view modules/website/manifests/https.pp @ 400:f354100b688a

Switch to Ubuntu-standard PHP FPM socket dir Ubuntu puts /tmp and /run on tmpfs, which gets wiped each reboot. While these directories *can* be nuked, they aren't on other platforms. Using the old paths, Puppet had to recreate the directory each boot. Using the new paths, Ubuntu handles creation within the systemd config. CentOS should just create once, migrate and work.
author IBBoard <>
date Wed, 20 Apr 2022 19:11:39 +0100
parents 9431aec4d998
children b8d6ada284dd
line wrap: on
line source

# If the SSL cert and key are defined then the definer deals with them existing
# If the SSL cert and key are not defined then we use template file paths and ensure they exist
define website::https(
    $docroot            = undef,
    $ip                 = $website::primary_ip,
    $proxy_4to6_ip      = undef,
    $ssl_cert           = undef,
    $ssl_key            = undef,
    $ssl_ca_chain       = undef,
    $letsencrypt_name   = undef,
    $priority           = undef,
    $docroot_owner      = undef,
    $docroot_group      = undef,
    $serveraliases      = [],
    $ensure             = 'present',
    $custom_fragment    = '',
    Optional[String] $proxy_fragment  = $custom_fragment,
    $force_no_www       = true,
    $force_no_index     = true,
    $lockdown_requests  = true,
    $csp                = true,
    $csp_override       = undef,
    $csp_report         = true,
    $csp_report_override = undef,
  ) {

  if ! defined(Class['website']) {
    fail('You must include the website base class before using any website defined resources')

  $shortname = domain_to_short_name($name)
  $logpart = $shortname
  $shortdomain = domain_to_short_domain($name)
  if $force_no_www {
    $primary_name = $shortdomain
  } else {
    $primary_name = $name

  if $csp {
    $csp_string = hash_to_csp($website::csp_base, $csp_override)
  if $csp_report {
    $csp_report_string = hash_to_csp($website::csp_report_base, $csp_report_override)

  $custom_conf0 = template('website/https_core_conf.erb')

  if $force_no_index {
    $custom_conf1 = "$custom_conf0
Include conf.extra/no-index.conf"
  } else {
    $custom_conf1 = $custom_conf0

  if $lockdown_requests {
    $custom_conf2 = "$custom_conf1
Include conf.custom/filter-core.conf"
  } else {
    $custom_conf2 = $custom_conf1

  if $custom_fragment {
    $custom_conf = "$custom_conf2
#Additional custom fragment
  } else {
    $custom_conf = $custom_conf2

  if $docroot == undef {
    $siteroot = "${website::basedir}/${shortname}"
  } else {
    $siteroot = $docroot

# These conditionals use an ugly cludge from
# because if we don't then undef gets auto-cast to the empty string and the empty string matches our special "no CA chain" case
# It'd be nicer to use "=~ Undef" to check types (,
# but that threw syntax errors.
  if $ssl_cert != undef {
    $sslcert = $ssl_cert
    $sslkey = $ssl_key   
  } elsif $ssl_ca_chain == "" and ("" in [$ssl_ca_chain]) {
    $sslcert = "${website::certdir}/${shortdomain}.crt"
    $sslkey = "${website::certdir}/${shortdomain}.key"
    File {
      mode => '0400',
      owner => 'root',
      group => 'root',
    file { $sslcert:
      source => "puppet:///private/pki/custom/${shortdomain}.crt",
      before => Apache::Vhost[$name],
      notify => Service['httpd'],
      ensure => present;
    file { $sslkey:
      source => "puppet:///private/pki/custom/${shortdomain}.key",
      before => Apache::Vhost[$name],
      notify => Service['httpd'],
      ensure => present;
  } elsif $letsencrypt_name != undef {
    $sslcert = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/${letsencrypt_name}/cert.pem"
    $sslkey = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/${letsencrypt_name}/privkey.pem"
  } else {
    $sslcert = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/${::fqdn}/cert.pem"
    $sslkey = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/${::fqdn}/privkey.pem"

