1 # loop() gives an infinite loop - let's not run that!
3 # While loops aren't too unfamiliar:
4 # while(condition, code)
5 # where calls can be put in a "block" with semicolons
6 i := 1
7 # Notice the lack of "++"
8 while(i <= 11, i println; i = i + 1); "This one goes up to 11" println
9 "Or we could have put the line here" println
11 # For loops are similarly simple:
12 # for(variable, min, max, code)
13 for(i, 1, 11, i println); "For this one also goes up to 11" println
15 # Oddly (but necessarily) the increment is in the middle of that as an optional parameter
16 increment := 2
17 for(i, 1, 11, increment, i println); "For this one goes to 11 in 2s" println
19 # This is bad in some cases, because Io accepts extra args without complaining
20 # BUT it'll fill in extra args first
21 # AND things have potentially unexpected return values (e.g. "11 println" returns 11)
22 # Although it's actually just returning *something* so that you can chain more methods
23 # and in many cases then "self" is the best return, e.g. "11 println println" prints twice
24 for (i, 1, 10, 2, i println, "extra arg gets ignored")
25 "Bad arg example" println
26 for (i, 1, 10, /* no increment arg, so command runs *and* becomes increment*/ i println, "extra arg becomes message")
27 # However, we apparently only see the last print! Seems odd and unexpected - unless we're taking it from the previous call?
28 for (j, 1, 10, /* no increment arg, so command runs *and* becomes increment*/ j println, "extra arg becomes message")
29 # Yep, this crashes out!