view modules/apache/manifests/fastcgi/server.pp @ 482:d83de9b3a62b default tip

Update hiera.yaml within Puppet config Forgot that we manage it from here. Now has content to match new packages
author IBBoard <>
date Fri, 30 Aug 2024 16:10:36 +0100
parents adf6fe9bbc17
line wrap: on
line source

# @summary
#   Defines one or more external FastCGI servers to handle specific file types. Use this 
#   defined type with `mod_fastcgi`.
# @param host
#   Determines the FastCGI's hostname or IP address and TCP port number (1-65535).
# @param timeout
#   Sets the number of seconds a [FastCGI]( application can be inactive before aborting the 
#   request and logging the event at the error LogLevel. The inactivity timer applies only as 
#   long as a connection is pending with the FastCGI application. If a request is queued to an 
#   application, but the application doesn't respond by writing and flushing within this period, 
#   the request is aborted. If communication is complete with the application but incomplete with 
#   the client (the response is buffered), the timeout does not apply.
# @param flush
#   Forces `mod_fastcgi` to write to the client as data is received from the 
#   application. By default, `mod_fastcgi` buffers data in order to free the application 
#   as quickly as possible.
# @param faux_path
#   Apache has FastCGI handle URIs that resolve to this filename. The path set in this 
#   parameter does not have to exist in the local filesystem.
# @param fcgi_alias
#   Internally links actions with the FastCGI server. This alias must be unique.
# @param file_type
#   Sets the MIME `content-type` of the file to be processed by the FastCGI server.
# @param pass_header
#   Sets a header for the server
define apache::fastcgi::server (
  String $host                    = '',
  Integer $timeout                = 15,
  Boolean $flush                  = false,
  Stdlib::Absolutepath $faux_path = "/var/www/${name}.fcgi",
  Stdlib::Unixpath $fcgi_alias    = "/${name}.fcgi",
  String $file_type               = 'application/x-httpd-php',
  Optional[String] $pass_header   = undef,
) {
  include apache::mod::fastcgi

  Apache::Mod['fastcgi'] -> Apache::Fastcgi::Server[$title]

  if $host =~ Stdlib::Absolutepath {
    $socket = $host

  $parameters = {
    'timeout'     => $timeout,
    'flush'       => $flush,
    'socket'      => $socket,
    'host'        => $host,
    'pass_header' => $pass_header,
    'faux_path'   => $faux_path,
    'fcgi_alias'  => $fcgi_alias,
    'file_type'   => $file_type,

  file { "fastcgi-pool-${name}.conf":
    ensure  => file,
    path    => "${apache::confd_dir}/fastcgi-pool-${name}.conf",
    owner   => 'root',
    group   => $apache::params::root_group,
    mode    => $apache::file_mode,
    content => epp('apache/fastcgi/server.epp', $parameters),
    require => Exec["mkdir ${apache::confd_dir}"],
    before  => File[$apache::confd_dir],
    notify  => Class['apache::service'],