  if $ssl_ca_chain == '' and '' in [$ssl_ca_chain] {
    # Special case where we're directly under the CA and don't want to unnecessarily send the CA cert
    $ssl_chain = undef
  } elsif $ssl_ca_chain != undef {
    $ssl_chain = "/etc/pki/custom/$ssl_ca_chain"
    if ! defined(File[$ssl_chain]) {
      file { $ssl_chain:
        ensure => present,
        source => "puppet:///private/pki/custom/$ssl_ca_chain",
        notify  => Service['httpd'],
  } elsif $letsencrypt_name != undef {
    $ssl_chain = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/${letsencrypt_name}/chain.pem"
  } else {
    $ssl_chain = $website::ca_chain

  if $docroot_owner == undef {
    $owner = $website::docroot_owner
  } else {
    $owner = $docroot_owner

  if $docroot_group == undef {
    $group = $website::docroot_group
  } else {
    $group = $docroot_group

  apache::vhost { $name:
    ip              => $ip,
    port            => '443',
    priority        => $priority,
    docroot         => $siteroot,
    docroot_owner   => $owner,
    docroot_group   => $group,
    docroot_mode    => '2775',
    custom_fragment => $custom_conf,
    logroot         => '/var/log/apache/',
    access_log_file => "access_${logpart}.log",
    access_log_format => "%h %l %u %t \\\"%r\\\" %>s %b \\\"%{Referer}i\\\" \\\"%{User-agent}i\\\" %{Host}i",
    error_log_file  => "error_${logpart}.log",
    serveraliases   => $serveraliases,
    ssl             => true,
    ssl_cert        => $sslcert,
    ssl_key         => $sslkey,
    ssl_chain       => $ssl_chain,
    ensure          => $ensure,

  apache::vhost { "${name}-80":
    servername => $name,
    ip => $ip,
    port => 80,
    docroot => $siteroot,
    redirect_status => 'permanent',
    redirect_dest => "https://$name/",
    serveraliases   => $serveraliases,
    logroot         => '/var/log/apache/',
    access_log_file => "access_${logpart}_nossl.log",
    access_log_format => "%h %l %u %t \\\"%r\\\" %>s %b \\\"%{Referer}i\\\" \\\"%{User-agent}i\\\" %{Host}i",
    error_log_file  => "error_${logpart}_nossl.log",

  if ($proxy_4to6_ip != undef) {
    apache::vhost { "$name-PROXY":
      servername      => $name,
      ip              => $proxy_4to6_ip,
      port            => '443',
      priority        => $priority,
      docroot         => $siteroot,
      docroot_owner   => $owner,
      docroot_group   => $group,
      docroot_mode    => '2775',
      custom_fragment => "RemoteIPProxyProtocol On
      logroot         => '/var/log/apache/',
      access_log_file => "access_${logpart}.log",
      access_log_format => "%a %l %u %t \\\"%r\\\" %>s %b \\\"%{Referer}i\\\" \\\"%{User-agent}i\\\" %{Host}i",
      error_log_file  => "error_${logpart}.log",
      serveraliases   => $serveraliases,
      ssl             => true,
      ssl_cert        => $sslcert,
      ssl_key         => $sslkey,
      ssl_chain       => $ssl_chain,
      ensure          => $ensure,

    apache::vhost { "${name}-80-PROXY":
      servername => $name,
      ip => $proxy_4to6_ip,
      port => 80,
      docroot => $siteroot,
      redirect_status => 'permanent',
      redirect_dest => "https://$name/",
      serveraliases   => $serveraliases,
      custom_fragment => "RemoteIPProxyProtocol On",
      logroot         => '/var/log/apache/',
      access_log_file => "access_${logpart}_nossl.log",
      access_log_format => "%a %l %u %t \\\"%r\\\" %>s %b \\\"%{Referer}i\\\" \\\"%{User-agent}i\\\" %{Host}i",
      error_log_file  => "error_${logpart}_nossl.log",