - All variables beginning with authn_dbd
  file { 'authn_dbd.conf':
    ensure  => file,
    path    => "${::apache::mod_dir}/authn_dbd.conf",
    mode    => $::apache::file_mode,
    content => template('apache/mod/authn_dbd.conf.erb'),
    require => [ Exec["mkdir ${::apache::mod_dir}"], ],
    before  => File[$::apache::mod_dir],
    notify  => Class['Apache::Service'],