view modules/mysql/manifests/server.pp @ 275:d9352a684e62

Mass update of modules to remove deprecation warnings
author IBBoard <>
date Sun, 26 Jan 2020 11:36:07 +0000
parents 48d3a1948e4d
children 668df4711671
line wrap: on
line source

# @summary
#   Installs and configures the MySQL server.
# @example Install MySQL Server
#   class { '::mysql::server':
#     package_name            => 'mysql-server',
#     package_ensure          => '5.7.1+mysql~trusty',
#     root_password           => 'strongpassword',
#     remove_default_accounts => true,
#   }
# @param config_file
#   The location, as a path, of the MySQL configuration file.
# @param includedir
#   The location, as a path, of !includedir for custom configuration overrides.
# @param install_options
#   Passes [install_options]( array to managed package resources. You must pass the appropriate options for the specified package manager
# @param install_secret_file
#   Path to secret file containing temporary root password.
# @param manage_config_file
#   Whether the MySQL configuration file should be managed. Valid values are `true`, `false`. Defaults to `true`.
# @param override_options
#   Specifies override options to pass into MySQL. Structured like a hash in the my.cnf file:  See  above for usage details.
# @param package_ensure
#   Whether the package exists or should be a specific version. Valid values are 'present', 'absent', or 'x.y.z'. Defaults to 'present'.
# @param package_manage
#   Whether to manage the MySQL server package. Defaults to `true`.
# @param package_name
#   The name of the MySQL server package to install.
# @param purge_conf_dir
#   Whether the `includedir` directory should be purged. Valid values are `true`, `false`. Defaults to `false`.
# @param remove_default_accounts
#   Specifies whether to automatically include `mysql::server::account_security`. Valid values are `true`, `false`. Defaults to `false`.
# @param restart
#   Whether the service should be restarted when things change. Valid values are `true`, `false`. Defaults to `false`.
# @param root_group
#   The name of the group used for root. Can be a group name or a group ID. See more about the [group](
# @param mysql_group
#   The name of the group of the MySQL daemon user. Can be a group name or a group ID. See more about the [group](
# @param root_password
#   The MySQL root password. Puppet attempts to set the root password and update `/root/.my.cnf` with it. This is required if `create_root_user` or `create_root_my_cnf` are true. If `root_password` is 'UNSET', then `create_root_user` and `create_root_my_cnf` are assumed to be false --- that is, the MySQL root user and `/root/.my.cnf` are not created. Password changes are supported; however, the old password must be set in `/root/.my.cnf`. Effectively, Puppet uses the old password, configured in `/root/my.cnf`, to set the new password in MySQL, and then updates `/root/.my.cnf` with the new password.
# @param service_enabled
#   Specifies whether the service should be enabled. Valid values are `true`, `false`. Defaults to `true`.
# @param service_manage
#   Specifies whether the service should be managed. Valid values are `true`, `false`. Defaults to `true`.
# @param service_name
#   The name of the MySQL server service. Defaults are OS dependent, defined in 'params.pp'.
# @param service_provider
#   The provider to use to manage the service. For Ubuntu, defaults to 'upstart'; otherwise, default is undefined.
# @param create_root_user
#   Whether root user should be created. Valid values are `true`, `false`. Defaults to `true`. This is useful for a cluster setup with Galera. The root user has to be created only once. You can set this parameter true on one node and set it to false on the remaining nodes.
# @param create_root_my_cnf
#   Whether to create `/root/.my.cnf`. Valid values are `true`, `false`. Defaults to `true`. `create_root_my_cnf` allows creation of `/root/.my.cnf` independently of `create_root_user`. You can use this for a cluster setup with Galera where you want `/root/.my.cnf` to exist on all nodes.
# @param users
#   Optional hash of users to create, which are passed to [mysql_user](#mysql_user). 
# @param grants
#   Optional hash of grants, which are passed to [mysql_grant](#mysql_grant). 
# @param databases
#   Optional hash of databases to create, which are passed to [mysql_database](#mysql_database). 
# @param enabled
#   _Deprecated_
# @param manage_service
#   _Deprecated_
# @param old_root_password
#   This parameter no longer does anything. It exists only for backwards compatibility. See the `root_password` parameter above for details on changing the root password.
class mysql::server (
  $config_file             = $mysql::params::config_file,
  $includedir              = $mysql::params::includedir,
  $install_options         = undef,
  $install_secret_file     = $mysql::params::install_secret_file,
  $manage_config_file      = $mysql::params::manage_config_file,
  $override_options        = {},
  $package_ensure          = $mysql::params::server_package_ensure,
  $package_manage          = $mysql::params::server_package_manage,
  $package_name            = $mysql::params::server_package_name,
  $purge_conf_dir          = $mysql::params::purge_conf_dir,
  $remove_default_accounts = false,
  $restart                 = $mysql::params::restart,
  $root_group              = $mysql::params::root_group,
  $mysql_group             = $mysql::params::mysql_group,
  $root_password           = $mysql::params::root_password,
  $service_enabled         = $mysql::params::server_service_enabled,
  $service_manage          = $mysql::params::server_service_manage,
  $service_name            = $mysql::params::server_service_name,
  $service_provider        = $mysql::params::server_service_provider,
  $create_root_user        = $mysql::params::create_root_user,
  $create_root_my_cnf      = $mysql::params::create_root_my_cnf,
  $create_root_login_file  = $mysql::params::create_root_login_file,
  $login_file              = $mysql::params::login_file,
  $users                   = {},
  $grants                  = {},
  $databases               = {},

  # Deprecated parameters
  $enabled                 = undef,
  $manage_service          = undef,
  $old_root_password       = undef
) inherits mysql::params {

  # Deprecated parameters.
  if $enabled {
    crit('This parameter has been renamed to service_enabled.')
    $real_service_enabled = $enabled
  } else {
    $real_service_enabled = $service_enabled
  if $manage_service {
    crit('This parameter has been renamed to service_manage.')
    $real_service_manage = $manage_service
  } else {
    $real_service_manage = $service_manage
  if $old_root_password {
    warning(translate('The `old_root_password` attribute is no longer used and will be removed in a future release.'))

  # Create a merged together set of options.  Rightmost hashes win over left.
  $options = mysql::normalise_and_deepmerge($mysql::params::default_options, $override_options)

  Class['mysql::server::root_password'] -> Mysql::Db <| |>

  include '::mysql::server::config'
  include '::mysql::server::install'
  include '::mysql::server::binarylog'
  include '::mysql::server::installdb'
  include '::mysql::server::service'
  include '::mysql::server::root_password'
  include '::mysql::server::providers'

  if $remove_default_accounts {
    class { '::mysql::server::account_security':
      require => Anchor['mysql::server::end'],

  anchor { 'mysql::server::start': }
  anchor { 'mysql::server::end': }

  if $restart {
    ~> Class['mysql::server::service']

  -> Class['mysql::server::config']
  -> Class['mysql::server::install']
  -> Class['mysql::server::binarylog']
  -> Class['mysql::server::installdb']
  -> Class['mysql::server::service']
  -> Class['mysql::server::root_password']
  -> Class['mysql::server::providers']
  -> Anchor['mysql::server::end']
