diff UIControl/AbstractBaseEquipmentUIControl.cs @ 66:100626381159

Re #60: Add UI to add/remove/edit weapons in GTK * Rip apart UI controls and put all the common code in a base class * Add additional interfaces for common UI behaviour between equipment widgets Not tested, but should provide a base for Replace widget
author IBBoard <dev@ibboard.co.uk>
date Sat, 04 Sep 2010 20:11:05 +0000
children 3b4a646b4054
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/UIControl/AbstractBaseEquipmentUIControl.cs	Sat Sep 04 20:11:05 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+//  This file (AbstractBaseEquipmentUIControl.cs) is a part of the IBBoard.WarFoundry.GUI.GTK project and is copyright 2010 IBBoard
+//  The file and the library/program it is in are licensed and distributed, without warranty, under the GNU Affero GPL license, either version 3 of the License or (at your option) any later version. Please see COPYING for more information and the full license.
+using System;
+using IBBoard.Commands;
+using IBBoard.WarFoundry.API.Objects;
+using IBBoard.WarFoundry.GUI.GTK.UIControl.Interfaces;
+using IBBoard.Lang;
+using IBBoard.WarFoundry.API.Util;
+namespace IBBoard.WarFoundry.GUI.GTK.UIControl
+	public abstract class AbstractBaseEquipmentUIControl<UI_TYPE> where UI_TYPE : IBaseEquipmentUI
+	{
+		protected CommandStack commandStack;
+		protected Unit unit;
+		protected UI_TYPE ui;
+		protected UnitEquipmentItem equipItem;
+		protected double minPercentage, maxPercentage;
+		protected int minNumber, maxNumber;
+		protected bool isRatioAmount;
+		protected double equipmentAmount;
+		public AbstractBaseEquipmentUIControl(Unit unit, CommandStack commandStack)
+		{
+			this.unit = unit;
+			this.commandStack = commandStack;
+			SetupUI();
+		}
+		private void SetupUI()
+		{
+			ui = CreateEquipmentUI();
+			ui.SetUnitEquipmentLimitsEnabled(false);
+			ui.SetOkayEnabledState(false);
+			ui.UnitEquipmentAmountChanged += SetUnitEquipmentValues;
+			ui.UnitEquipmentAmountTypeChanged += SetUnitEquipmentValues;
+			CompleteUISetup();
+		}
+		/// <summary>
+		/// Creates the UI component that will be displayed to the user and returns it
+		/// </summary>
+		/// <returns>
+		/// the UI component to display to the user
+		/// </returns>
+		protected abstract UI_TYPE CreateEquipmentUI();
+		/// <summary>
+		/// Completes any additional user interface setup.
+		/// </summary>
+		protected virtual void CompleteUISetup()
+		{
+			//Do nothing
+		}
+		protected void HandleUnitEquipmentAmountChanged()
+		{
+			SetUnitEquipmentValues();
+		}
+		/// <summary>
+		/// Sets the unit equipment values on the UI
+		/// </summary>
+		protected void SetUnitEquipmentValues()
+		{
+			ui.SetOkayEnabledState(HasNonZeroEquipmentAmount());
+			isRatioAmount = ui.IsRatioEquipmentAmount;
+			if (isRatioAmount)
+			{
+				equipmentAmount = ui.EquipmentPercentageAmount;
+				SetEquipmentAmountsFromPercentage(equipmentAmount);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				int equipmentIntAmount = ui.EquipmentNumericAmount;
+				equipmentAmount = equipmentIntAmount;
+				SetEquipmentAmountsFromNumber(equipmentIntAmount);
+			}
+		}
+		private void SetEquipmentAmountsFromPercentage(double equipAmount)
+		{
+			if (equipAmount > maxPercentage)
+			{
+				string percentageTooLarge = Translation.GetTranslation("equipPercentageTooLarge", "the current percentage ({0}%) was larger than the maximum for the equipment item ({1}%) - the maximum value will be used instead", equipAmount, maxPercentage);
+				string percentageTooLargeTitle = Translation.GetTranslation("equipPercentageTooLargeTitle", "equipment percentage too large");
+				//				MessageBox.Show(ParentForm, percentageTooLarge, percentageTooLargeTitle);
+				equipAmount = maxPercentage;
+			}
+			else if (equipAmount < minPercentage)
+			{
