Custom Query (27 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#73 Display stats of equipment with stat lines confirmed task major WarFoundry WinForms 0.2
#107 Add tag searching UI confirmed enhancement major WarFoundry WinForms 0.2
#151 Add grouping of equipment to UI confirmed enhancement major WarFoundry WinForms 0.2
#173 Add WinForms UI for showing debugging messages confirmed enhancement major WarFoundry WinForms 0.2
#197 Add "remove other mutexed items?" prompt confirmed enhancement major WarFoundry WinForms 0.2
#203 Translate WarFoundry WinForms UI in to as many languages as possible confirmed task major
#214 Add UI for selecting additional abilities confirmed enhancement major WarFoundry WinForms 0.2
#267 Equipment strings aren't correctly pluralised confirmed enhancement major
#286 Equipment buttons should be disabled when options aren't available confirmed enhancement major WarFoundry WinForms 0.2
#343 Show unit requirement failures confirmed enhancement major WarFoundry WinForms 0.2
#354 Add new single-button "add unit" UI accepted ibboard enhancement major WarFoundry WinForms 0.2
#408 Use "points are part of parent" in WinForms UI confirmed enhancement major WarFoundry WinForms 0.2
#412 Add/improve validation window confirmed enhancement major
#25 Add interface to specify general confirmed enhancement minor
#162 Name updates should be "on the fly" confirmed enhancement minor WarFoundry WinForms 0.2
#189 Per-model point cost should be visible confirmed enhancement minor WarFoundry WinForms 0.2
#249 show points when adding unit needinfo_new terry enhancement minor WarFoundry WinForms 0.2
#255 Armytree navigation confirmed enhancement minor
#292 Investigate alternative FrmUnit designs accepted enhancement minor
#313 Crash caused by requirement conflicts in datafile confirmed defect minor
#363 Enhance XML Export UI in WinForms confirmed Dan Kulinski enhancement minor
#377 Add direct printing option (WinForms) confirmed enhancement minor
#386 Add "duplicate unit" buttons confirmed enhancement minor WarFoundry WinForms 0.2
#390 Examine and fix Windows not handling multiplication character in Linux builds confirmed defect minor WarFoundry WinForms 0.2
#282 Make sure that "select all" works in all text boxes accepted enhancement trivial
#357 Add option to not show unit window when unit is added confirmed enhancement trivial WarFoundry WinForms 0.2
#375 Replace "Basic HTML Export" with Clutch's version (WinForms) confirmed enhancement trivial WarFoundry WinForms 0.2
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.