Version 1 (modified by ibboard, 11 years ago) (diff)


Rollcall plugin for WarFoundry

As detailed in the File Formats section, WarFoundry has its own file format for army data that supports multiple game systems and quite a lot of extensibility. Through the use of a plugin architecture WarFoundry also supports files from other army builders, as long as they can be mapped to the WarFoundry structure of Game Systems, Races, and Unit Types with Equipment and Abilities.

The first plugin to load other file formats is the Rollcall plugin, which will take advantage of the pre-existing Rollcall files.

Using the plugin

Currently, the plugin is a separate project in source control that is hard-coded in to the WarFoundry GTK application. Eventually it will be separated out as a real plugin that can be enabled/disabled. For now it has to be hard-coded as a dependency of a UI project and registered in code:

factory = WarFoundryFactoryFactory.GetFactoryFactory().GetFactory(typeof(RollcallFactory));

if (factory!=null && factory is RollcallFactory)

Loading files with the plugin

WarFoundry does not work by getting the user to load files directly. Instead, WarFoundry reads one or more directories for files that it can load, loads them and then lists them. When additional file loader plugins are loaded then files of these formats will also show up in the file list.

To create an army based on a Rollcall file, all of your ADF files need to be in the "data" folder in the WarFoundry application folder (this will be customisable in future versions). Once an ADF file is found this will trigger the "Rollcall Game System", as well as the loading of the file.

Once the "Rollcall Game System" is loaded, you can switch game system to use it (so that WarFoundry knows which Game System to show races from). When you create a new army you will now be presented with a list of all of the races that were found in Rollcall ADF files. Once created, the army should behave in exactly the same way as any native WarFoundry file.