+				string percentageTooSmall = Translation.GetTranslation("equipPercentageTooSmall", "the current percentage ({0}%) was smaller than the minimum for the equipment item ({1}%) - the minimum value will be used instead", equipAmount, minPercentage);
+				string percentageTooSmallTitle = Translation.GetTranslation("equipPercentageTooSmallTitle", "equipment percentage too small");
+				//				MessageBox.Show(ParentForm, percentageTooSmall, percentageTooSmallTitle);
+				equipAmount = minPercentage;
+			}
+			ui.EquipmentNumericAmount = CalculateNumericValueFromPercentage(equipAmount);
+			ui.EquipmentPercentageAmount = equipAmount;
+		}
+		private int CalculateNumericValueFromPercentage(double percent)
+		{
+			int calcedAmount = (int)CustomMath.IBBMath.Round((unit.Size * (percent / 100.0)), equipItem.RoundNumberUp);
+			return Math.Min(Math.Max(calcedAmount, minNumber), maxNumber);
+		}
+		private void SetEquipmentAmountsFromNumber(int equipAmount)
+		{
+			if (equipAmount > maxNumber)
+			{
+				string amountTooLarge = Translation.GetTranslation("equipNumberTooLarge", "the current amount ({0}) was larger than the maximum for the equipment item ({1}) - the maximum value will be used instead", equipAmount, maxNumber);
+				string amountTooLargeTitle = Translation.GetTranslation("equipNumberTooLargeTitle", "equipment amount too large");
+				//MessageBox.Show(ParentForm, amountTooLarge, amountTooLargeTitle);
+				equipAmount = maxNumber;
+			}
+			else if (equipAmount < minNumber)
+			{
+				string amountTooSmall = Translation.GetTranslation("equipNumberTooSmall", "the current amount ({0}) was smaller than the minimum for the equipment item ({1}) - the minimum value will be used instead", equipAmount, minNumber);
+				string amountTooSmallTitle = Translation.GetTranslation("equipNumberTooSmallTitle", "equipment amount too small");
+				//MessageBox.Show(ParentForm, amountTooSmall, amountTooSmallTitle);
+				equipAmount = minNumber;
+			}
+			ui.EquipmentPercentageAmount = CalcualtePercentageValueFromNumber(equipAmount);
+			ui.EquipmentNumericAmount = equipAmount;
+		}
+		private double CalcualtePercentageValueFromNumber(int number)
+		{
+			double calcedAmount = RoundPercentage(CustomMath.IBBMath.Percentage(number, unit.Size));
+			return Math.Min(Math.Max(calcedAmount, minPercentage), maxPercentage);
+		}
+		protected void SetEquipmentAmountControlEnabledStates()
+		{
+			ui.SetNumericAmountEnabledState(!isRatioAmount);
+			ui.SetPercentageAmountEnabledState(true);
+		}
+		protected double GetMaxPercentageLimit(UnitEquipmentItem equip)
+		{
+			double maxPercent = RoundPercentage(UnitEquipmentUtil.GetMaxEquipmentPercentage(unit, equip));
+			return Math.Max(0, maxPercent);
+		}
+		protected double GetMinPercentageLimit(UnitEquipmentItem equip)
+		{
+			double minPercent = RoundPercentage(UnitEquipmentUtil.GetMinEquipmentPercentage(unit, equip));
+			return Math.Max(0, minPercent);
+		}
+		protected int GetMaxNumericLimit(UnitEquipmentItem equip)
+		{
+			int maxNumber = UnitEquipmentUtil.GetMaxEquipmentCount(unit, equip);
+			return Math.Max(0, maxNumber);
+		}
+		protected int GetMinNumericLimit(UnitEquipmentItem equip)
+		{
+			int minNumber = UnitEquipmentUtil.GetMinEquipmentCount(unit, equip);
+			return Math.Max(0, minNumber);
+		}
+		protected bool HasNonZeroEquipmentAmount()
+		{
+			bool nonZero;
+			if (isRatioAmount)
+			{
+				nonZero = (ui.EquipmentPercentageAmount > 0);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				nonZero = (ui.EquipmentNumericAmount > 0);
+			}
+			return nonZero;
+		}
+		private double RoundPercentage(double percent)
+		{
+			return Math.Round(percent, 1);
+		}
+		public void Show()
+		{			
+			bool okayed = ui.ShowControl();
+			if (okayed)
+			{
+				DoProcessing();
+			}
+			ui.Dispose();
+		}	
+		/// <summary>
+		/// Does the processing required for the control when the "OK" button was clicked
+		/// </summary>
+		protected abstract void DoProcessing();
+	}