view api/Objects/UnitEquipmentNumericSelection.cs @ 183:36adabb1c3ea

Re #198: Add slots with counts to units * Remove old Min/MaxNumber/Percentage for equipment and replace with limits * Refactor equipment selections and remove "numeric for ratio" as the limits handle the upper/lower limit differences * Stop equipment selections taking an amount of 0 for out of range amounts * Add "IsValid" property for selections * Removed use of "-1" as an 'infinity' limit - now use 100% as a more correct value * Change "unlimitedSize" limit in schema to "unitSizeLimit"
author IBBoard <>
date Mon, 26 Oct 2009 20:55:04 +0000
parents 2f3cafb69799
children dce340f9cedc
line wrap: on
line source

// This file (UnitEquipmentNumericSelection.cs) is a part of the IBBoard.WarFoundry.API project and is copyright 2009 IBBoard
// The file and the library/program it is in are licensed and distributed, without warranty, under the GNU Affero GPL license, either version 3 of the License or (at your option) any later version. Please see COPYING for more information and the full license.

using System;

namespace IBBoard.WarFoundry.API.Objects
	/// <summary>
	/// An object to hold the selection of a unit's equipment where the selection was made as an absolute number
	/// </summary>
	public class UnitEquipmentNumericSelection : AbstractUnitEquipmentItemSelection
		public UnitEquipmentNumericSelection(Unit unit, UnitEquipmentItem item, double amount) : base(unit, item, amount)
		public UnitEquipmentNumericSelection(Unit unit, UnitEquipmentItem item) : base(unit, item, item.MinLimit.GetLimit(unit.Size))
		public override int NumberTaken
				return (int) AmountTaken;
		protected bool IsWholeNumber(double newValue)
			return newValue == Math.Round(newValue);
		protected override bool IsValidValue (double newValue)
			return base.IsValidValue(newValue) && IsWholeNumber(newValue);

		public override string GetEquipmentAmountString ()
			return GetEquipmentAmountString(AmountTaken);

		/// <summary>
		/// Gets a string representing the amount of equipment taken when the amount is a numeric selection
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="amount">
		/// A <see cref="System.Double"/>
		/// </param>
		/// <returns>
		/// A <see cref="System.String"/>
		/// </returns>
		public static string GetEquipmentAmountString(double amount)
			return amount.ToString();