view nanorc.d/php.nanorc @ 124:c3320f06d412

Add a minimal global gitignore We could add more, but this is intended for things that only I need to ignore (such as build directories that other people might do differently) rather than stuff that everyone wants to do (like ignoring .pyc files or log files in the project)
author IBBoard <>
date Wed, 13 Mar 2019 19:19:50 +0000
parents 7f49998de821
line wrap: on
line source

## Here is an example for PHP.

syntax "php" "\.(php[23457s~]?|html?)$"
magic "PHP script"
comment "//"

# Types.
color cyan "\<(array|bool|callable|const|float|global|int|object|string|var)\>"

# Directives and structure.
color cyan "\<(abstract|as|class|clone|(end)?declare|extends|function|implements|include(_once)?|inst(ance|ead)of|interface|namespace|new|private|protected|public|require(_once)?|static|trait|use|yield)\>"
color cyan "\<(case|catch|default|do|echo|else(if)?|end(for(each)?|if|switch|while)|final(ly)?|for(each)?|if|print|switch|throw|try|while)\>"
# Operators - note, we require proper spacing to prevent false positives
color red "(^|[[:space:]])(&&|\|\||>=?|<=?|===?|!==?)([[:space:]]|$)"
color red "!"

color magenta "\$this"

# Control flow.
color magenta "\<(break|continue|goto|return)\>"

# General HTML
color brightblue start="<[a-zA-Z/]" end=">"
color red "&[^;[[:space:]]]*;"
color green start="<!--" end="-->"
color white start="<!DOCTYPE" end=">"
# xhtml
color white start="<\?xml" end="\?>"

# Strings.
color yellow ""((\\")?(\.|[^"])*[^\\])?"" "'((\\')?(\.|[^'])*[^\\])?'"

# Comments.
color green "(^|[[:space:]]+)//.*"
color green start="/\*" end="\*/"

# PHP tags
color brightblue "<\?(php|=)|\?>"

# Trailing whitespace.
color ,green "[[:space:]]+$"